We had the special opportunity to attend the Tucson Arizona Temple dedication at Glendale North Stake Center on Sunday. We had originally planned to attend the early session, but Kayty took her insulin later than expected, so it was either Dad go alone or we go later, and we chose later. It was a lovely session. The music was beautiful and there were many great messages given. Youth were especially encouraged to participate in proxy baptisms often. Elder Gary Stephenson gave a wonderful talk on temple work. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke and then gave the dedicatory prayer. It was such a blessing to be able to be in attendance, and remember our own Phoenix Temple dedication. I won't forget how blessed I felt to be the last two people selected to enter the temple itself to witness the dedication. Every time I am in the Terrestrial Room in the temple, I look at that place they set a chair at the end of a row. I remember just sitting there with tears in my eyes, expressing such gratitude for being able to be in the room right next to a prophet of the Lord...to be in the temple that we had worked so long and hard for as it was dedicated. I won't forget that feeling.
I attended a session at the temple on Tuesday morning. It was very full! Dad attended the Wednesday evening session. We went on Thursday to perform sealing ordinances.
My cub scouts practiced their flag ceremony for pack meeting next week. We didn't hit the ceiling with the poles, though my co-leader did get bopped in the head.
I am in Mosiah 23 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 25747 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Adam's first day of high school was Monday.
Sam created yet another look
Grace achieved quite an accomplishment this week. Allison challenged all the kids to two hours per week working a certain Math program, and if they did this, a treat was in store. Grace received her reward for completing the assignment: manicure and frozen yogurt...plus time with Mom all by herself.
And since this guy hasn't been on the blog for awhile, and yet I love him so much...
Family is doing well. They are anticipating Liz coming out at the end of August to visit. Wade got himself in a bit of a situation Monday evening, and was not happy about it.
Wade has been exploring the house...
Cameo and the kids spent one afternoon with Katie Adair and her kids.
On Saturday night, they had some friends over for a movie nightCameo and the kids spent one afternoon with Katie Adair and her kids.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber purchased a new car on Saturday. It is much more economical on gas and the upkeep will be much easier. With Amber commuting now to downtown Phoenix, it makes much more sense. They both enjoy their jobs and the kids are doing very well. Doran did some fishing on Saturday night and just missed out on some catfish. The car spent its week in the shop with Check Engine Light issues. This is a real strain on a family. Amber was at a dog event on Saturday morning.
Morgan is taking a month leave of absence from work to get some other things taken care of. He and Christy went on a camping trip last weekend. He did some legal work this week, helped his friend, Kyle work on a car, and plans to return to his regular job on Monday night.
Kayty didn't get a recommend to attend the Tucson Temple Dedication, so she slept in later than she usually sleeps in. Monday, she did work out another month of insulin, plus she determined a way to get some remaining out of other insulin pens. Sure wish we would have kept those things now! She should make it to the time she can get insurance and see a doctor. The rest of the week was typical, other than saving her on two mornings.
Two minor save this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
We talked to Nathan and Jessica briefly on Sunday night. Annalee is still trying to adjust to the new ward time and naps, and that makes her not herself on Sunday evenings. She always asks to see the kitty, and usually, Lilly obliges. I was listening to the morning news, and an expert was speaking about the total solar eclipse to occur on August 21, 2017. Right after the broadcast, he was heading out to the best spot to see it: Rexburg Idaho! Who new that Nathan, Jessica and Annalee would be at ground zero for this special event! Lets just pray that Elisabeth stays snug and warm where she is so they don't have to even think of venturing out in the horrible crowds and traffic. Jessica had a good doctor's appointment on Wednesday and induction was scheduled for August 30th if she doesn't come sooner. That would mean three sets of cousins share the same birthday: Kooper Rice and Sam Wilkins - January 13, Joshua Wilkins and Wade Rice - December 1, and Grace Wilkins and Elisabeth Rice - August 30.
Dad's Garden
Dad and I spent Monday evening shoveling the chicken compost he had picked up last week into wheelbarrows and to the gardens. It took awhile, but shoveling that is much lighter than shoveling sand! He spread it all over the gardens, and now it will have time to leach nutrients into the soil if we are blessed with any more rain. We spent the rest of the week digging that in. It was great exercise and cheaper than a rototiller.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad made arrangements to get the piece of stone for the bathroom counter. He also cut the concrete floor to move the drain.
Other Highlights
This year, our weather has been just wonderful, for Summer. We had rain Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. It is indeed humid, but not blazing hot. The sun is setting sooner and once it is lower in the sky, it's nearly pleasant to work outside.
Monday morning run was great! I saw four meteors from the Perseid Meteor Shower. It was awesome. I saw only one on Tuesday, but the morning was beautiful. I enjoyed amazing runs Wednesday and Thursday with temperatures in the 70's. Friday, I was at a particularly dark part of the street, and I looked up and a star/meteor streaked across the sky. I just had to stop and thank Heavenly Father for such a beautiful world, both night and day.
Nano Shopping this week went well. She had already picked up her sewing machine so I made sure it operated. Why is every sewing machine different???
Not So Highlights
Just the normal concerns...nothing new.
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