Since Dad had to leave early for work on Wednesday morning, I didn't attend the temple. Dad attended his regular Wednesday night session, which was full of brothers and sisters from Deer Valley Stake, that is going to split this Sunday. He enjoyed the session.
Cub Scouts lately has been going at a fever pitch. When we were called, the other leaders had done more elective than required adventures, so we had to speed through things, since people were gone in the summertime. We did finish the last adventure for two boys with a mini campfire program that they put together themselves. We planned one week, rehearsed it twice, and then performed for the parents that could come.
They did awesome! And Hudson and Sawyer have their Wolf Badge (after their Cyber Chip is completed). Hudson turns 9 on Monday! Phew. Now we can just slow down a bit. We had a good scout committee meeting on Sunday as well.
Since our bishop was called to the new stake presidency, and since the First Presidency has to approve all bishop callings, taking three weeks or so, Dad had to replace his damaged temple recommend, and it was signed by both Brett Edwards, bishop, and Brett Edwards, counselor in the stake presidency. Quite a unique recommend with two of the same signatures on it!
I read talks from General Conference throughout the week. I printed the talks by Robert D. Hales, D. Todd Christofferson, and David A. Bednar. I am almost finished reading General Conference talks. Just a few more to go in the last session.
I got my letters written to both my prison sister and my letter visiting teaching person. Dad went home teaching to one family on Sunday night.
I am in Alma 6 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 34395 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
This was a good week for the Wilkins. The kids' school is starting to work for their Christmas musical, "The One and Only Santa Claus!" She and Adam both got parts: Grace as Mary Christmas and Adam will play Yule Tide. They all enjoyed volleyball on Saturday too. Allison shared this on Facebook:
"Josh doesn't usually eat breakfast, comes home with almost all of his lunch still remaining and picks at his dinner. He is constantly on the move and his soccer ball is never more than a few feet from him. Today, he was looking a little off, so I insisted he stay home from school. ALL he has done today is eat. We're talking 2 pieces of toast, an apple, an orange, 3 cheese quesadillas, a taco, trail mix, a hard-boiled egg, a yogurt, a small bag of Doritos and 2 cups of apple juice... all before 1:00. I told him that he's like a bear hibernating for winter... he said that Thursdays are his "eating day." He's looking MUCH better now."
The Ethan Rice Family
Here are some pics from their Disneyworld Adventure last week:
Cameo had a doctors appointment on Monday. Here is a picture from a week ago...

The Doran Rice Family
The week started with this interesting and thought provoking comment from Doran:
"'What did your learn?'
I was asked this question this weekend, by a person I greatly respect, and I have not seen in 10 years.
If we go through trials, most we cause by our own choices. Do we learn from that, or do we fall back into the same trial. After a trial should we take time to find out what we needed to learn from it.
No word from Morgan and Christy this week. He must be very busy at Fear Farm!
Kayty worked quite a bit of overtime again this week. She kept us up way to late on Tuesday, sharing the movie San Andreas with us. I think I woke up twice thinking there was an earthquake happening! She worked quite a bit of overtime this week, and had a date with a new guy she met on one of those internet sites. Not Tinder is all I know. In one of my nighttime checks, she said she had such and great time and laughed and laughed.She even ate sushi! A Las Vegas Roll with eel sauce.

Her ward received new boundaries and she is back in the Deer Valley singles ward. She is not sad to see the medical students go, but is not so sure about going back to the odd folks in that ward either.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan keeps putting in applications at various suppliers of dads for a future internship.He was able to teach class on Tuesday and is busy working on the design and machining of a fan blade. Annalee can now do a new trick: When mommy or daddy say, "Where's your tummy?" she lifts up her shirt and points at her tummy! She is proving to be just as stubborn as her daddy is and will no longer walk for yogurt! I so enjoyed seeing her via Facetime on Satruday and Sunday. She is such a cutie and loves looking at her books.
