Sunday was a lovely day. I went to choir practice while Dee stayed home and studied. I really like choir...it's hard...aka Sally DeFord music hard...but it is so fun and everyone is so funny that you work like crazy and then laugh and laugh. Church was wonderful. Dad went home teaching after church to get his completed and then our home teachers came.
I studied more of the topical guide and marked more scriptures under the heading Jesus Christ for Family Home Evening. It has taken me weeks and I am not very far along.
I attended the Wednesday morning 9 am temple session, and Dad made it home from meetings and attended his Wednesday night temple session.
Cub scouts went well and we were able to get into our room without a long wait so we could set up, and the boys completed all the requirements for the day. I didn't get home very late either.
I am about to begin Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 13702 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sunday, Allison made what appears to be an amazing meal. However, Sam, who will someday I am sure, be a food critic, said "I am not eating this!" and promptly fell asleep.
This family had a good week
Sam had "S" week in Mommy Pre-school...and he determined that this amazing never before tasted SnowCone was good enough to eat every day!

The Ethan Rice Family
Wade is now 4 months old...

We received a few videos of our talkative little grandson, and got the news the Ethan had received the promotion he had sacrificed so much time for. Yes, he is now Corporate Operations Manager of the tree Distribution Centers of Home Depot. Congratulations!!
Dad headed out Friday afternoon to visit and give Wade a name and a blessing on Sunday. They all picked up Dad from the airport (something I had looked forward to myself but Frontier Airlines and four hours of flight delay messed that up)
fed him a yummy Cinco de Mayo dinner of Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas, and even had a special birthday party for him!!!
Sunday was a lovely day. I went to choir practice while Dee stayed home and studied. I really like choir...it's hard...aka Sally DeFord music hard...but it is so fun and everyone is so funny that you work like crazy and then laugh and laugh. Church was wonderful. Dad went home teaching after church to get his completed and then our home teachers came.
I studied more of the topical guide and marked more scriptures under the heading Jesus Christ for Family Home Evening. It has taken me weeks and I am not very far along.
I attended the Wednesday morning 9 am temple session, and Dad made it home from meetings and attended his Wednesday night temple session.
Cub scouts went well and we were able to get into our room without a long wait so we could set up, and the boys completed all the requirements for the day. I didn't get home very late either.
I am about to begin Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 13702 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sunday, Allison made what appears to be an amazing meal. However, Sam, who will someday I am sure, be a food critic, said "I am not eating this!" and promptly fell asleep.

This family had a good week
Sam had "S" week in Mommy Pre-school...and he determined that this amazing never before tasted SnowCone was good enough to eat every day!

The Ethan Rice Family
Wade is now 4 months old...

