Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week of May 10 - 16, 2020


Sunday was good. It is difficult to try to keep any sort of Sunday routine with just the three of us. Choir broadcast was turned off early and our day was spent reading and studying and counting the time until we could go to bed. The sisters in the ward were invited to drive by the house of the Allen Family to receive a Mother's Day treat, but I didn't want to, so I stayed home. Later, Joanna Call brought me my treat which was very kind that she even noticed being that all were in cars driving by. 

No temple continues but next week our temple in Phoenix can open for sealing husband to wife of those previously endowed. 

I continue to study the Book of Mormon and Come Follow Me daily and listen to at least one General Conference talk each day. 

I have indexed 8751 records and reviewed 42,960 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
I so enjoyed Mother's Day Marco Polo with the Wilkins family!! I got to see and speak with most and they are doing well. Mike is working steadily and staying healthy. Allison continues to keep the kids going with their schoolwork while doing computer work for the church as well. She continues her Couch to 5k workouts and Adam has joined her in her running. Adam was sick with strep on Sunday and so was in bed resting. He continues to work on grade improvement as long as he can. The other three are doing well on their remaining days in their elementary school year.

 Sam received a special visit from his wonderful Kindergarten teacher. 

The Ethan Rice Family
The Ethan Rice family is doing well. They had a good camping trip last weekend and I spoke with them on Mother's Day via Marco Polo. Kaylee's school days are also winding down. She shared this 
She sure loves her teacher! I am so thankful for the good teachers that our grandkids have loved as they have taught them this year. 

Ethan spent Saturday working on a new deck out in their back yard to level their pool. He said Home Depot was as crowded as ever and he even had to wait to get in the parking lot. The pressure treated wood he wanted was flying off the rack and he had to even go to another Home Depot to get all the supplies. It came out so nice and the kids love to be able to swim!!!

The Doran Rice Family
Doran was my first Mother's Day call on Sunday morning and we had such a great conversation. Work is hot now for Doran, and on Friday he began getting an ear infection which he is now applying drops for. Amber continues to work from home and will continue to do so for the next few months. It works well for them and saves them a lot of money. Kids are finishing up school and loving their days in their pool. We enjoyed a Saturday visit from them and they had a good time swimming. 

Morgan is working and doing well.

Kayty had a good work week and on Friday, since all concerts are canceled due to Covid19, she had her own Nial Horan Concert in our living room

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica and the girls visited and brought flowers on Sunday. They also came by on Tuesday to play while Nathan completed a project. 

Friday, while Jessica prepared for a presentation, the girls came to play. We built a city with the playschool zoo, the barbie house, the Mickey and Minnie Mouses and the Hot Wheels in the playroom. We had a good and very noisy time. 

Dad's Garden
Tomatoes are doing well! I canned 9 quarts on Wednesday. Picking continues each day. 

Tomato total so far (excluding cherry tomatoes) 225

I also harvested some nice basil each day for Dad's caprese salads. 

Other highlights
Daily morning hauling of loads of granite continues throughout the week. We completed the back yard and continue to complete small replacements where old stuff has worn away over the years. We also fill in low spots in our driveway/road. The weather has been cool and it is much easier hauling 1/4 minus granite. 

Ken Clement came to check our a/c out on Wednesday. Annual cleaning and check up went well and I even got a visit from his wife, Apryl the next day when he left his hat here. 

On Thursday, we received a surprise brief visit from Sharynn and Camilla who were transporting Becca's kids Nhiya and Jay up to Utah for a visit. Sharynn had to opportunity to visit Mom the night before and I am sure that made her so happy. 

Not so highlights
Honeywell began meetings on Monday to introduce the Reduction of jobs. Announced was a five percent reduction in each quarter, beginning in May. Voluntary reductions had to be submitted by Wednesday. Also on Friday, as Dad was working for a company, he asked to be able to see his friend, Randy Greeson. However, Randy had been reduced the day before. So very sad. He is alone and has savings so he plans on living simply, hopefully delivering pizzas, and making it a couple of more years till he can get Medicare. this time is just awful for so many losing jobs!

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