Dad had a Monday full of meetings, plus a quick supplier visit in between. The supplier would not let Dad in at first without his passport. What? His passport? Finally someone came down and let him see the parts they are making for Honeywell...that belong to Honeywell. Dad said that the good suppliers never have a problem letting Honeywell engineers in to see whatever they want. Only the crummy ones won't cooperate and are distrustful. Tuesday he had meetings and attended a meeting at his old Engines site. They have sold buildings to other companies, and he sat in this meeting, noting that REAL savings, the cause of the meeting, was not even being discussed. Wednesday, he had a Kaizen event in Tempe.Thursday was full of paperwork, and meetings, and he found out there is a rumor (which are always true) that next year, on top of four weeks of furlough (essentially losing one month of pay), paying our entire dental insurance premium, he will also be required to take a 10 percent pay cut. That will have long term effects on his retirement and be a loss we will never recover, so he is starting to look for another job. I found Aerotek, an employment service for people with his knowledge and skills.
My work including hard boiling some of the 9 dozen eggs we have from the hens, harvesting key limes, bandaging wounds from harvesting key limes, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, cooking,
losing a pint of blood as I trimmed up the underside of the key lime tree, scrubbing tubs and toilets, truing a new recipe on Tuesday (ok, but not rave reviews),cleaning up, picking up, putting away, taking care of the pine tree outside, paying bills, working on spreadsheets, planning cub scouts, and sitting through at least two Microsoft Office Excel classes each day.
Dad's Garden
Dad put in the pipes he purchased when he sold the shelf speakers. The pipes will better support the snow peas when they grow taller.He got the watering system finally repaired and put some seed down in the yard to cover areas under the Carob Tree.
He also squeezed a ton of keylime juice.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Other highlights
I made lasagna soup for dinner on Monday...to celebrate Columbus Day! Thursday, I put M&M's in Kayty's pancakes for National M&M day.
Five wonderful jogs in the morning, including one with nearly a full moon, and one with a full moon. Awesome!
Not so highlights
I tripped in the dark at the beginning of my run on Wednesday morning. I thought nothing was broken, so I continued on, and then cleaned up the scrapes on my hands, elbow and knee when I got home. I had ice on my knee many times during the day and night, and could walk Thursday, but felt like I had been beaten by a baseball bat on my upper torso. .But I was blessed to jog Friday and Saturday, with only a bit of pain, and my scrapes are healing nicely.
Since Dad had to leave early for work on Wednesday morning, I didn't attend the temple. Dad attended his regular Wednesday night session, which was full of brothers and sisters from Deer Valley Stake, that is going to split this Sunday. He enjoyed the session.
Cub Scouts lately has been going at a fever pitch. When we were called, the other leaders had done more elective than required adventures, so we had to speed through things, since people were gone in the summertime. We did finish the last adventure for two boys with a mini campfire program that they put together themselves. We planned one week, rehearsed it twice, and then performed for the parents that could come.
They did awesome! And Hudson and Sawyer have their Wolf Badge (after their Cyber Chip is completed). Hudson turns 9 on Monday! Phew. Now we can just slow down a bit. We had a good scout committee meeting on Sunday as well.
Since our bishop was called to the new stake presidency, and since the First Presidency has to approve all bishop callings, taking three weeks or so, Dad had to replace his damaged temple recommend, and it was signed by both Brett Edwards, bishop, and Brett Edwards, counselor in the stake presidency. Quite a unique recommend with two of the same signatures on it!
I read talks from General Conference throughout the week. I printed the talks by Robert D. Hales, D. Todd Christofferson, and David A. Bednar. I am almost finished reading General Conference talks. Just a few more to go in the last session.
I got my letters written to both my prison sister and my letter visiting teaching person. Dad went home teaching to one family on Sunday night.
I am in Alma 6 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 34395 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
This was a good week for the Wilkins. The kids' school is starting to work for their Christmas musical, "The One and Only Santa Claus!" She and Adam both got parts: Grace as Mary Christmas and Adam will play Yule Tide. They all enjoyed volleyball on Saturday too. Allison shared this on Facebook:
"Josh doesn't usually eat breakfast, comes home with almost all of his lunch still remaining and picks at his dinner. He is constantly on the move and his soccer ball is never more than a few feet from him. Today, he was looking a little off, so I insisted he stay home from school. ALL he has done today is eat. We're talking 2 pieces of toast, an apple, an orange, 3 cheese quesadillas, a taco, trail mix, a hard-boiled egg, a yogurt, a small bag of Doritos and 2 cups of apple juice... all before 1:00. I told him that he's like a bear hibernating for winter... he said that Thursdays are his "eating day." He's looking MUCH better now."
The Ethan Rice Family
Here are some pics from their Disneyworld Adventure last week:
Cameo had a doctors appointment on Monday. Here is a picture from a week ago...

