I am in Alma 48 in the Book of Mormon. I began reading the Ensign Magazine.
I have indexed 675 records so far this year.
I attended a temple session on Wednesday morning. It was wonderful to be in a morning session again. Dad attended a session on Saturday night.
Dad attended Young Mens on Wednesday. I had a Wolf Den Leader planning meeting on Wednesday afternoon.
Dad attended Young Mens on Wednesday. I had a Wolf Den Leader planning meeting on Wednesday afternoon.
I am in Alma 48 in the Book of Mormon. I began reading the Ensign Magazine.
I have indexed 675 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Sunday was Sam's last day in the nursery! He had a graduation and called me early on Monday morning singing a very happy version of "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". He is excited to go to Primary now. This family had an hourly countdown on New Years Eve with a new activity every hour. They had a pretty good week off, though Adam struggled with strep throat. We got to talk to the kids off and on during the week via Marco Polo, and we saw Grace play her flute and heard Adam practicing piano, plus talked with Sam.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo spent New Years Eve snuggled up at home. Its very cold for Georgia there now. Tuesday morning, they woke to 15 degree temperatures. All week was spent preparing for the kids' joint birthday party on Saturday night.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy, normal week. Doran and Morgan went fishing on Friday night near Lake Pleasant. Amber had a pretty rough Friday night with caring for an injured rescue animal.
Morgan has been seeing a chiropractor and discovered he has mild to moderate scoliosis. Kyle's car still hasn't been replaced with a rental so getting to work has been difficult.
Kayty did some New Years Tai Kwan Do with friends, spent the afternoon home, and then went with friends for a movie night. She worked overtime hours this week and enjoyed watching Criminal Minds on her phone.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and family had a good New years. They snuggled at home, tried some new recipes, and enjoyed their time together. Nathan tried to work out on New Years Night, but the stadium was closed, and when he called on the way home, it was 5 degrees outside! They did lots of final fun things during the week, since school starts next Monday. They drove to West Yellowstone and played in the snow. They got needed repairs completed on their cars. They went target shooting. They played at a park. I got to talk to Ellie and Nathan, and then laughed when Anna snuck out of her room and joined Mommy in her Yoga. Grammy would not have put that little one back to bed!
Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are planted. Due to our wacky weather this year, with no rain, warm temps, with one cold windy day, Dad's tomato starts didn't look like they would make it, so he bought some plants at the nursery to get into the ground.
He still will plant those starts, but it wont be a terrible loss if they don't make it. It has been hard with no rain, except for the fact that no rain = no weeds. I continue to pick snow peas every other day
and Dad ate another turnip out of the garden too. I found this volunteer tomato too.
He dried some peppers to replace the pepper powder he has used up or given away.
He still will plant those starts, but it wont be a terrible loss if they don't make it. It has been hard with no rain, except for the fact that no rain = no weeds. I continue to pick snow peas every other day
and Dad ate another turnip out of the garden too. I found this volunteer tomato too.
He dried some peppers to replace the pepper powder he has used up or given away.
Year of the House Part 2
Work continues on the shower floor. This was a different type of thinset and so this week, after the required 72 hours curing time, we spent getting the thinset off of and in between the stones on the floor so that the grout can go in. Dad and I used the Dremel to grind off thinset that had gotten too high between the stones on Saturday and we spent a good part of the day grouting the floor...and then wiping and wiping to remove the grout haze. We like it.
We also went to get the wall tile we picked out nearly a year ago. Sad, it was discontinued and there wasn't enough to use, but there was a smaller tile that might work. Dad is going to test it out on an extra piece of drywall.
We also went to get the wall tile we picked out nearly a year ago. Sad, it was discontinued and there wasn't enough to use, but there was a smaller tile that might work. Dad is going to test it out on an extra piece of drywall.
Other highlights
Dave Simonson is an amazing photographer in our ward. He took these pics of the temple on Monday night during the full moon.
It was transfer week in the Arizona Phoenix Mission. They do it in a unique way now. Instead of all meeting in one location and going home with a new companion, they now ask ward member to help. So, since we have sister missionaries, they asked me (not sure why the ward mission leader or ward missionaries were not involved but that doesn't matter) to help. I was to meet at the Day's house, where the live, at 9:45 AM. As I arrived, another ward sister was dropping off a sister missionary. Dad helped me get Sister Curry's bike, two huge suitcases, one small suitcase, laundry basket, and bike basket in my jeep, and then I headed up to the Carefree highway to Daisy Mountain area where she directed me to an apartment. We were unloading her things, and another ward sister drove up and picked up a missionary there. It was amazing timing!
Not so highlights
Our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson, died late January 2nd. He was a great man and while we miss him, we are so thankful that he is reunited with his beloved wife, Frances. Here are some photos of him from the Phoenix temple dedication a few years ago.
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Amelia Dibb who is on Dad's Smartie Route at church, is President Monson's Great Granddaughter |
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Thomas and Amelia Dibb |
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