Dad attended his regular temple session on Wednesday evening.
Cub Scouts went well. Boys loved making and flying paper airplanes and Dee made me a super fancy airplane shooter. I had to spend quite a bit of time updating...and changing the calendar.I also did my preparations for our next meeting on Wednesday. We are creating boats.
I was blessed to talk to one visiting teaching sister at the hospital. Her husband's progress is slow, and his second surgery was postponed over and over. We are still praying for fluid to clear from his lungs and surgery on leg and then spine to happen. My visiting teachers came on Monday. I did get to go with my companion and complete our other visits. Dad home taught on Sunday evening and finished home teaching for the month.
I am in Mosiah 21 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I have indexed 5389 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a wonderful week. There were lots of practices and games, and Mike and Allison are both busy working. The kids were super heroes and surprised Mom when she was absolutely exhausted. Allison shared:
"After Grace's eye doctor appointment, Adam's basketball practice and shopping with all 4 kiddos at Sam's Club this morning (on only a couple of hours of sleep the past few nights), I told the kids to put the refrigerated stuff away, throw the rest on the table and to watch Sam, because I needed a nap. Woke up to a clean kitchen, an organized refrigerator, meat that had been weighed and packaged in the freezer and a shelf that looks like it belongs in a grocery store. Sometimes I think my little heathens just might turn out okay after all.
;) Love them!"

They made it through a week that included many appointments with flying colors! Grace also got a rebound in her basketball game on Saturday and was very brave when Mom changed her new earrings. There was bleeding, but all survived!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo had a great week beginning with her dad still there helping. She took him to the airport on Tuesday afternoon and then did her best to feed an infant, take Kaylee to and from preschool, cook, clean, launder and work six hours each day. The family went out for a Chinese dinner Friday evening, and Dad got to chat with Ethan on the phone, a rare treasure. Ethan is working many long hours, and hopefully in the next couple of weeks, he won't have to work the night shift too. Saturday, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade packed their things, and Ethan sadly loaded his sweet family for a trip to Phoenix. Hopefully, this will help Cameo until Ethan can get down to working one shift, and he won't have to worry about everyone. Cameo made it through the airport (Ethan could at least help her to get to the right terminal. I barely got to the right place alone!) and made it safely here.

We enjoyed having them at church with us on Sunday, and I had a good time in Kaylee's primary class.

Dad held Wade for the first time at church and Wade smiled and chatted with him. He wasn't so thrilled with Grammy though.
He liked Aunt Kayty's pink hair!
The Doran Rice Family
Doran had a good last week at his job. Amber fought a nasty cold all week while having to work many hours. We delivered some snow peas to them on Saturday. Kooper was very busy with his trucks and Amber and Kelsie had just returned from a pet adoption event.
Morgan is working many many overtime hours.
Kayty had an ok week. Good Monday off. Work days were not so good, since the implications of permanent employment were misleading, so she is busy searching for a new job while waiting for the axe to fall at the old one. She has health insurance until March 1st. Lots of prayers for her now. She enjoyed her dinner group on Sunday evening.
Total saves for the week: 2 minor ones
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan is busy studying for school. He didn't get the math score he wanted, so he studies harder and harder. Tests in that class take five or more hours and total grade is from those test scores. He got the ingredients and made some awesome Gumbo on Wednesday/Thursday.
Dad's work days go twelve hours or more and include many meetings, lots of drawing changes, and visits to suppliers as need arises. He prepared for his upcoming trip to Mexico and scheduled a trip to Utah in early March.
My week was full of laundry, cooking, cleaning, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, hauling boxes from the attic out to our trash pile, shoveling and raking chicken compost for dad's gardens, organizing, painting, preparing for scouts, and snooping in other trash piles as I jog. I ended up jogging home with an empty five gallon bucket...not an easy task! and finding some nice window screen frames that dad can make a screen for our bedroom window and his office window. We need a way to have windows open and Lilly Rae not escaping.
Dad's Garden
Peas are flourishing! We picked 5 pounds 6 ounces of snow peas on Friday. Spinach is going to seed. Tomatoes are taking off now, and we had nearly 2 inches of rain on Saturday and Sunday.
Other highlights
Wade Wallin came to see the progress so far on the master bathroom and advise us on the next steps.Termites need to be treated and then framing begins on the wall of the shower stall.
Not so highlights
Kicked a dowel on the back porch when I foolishly didn't have shoes on...probable broken toe, though I could wear my church shoes on Sunday.
Dad attended his regular temple session on Wednesday evening.
Cub Scouts went well. Boys loved making and flying paper airplanes and Dee made me a super fancy airplane shooter. I had to spend quite a bit of time updating...and changing the calendar.I also did my preparations for our next meeting on Wednesday. We are creating boats.
I was blessed to talk to one visiting teaching sister at the hospital. Her husband's progress is slow, and his second surgery was postponed over and over. We are still praying for fluid to clear from his lungs and surgery on leg and then spine to happen. My visiting teachers came on Monday. I did get to go with my companion and complete our other visits. Dad home taught on Sunday evening and finished home teaching for the month.
I am in Mosiah 21 in my Book of Mormon reading.
I have indexed 5389 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a wonderful week. There were lots of practices and games, and Mike and Allison are both busy working. The kids were super heroes and surprised Mom when she was absolutely exhausted. Allison shared:
"After Grace's eye doctor appointment, Adam's basketball practice and shopping with all 4 kiddos at Sam's Club this morning (on only a couple of hours of sleep the past few nights), I told the kids to put the refrigerated stuff away, throw the rest on the table and to watch Sam, because I needed a nap. Woke up to a clean kitchen, an organized refrigerator, meat that had been weighed and packaged in the freezer and a shelf that looks like it belongs in a grocery store. Sometimes I think my little heathens just might turn out okay after all.

