Sunday was a wonderful day! We started out waking early and heading to Doran and Amber's ward, where Papa was able to confirm Kelsie a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint and confer on her the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a very special day and Dad was so honored to be asked.
We headed out quickly and I went to a wonderful choir practice. We were also fasting, as the bishop called a special fast for the very ill sisters in our ward who were both just diagnosed with cancer. Sacrament Meeting was great and the choir sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Brother Russ Barton gave an awesome talk on putting on the whole armor of God, and gave examples throughout his life where he made choices to add to that armor, layer upon layer. It sounded like the topic perfect letter for my friend, Jessica, so I worked on that on
Dad and I home taught one family right after church, and then he went alone later to teach another family. (I had planned on going, but when Annalee came to the door and said "Wanna play?", well...grandchildren rule! Our home teachers visited on Tuesday evening.
No scouts this week since they have day camp Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The temple opened this week and dad attended the Thursday night session.
I was asked to participate in a stake genealogy/indexing event on Friday night. I was there as an assistant of sorts if anyone wanted to learn how to index. Not many people came but I did get some indexing of my own done while I waited around.
I am in Alma 38 in the Book of Mormon. I am also reading the June Ensign magazine.
I have indexed 16727 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a wonderful week, starting with their pizza night on Saturday, and it seems that Josh and Sam are the most excellent sauce makers in the family!

Happy Birthday, Mike on the 31st!!
Adam completed 8th Grade and we learned that he was accepted to Las Vegas Academy for International Studies and The Arts, where he chose an Arts major.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and family headed out to Swainsboro and spent a couple of days at this lovely bed and breakfast and explored...

Sunday was a wonderful day! We started out waking early and heading to Doran and Amber's ward, where Papa was able to confirm Kelsie a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint and confer on her the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was a very special day and Dad was so honored to be asked.
We headed out quickly and I went to a wonderful choir practice. We were also fasting, as the bishop called a special fast for the very ill sisters in our ward who were both just diagnosed with cancer. Sacrament Meeting was great and the choir sang "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Brother Russ Barton gave an awesome talk on putting on the whole armor of God, and gave examples throughout his life where he made choices to add to that armor, layer upon layer. It sounded like the topic perfect letter for my friend, Jessica, so I worked on that on
Dad and I home taught one family right after church, and then he went alone later to teach another family. (I had planned on going, but when Annalee came to the door and said "Wanna play?", well...grandchildren rule! Our home teachers visited on Tuesday evening.
No scouts this week since they have day camp Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
The temple opened this week and dad attended the Thursday night session.
I was asked to participate in a stake genealogy/indexing event on Friday night. I was there as an assistant of sorts if anyone wanted to learn how to index. Not many people came but I did get some indexing of my own done while I waited around.
I am in Alma 38 in the Book of Mormon. I am also reading the June Ensign magazine.
I have indexed 16727 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a wonderful week, starting with their pizza night on Saturday, and it seems that Josh and Sam are the most excellent sauce makers in the family!

Happy Birthday, Mike on the 31st!!
Adam completed 8th Grade and we learned that he was accepted to Las Vegas Academy for International Studies and The Arts, where he chose an Arts major.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and family headed out to Swainsboro and spent a couple of days at this lovely bed and breakfast and explored...

They had a good week, and Wade achieved 1/2 year of life...and had some great pics taken! This is what Cameo shared:
Wade is 6 months old today! There isn't a food he doesn't like. He is starting to crawl and just today, he was pulling himself up in his crib. He also can drink from a straw.

The Doran Rice Family
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan and Christy are well. Morgan is enjoying his four day work weeks and added another fish to the talley chart in the hallway. (A reminder that anyone else who has caught any fish needs to let me know).
Kayty had a good work week, and spent the morning on Saturday at Lake Pleasant with the singles ward. She seemed to have a good time and only got a little sunburned.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and family visited on Sunday night. We thought they were heading to Young to her mom's place there, but Jess had worked over ten hours on a term paper for her class during the weekend. They went out to Bass Pro Shop on Monday, since the Aquarium here is cost prohibitive! On their way, they thought it would be fun to cook ribs and eat and swim with us, and they invited Doran, Morgan and families to join. They planned, assigned food, and it came out GREAT! We had Nathan's delicious ribs, Doran and Amber brought hot dogs and brats, Christy and Morgan grilled corn on the cob and she then slathered it with all the goodness that made it those Mexican corn on the cobs I have always wanted to try...they were every bit as good as I had imagined. Dad made tons of french fries and we swam (though the pool was still too cold for me...but again, anything for a grandkid!)
I came in the house to a clean kitchen, swept floor, and later I went to the playroom and it was all cleaned up...Jessica knew where everything went and she was an absolute angel to do it. Thank you so much everyone for making it a great, great time!!!
Nate, Jess and Anna spent Wednesday and Thursday nights with us this week so I could care for Anna while they worked.
Dad headed to Cottonwood to visit a supplier on Tuesday, and then hurried back for more meetings. There was a major emergency holding up an airplane for Boeing, so dad was working with two companies and more vice presidents that you can count. We hope the part is inspected tomorrow and gets to Boeing in good shape soon after inspection. Dad had a co-worker get totally fed up with their huge work load...so he quit. (Now, the remaining three have an even larger work load.) There is also rumor of a July 4th week long furlough. Not so fun!
In addition to my regular vacuuming, dusting, mopping, scrubbing bathroom toilet and shower, laundry, I picked tomatoes, ground wheat and baked bread, chopped tomatoes for salsa, and kept the finances in order.
Dad's Garden
We roasted tomatoes in the pizza oven Monday and made five bags of thick sauce.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad got the wall flat and ready for drywall (the remaining wall that has no drywall). It has been quite a chore to get these walls flat, but with the size of tile I selected, they need to be as flat as can be or the tile will be a mess. He found the stone slabs we need and is getting ready to get with Jessica and her dad to make the arrangements.
Other highlights
Dad got the palm tree trimmed just in time for the quarterly city pick up. Hooray!!!
I was actually able to do a little exercising, along with my jogging. Not as many repetitions, and no weight lifting yet, but it is progress.
I have miraculously kept the hibiscus from Morgan and Christy alive!
Not so highlights
Nothing but many sweet people in our ward suffering major health problems. There are many to remember as we pray.
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