We received a few videos of our talkative little grandson, and got the news the Ethan had received the promotion he had sacrificed so much time for. Yes, he is now Corporate Operations Manager of the tree Distribution Centers of Home Depot. Congratulations!!
Dad headed out Friday afternoon to visit and give Wade a name and a blessing on Sunday. They all picked up Dad from the airport (something I had looked forward to myself but Frontier Airlines and four hours of flight delay messed that up)
fed him a yummy Cinco de Mayo dinner of Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas, and even had a special birthday party for him!!!
And this birthday gift will finish off the wok table perfectly!
On Saturday, they had breakfast, Ethan went to get the
The Doran Rice Family
No news from this busy family this week.
The Morgan Rice Family
No news from this busy family this week.
Kayty spent her week worrying, and finally got her Harry Styles concert ticket purchased on Friday.Her getting a ticket was amazing, since most concert venues across the country sold out nearly as soon as the opportunity opened. She had a good work week, but was concerned about an additional new hire that is being cross trained. They don't pay enough for her to buy insurance and afford her meds, and she had hoped increased responsibility would include a raise. She is still working but looking elsewhere.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are very busy with Internships and school classes. They did have time for a visit Thursday afternoon. Saturday, Jessica had quite a bit of homework to complete, so Nathan and Annalee came for a visit. Annalee ended up taking a very good nap here and so Nate got a project started, checked the bearing on his vehicle, and ordered a new one. They met here and went to a Food Truck Fest at Peoria Sports Complex.
Dad's Monday was busy and at 3 pm he headed out to a Tempe Golf Resort for three days of meetings. He planned on eating the Rustler's Roost dinner (which was pretty good - large Porterhouse Steak - but not great), spending the night there, and then coming home after a day full of meetings and another meal Tuesday. Tuesday morning, traffic concerns changed that - and I totally agreed - so he stayed Tuesday night and returned late Wednesday.He worked long hours Thursday, and over a half day on Friday before we headed out to the airport.
I had many extra duties of Dads...chickens, weeding, raking, watering, cleaning off the back porch and I even got the old needles, etc. raked and a tree or two trimmed and put into the pile out front.
Dad's Garden
I am picking a few tomatoes every few days. They are ripening, but the garden is thick with plants and I have to do a lot of searching.
Tomato Total so far: 49
Year of the House Part 2
Dad went Monday to look at faucets as recommended by Jessica's dad. We found some we liked - I was on FaceTime while dad walked around. I sure did like that copper bathtub....but it would only fit in our front yard...and that would NOT be a good idea!
Other highlights
I am working on New Baby Rice's Grammy Stocking. I call it "One Hour A Day in May" and I am embroidering that long each day.
Kaylee determined birthday cake was a perfectly healthy breakfast. |
The Doran Rice Family
No news from this busy family this week.
The Morgan Rice Family
No news from this busy family this week.
Kayty spent her week worrying, and finally got her Harry Styles concert ticket purchased on Friday.Her getting a ticket was amazing, since most concert venues across the country sold out nearly as soon as the opportunity opened. She had a good work week, but was concerned about an additional new hire that is being cross trained. They don't pay enough for her to buy insurance and afford her meds, and she had hoped increased responsibility would include a raise. She is still working but looking elsewhere.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are very busy with Internships and school classes. They did have time for a visit Thursday afternoon. Saturday, Jessica had quite a bit of homework to complete, so Nathan and Annalee came for a visit. Annalee ended up taking a very good nap here and so Nate got a project started, checked the bearing on his vehicle, and ordered a new one. They met here and went to a Food Truck Fest at Peoria Sports Complex.
Dad's Monday was busy and at 3 pm he headed out to a Tempe Golf Resort for three days of meetings. He planned on eating the Rustler's Roost dinner (which was pretty good - large Porterhouse Steak - but not great), spending the night there, and then coming home after a day full of meetings and another meal Tuesday. Tuesday morning, traffic concerns changed that - and I totally agreed - so he stayed Tuesday night and returned late Wednesday.He worked long hours Thursday, and over a half day on Friday before we headed out to the airport.
I had many extra duties of Dads...chickens, weeding, raking, watering, cleaning off the back porch and I even got the old needles, etc. raked and a tree or two trimmed and put into the pile out front.
Dad's Garden
I am picking a few tomatoes every few days. They are ripening, but the garden is thick with plants and I have to do a lot of searching.
Tomato Total so far: 49
Year of the House Part 2
Dad went Monday to look at faucets as recommended by Jessica's dad. We found some we liked - I was on FaceTime while dad walked around. I sure did like that copper bathtub....but it would only fit in our front yard...and that would NOT be a good idea!
Other highlights
I am working on New Baby Rice's Grammy Stocking. I call it "One Hour A Day in May" and I am embroidering that long each day.
Not so highlights
I tripped and fell while jogging Monday morning. Good news: the new pants worked. No scraped knees. My hands caught the most of the road rash, and my side and sternum hurt a bit, but I seem all right.
However, it didn't come out so well for my beloved pepper sprayer that Doran and Amber gave me years ago for Mother's Day...
I went and replaced it at WalMart, but the new one is not nearly as nice. I do believe, though, that the pepper spray in the first one had probably not been usable due to advanced age. Might have even turned to butter or whipped cream. No matter...I have a new one.
I was going to the temple Tuesday morning. I finished my work, and went to turn on the curling iron and it wouldn't start up. I tried and tried, and even tried a new plug. Nothing. So, I spent my temple time at WalMart replacing the curling iron. You men have it easy...wash your hair and go. Not me. No one needs to see my straight hair in such a special place. I am very thankful this didn't happen on Sunday, or I would not have been able to attend church.
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