The Doran Rice Family
The week started with this interesting and thought provoking comment from Doran:
"'What did your learn?'
I was asked this question this weekend, by a person I greatly respect, and I have not seen in 10 years.
If we go through trials, most we cause by our own choices. Do we learn from that, or do we fall back into the same trial. After a trial should we take time to find out what we needed to learn from it.
This is something I will be thinking about for a while."
He was blessed with a miracle last week. An apostle selected those two seventies to attend our stake conference. No random choice. And not their assignment, since two other seventies came this week to split the stake next to us.
Happy Anniversary to Doran and Amber on Tuesday! 10-11-12 was a very special day for our family!!!
MorganHe was blessed with a miracle last week. An apostle selected those two seventies to attend our stake conference. No random choice. And not their assignment, since two other seventies came this week to split the stake next to us.
Happy Anniversary to Doran and Amber on Tuesday! 10-11-12 was a very special day for our family!!!
No word from Morgan and Christy this week. He must be very busy at Fear Farm!
Kayty worked quite a bit of overtime again this week. She kept us up way to late on Tuesday, sharing the movie San Andreas with us. I think I woke up twice thinking there was an earthquake happening! She worked quite a bit of overtime this week, and had a date with a new guy she met on one of those internet sites. Not Tinder is all I know. In one of my nighttime checks, she said she had such and great time and laughed and laughed.She even ate sushi! A Las Vegas Roll with eel sauce.

Her ward received new boundaries and she is back in the Deer Valley singles ward. She is not sad to see the medical students go, but is not so sure about going back to the odd folks in that ward either.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan keeps putting in applications at various suppliers of dads for a future internship.He was able to teach class on Tuesday and is busy working on the design and machining of a fan blade. Annalee can now do a new trick: When mommy or daddy say, "Where's your tummy?" she lifts up her shirt and points at her tummy! She is proving to be just as stubborn as her daddy is and will no longer walk for yogurt! I so enjoyed seeing her via Facetime on Satruday and Sunday. She is such a cutie and loves looking at her books.
Dad had a Monday full of meetings, plus a quick supplier visit in between. The supplier would not let Dad in at first without his passport. What? His passport? Finally someone came down and let him see the parts they are making for Honeywell...that belong to Honeywell. Dad said that the good suppliers never have a problem letting Honeywell engineers in to see whatever they want. Only the crummy ones won't cooperate and are distrustful. Tuesday he had meetings and attended a meeting at his old Engines site. They have sold buildings to other companies, and he sat in this meeting, noting that REAL savings, the cause of the meeting, was not even being discussed. Wednesday, he had a Kaizen event in Tempe.Thursday was full of paperwork, and meetings, and he found out there is a rumor (which are always true) that next year, on top of four weeks of furlough (essentially losing one month of pay), paying our entire dental insurance premium, he will also be required to take a 10 percent pay cut. That will have long term effects on his retirement and be a loss we will never recover, so he is starting to look for another job. I found Aerotek, an employment service for people with his knowledge and skills.
My work including hard boiling some of the 9 dozen eggs we have from the hens, harvesting key limes, bandaging wounds from harvesting key limes, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, laundry, cooking,
losing a pint of blood as I trimmed up the underside of the key lime tree, scrubbing tubs and toilets, truing a new recipe on Tuesday (ok, but not rave reviews),cleaning up, picking up, putting away, taking care of the pine tree outside, paying bills, working on spreadsheets, planning cub scouts, and sitting through at least two Microsoft Office Excel classes each day.
Dad's Garden
Dad put in the pipes he purchased when he sold the shelf speakers. The pipes will better support the snow peas when they grow taller.He got the watering system finally repaired and put some seed down in the yard to cover areas under the Carob Tree.
He also squeezed a ton of keylime juice.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Other highlights
I made lasagna soup for dinner on Monday...to celebrate Columbus Day! Thursday, I put M&M's in Kayty's pancakes for National M&M day.
Not so highlights
I tripped in the dark at the beginning of my run on Wednesday morning. I thought nothing was broken, so I continued on, and then cleaned up the scrapes on my hands, elbow and knee when I got home. I had ice on my knee many times during the day and night, and could walk Thursday, but felt like I had been beaten by a baseball bat on my upper torso. .But I was blessed to jog Friday and Saturday, with only a bit of pain, and my scrapes are healing nicely.
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