They made it through a week that included many appointments with flying colors! Grace also got a rebound in her basketball game on Saturday and was very brave when Mom changed her new earrings. There was bleeding, but all survived!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo had a great week beginning with her dad still there helping. She took him to the airport on Tuesday afternoon and then did her best to feed an infant, take Kaylee to and from preschool, cook, clean, launder and work six hours each day. The family went out for a Chinese dinner Friday evening, and Dad got to chat with Ethan on the phone, a rare treasure. Ethan is working many long hours, and hopefully in the next couple of weeks, he won't have to work the night shift too. Saturday, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade packed their things, and Ethan sadly loaded his sweet family for a trip to Phoenix. Hopefully, this will help Cameo until Ethan can get down to working one shift, and he won't have to worry about everyone. Cameo made it through the airport (Ethan could at least help her to get to the right terminal. I barely got to the right place alone!) and made it safely here.

We enjoyed having them at church with us on Sunday, and I had a good time in Kaylee's primary class.

Dad held Wade for the first time at church and Wade smiled and chatted with him. He wasn't so thrilled with Grammy though.
He liked Aunt Kayty's pink hair!
Today, Wade was NOT a fan of Grammy! |
The Doran Rice Family
Doran had a good last week at his job. Amber fought a nasty cold all week while having to work many hours. We delivered some snow peas to them on Saturday. Kooper was very busy with his trucks and Amber and Kelsie had just returned from a pet adoption event.
Morgan is working many many overtime hours.
Kayty had an ok week. Good Monday off. Work days were not so good, since the implications of permanent employment were misleading, so she is busy searching for a new job while waiting for the axe to fall at the old one. She has health insurance until March 1st. Lots of prayers for her now. She enjoyed her dinner group on Sunday evening.
Total saves for the week: 2 minor ones
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan is busy studying for school. He didn't get the math score he wanted, so he studies harder and harder. Tests in that class take five or more hours and total grade is from those test scores. He got the ingredients and made some awesome Gumbo on Wednesday/Thursday.
Dad's work days go twelve hours or more and include many meetings, lots of drawing changes, and visits to suppliers as need arises. He prepared for his upcoming trip to Mexico and scheduled a trip to Utah in early March.
My week was full of laundry, cooking, cleaning, mopping, dusting, vacuuming, hauling boxes from the attic out to our trash pile, shoveling and raking chicken compost for dad's gardens, organizing, painting, preparing for scouts, and snooping in other trash piles as I jog. I ended up jogging home with an empty five gallon bucket...not an easy task! and finding some nice window screen frames that dad can make a screen for our bedroom window and his office window. We need a way to have windows open and Lilly Rae not escaping.
Dad's Garden
Peas are flourishing! We picked 5 pounds 6 ounces of snow peas on Friday. Spinach is going to seed. Tomatoes are taking off now, and we had nearly 2 inches of rain on Saturday and Sunday.
Other highlights
Wade Wallin came to see the progress so far on the master bathroom and advise us on the next steps.Termites need to be treated and then framing begins on the wall of the shower stall.
Not so highlights
Kicked a dowel on the back porch when I foolishly didn't have shoes on...probable broken toe, though I could wear my church shoes on Sunday.
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