Church on Sunday was wonderful and a new ward member, Brother Cusick, was put into the bishopric to replace Brother Floyd, who is moving. Dad taught High Priests. The bishop and his wife taught the same lesson in Relief Society. So interesting to see what the Lord inspires in each lesson.
I completed my visiting teaching this week by writing a letter to one sister, and delivering tomatoes to another. Dad home taught on Wednesday night and will complete his home teaching on Sunday.
I have indexed 15908 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 20 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
This family had a busy week...
Final school projects...

Another wise observation by Sam, as shared by Allison
Allison and Mike celebrated their 16th Wedding Anniversary
And Adam and Grace were in the school's musical production of "Cinderella"...

The Ethan Rice Family
Last Saturday, this family attended the local Geranium Festival

Church on Sunday was wonderful and a new ward member, Brother Cusick, was put into the bishopric to replace Brother Floyd, who is moving. Dad taught High Priests. The bishop and his wife taught the same lesson in Relief Society. So interesting to see what the Lord inspires in each lesson.
I completed my visiting teaching this week by writing a letter to one sister, and delivering tomatoes to another. Dad home taught on Wednesday night and will complete his home teaching on Sunday.
I have indexed 15908 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 20 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
This family had a busy week...
Final school projects...

Another wise observation by Sam, as shared by Allison
and I were playing Memory together this morning when he asked me where a
match was. I told him I had no idea, and he replied, "But you're a mom.
You know everything!"
And THIS, my friends, is why tantrum-throwing, mess-making, having-to-go-potty-10-times-in-a-store 3-year-olds are SO much easier than almost-14-year-olds. They still think their moms know stuff.
And THIS, my friends, is why tantrum-throwing, mess-making, having-to-go-potty-10-times-in-a-store 3-year-olds are SO much easier than almost-14-year-olds. They still think their moms know stuff.

Allison and Mike celebrated their 16th Wedding Anniversary
And Adam and Grace were in the school's musical production of "Cinderella"...

The Ethan Rice Family
Last Saturday, this family attended the local Geranium Festival

Ethan spent his week working in Indiana.
Cameo located a nearby park that reminded her of Flagstaff...

Kaylee had her first mani-pedi on Saturday...

The Doran Rice Family
Doran had four long work days, so he was off Friday.
Amber shared this...
"Decided to wake Kelsie up with Alice Cooper's rendition of Schools out for the Summer.
I'm such a cool mom...She told me that I was dumb and embarrassing her."
The Morgan Rice Family
Kristy is doing well and enjoyed attending graduations for two of her daughters...

Morgan is enjoying working at the machine shop, and the four day work weeks. He invited Doran and Dad to go catfishing in the canal Friday night. Since Morgan was the only successful fisherman, he gets the pic and the notices.

Kayty had a long work week. She is trying to find other work, but was led astray by two bogus jobs on an employment sight. Rule 1...if it sounds to good to be true, it's a foreign offered job that only seeks to bogus pay you and get into your bank account,
The Nathan Rice Family
Busy week of learning and working for Nathan, and Jessica. Jess had a class online meeting Wednesday, so she came here and Annalee and I played while she participated. She has a large research paper she is currently working on. She later attended her nephew's eighth grade graduation that night, and Nate and Annalee helped get the master bathroom shower prepped for more drywall.
They stayed with us Thursday night and Annalee played here with me...
These internships are so great for a student. Both Nathan and Jessica are learning so much. Jessica had a pretty heartwrenching day, and it brought to reality what she will be dealing with.
Dad's work week was typical: lots of meetings, lots and lots of spreadsheets, reporting, a visit to a supplier or two, and more meetings and spreadsheets.
My week included the typical laundry, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, dusting, hauling trash, plus I baked bread, canned tomatoes and used the current tomatoes in sauces and meals.
Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are finally slowing down...and no one is more happy than I am! I completed canning for the year...
Tomato count so far:1112
Year of the House Part 2
You saw the work in the bathroom. Pipes are in. Now all the drywall can be completed. Then sealing the wall and floor, pouring the concrete rim.
Other highlights
I got some new running shoes...my others were pretty thrashed...
I like them.
I also was surprised with this actual handmade card from my sweet inmate at the prison. We only get emailed scanned copies of any letters they write to us. The rule is the mail is sent to the ward post office box and then the bishop scans and emails a copy to us and keeps the original. This was sure a treat!!
Not so highlights
Two dear sisters in our ward, one recently retired and part of the stake Young Women's presidency, and the other, our Young Women's president, mother of four kids 16 and younger, were diagnosed with cancer. Sister Audrey Breast cancer, and Sister April Acute Myeloid Leukemia - and she had absolutely no warning...just a little tired for a couple of days. From a blood test to straight in the hospital and chemotherapy. Our bishop asked ward members to fast tomorrow for the members of the ward struggling with serious health issues.