Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week of April 1-7, 2018


Sunday was a quiet day for us as we feasted on the words of our prophet and apostles and other general authorities and church leaders during two sessions of General Conference. We were also able to listen to a talk or two from the Saturday afternoon session that we missed due to Easter at Dorrie's. We weren't hungry for the ham, so just ate regular salad, etc. No devilled eggs this year. Our fresh eggs are just too hard to peel, no matter what Pinterest suggestion I try. We spoke with Nathan, Jessica and Anna a bit in the evening, and Marco Polo spoke with the Wilkins kids.

I spent a couple of hours Tuesday morning in an Endowment Session at the Phoenix Temple. Dad went on Tuesday evening to do some Initiatory Work. Friday night, we were blessed to attend the sealing of our neighbors, Mark and Delores Kuhlwein, in the Phoenix Temple.
Grant and Joanna Call had a reception for them at their house afterwards. I took a crockpot of some Green Chili Chicken Soup that came out well, and it was a nice evening.

No scouts for me, and Dad's scouts met here, made beef jerky and planned a their campout and hike.

I have indexed 8698 records so far this year.

I am in Mosiah 17 in the Book of Mormon. I am listening to one talk from General Conference each day as I exercise and I just finished the Saturday morning session. I also started reading the talks when they became available online Wednesday.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins had a wonderful Easter. The Easter Bunny left some pretty awesome Easter baskets for the kids. Sam shared what he received with us. They enjoyed General Conference and their traditional cinnamon rolls. Spring Break continued for Adam through Monday, but Grace and Josh returned to school. Josh finally selected a new book to read rather than the Diary of a Wimpy Kid  books he loves so much, and he was enjoying that book. Sam struggled with pink eye much of the week, and even shared with Adam.

The Ethan Rice Family
Here are their pictures of their own Easter celebration

Later, they went to the Adair's house and celebrated with them

Wade got to spend his Tuesday meeting with an ENT physician. On Wednesday, Uncle Morgan arrived and the family took off for a trip to the Chatahoochie River.

The Doran Rice Family
This family had a good week until Saturday. We planned to celebrate Doran and Dad's birthday with dinner on Saturday evening. A few hours before, Kelsie started throwing up, so we postponed to next Saturday.

Ethan bought a plane ticket for Morgan to fly back to Atlanta for a visit. He arrived late Wednesday morning, had lunch, and went off on an adventure trip with the family. Morgan had shipped his favorite fishing poles back already and was eager to get some fishing in.

Kayty had a good work week, and moved into her cubicle on Friday as her training was completed.

I saved her a couple of times. The first time, she had taken her insulin, but she bled quite a bit (she said it took over a minute to get the bleeding stopped) when she gave herself her shot, and feared some insulin had come out, so she took more. Thus another challenge of diabetes: how much ACTUALLY goes in.

The Nathan Rice Family
On Sunday, this family watched Conference, worked on a German Chocolate Bunny cake and then took it to a friend's house that invited them to dinner. The frosting came out great and it was a very yummy evening. They did their egg coloring on Monday evening. Annalee had great fun creating pretty colored eggs. Ellie was not so into coloring, but was more into throwing and/ or eating said eggs, shell and all. On Friday, Anna had to get a Pokie at the Dr, but she was very brave and did well. Nathan worked on a project till the early morning hours of Saturday, and then worked on fabricating it during the day. Some changes need to be made but it did work. Later, they went to the mall in Idaho Falls and while Jessica and Annalee shopped, I spoke on the phone with Nathan. His two tests this week went well: 97 and 100 percent respectively. This week, Ellie just took off in progress. Crawling everywhere. Pulling herself up (causing the mattress to be lowered in her crib). They are looking forward to school ending next week and a break for a few days. 

Dad's Garden
We are starting to harvest snow pea seeds. I said that one or two pods give one enough seeds for the next year, but we got many more than that on our first outing. Tomatoes are looking good. 

Year of the House Part 2
Lots of tile went down this week! The floor was pretty simple, except for the medallion (that was our inspiration piece and there was a point I wanted to toss it. No tile manufacturer works with any level of accuracy). Now we work on the cutting and fitting. Next week, we pull the toilet, chip up the old tile under, and put down new.

Other highlights
Easter decorations came down on Monday, and holiday decorating is over till the Fall. I got rid of a few things and made room to store more items in my hut that are not used all the time. ( Pitchers...I know some of you men think I hide things like tools in my hut so you can't find them, but that is NOT the case!

Good walks/jogs this week. Dad had good hikes.

Good Nano shopping and no lab trips this week. I did help her change smoke detector batteries after I put her groceries away. 

Not so highlights
Dad's Monday started with angry work emails. It seems that Honeywell, who already makes suppliers wait over six months to receive payment for parts delivered, decided to increase their bottom line by not paying suppliers on the date due, March 31. Hence, the angry emails flooded Dad from his suppliers. I just can't believe this is how a multi national corporation works!

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