Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week of July 12 - 18, 2020


Sunday was good. Typical. We enjoyed Music and The Spoken Word. The BYU devotional talks were so wonderful. It was not a general authority so I was just going to turn it off, but I am so glad I watched the talk by a member of the BYU staff. 

Dad had a Zoom Stake Sunday School meeting in the morning. 

No temple again this week. 

I continue to read the Book of Mormon, studying Come Follow Me, and watching at least one General Conference talk each day.

I have indexed 11857 records and reviewed 58709 records so far this year. 


The Wilkins Family
School clothing shopping has begun, and Allison got some good deals this week. She and Mike are continuing to fill holes, paint and fix up the house. They are also packing as they go. They got the news that Mike was converted, pending the drug and background checks, but that should be fine. Now, they wait 30 days and then he can apply for a permanent job. Hooray!!! Such a blessing!

Adam is still healing but still having pain. He sees his doctor on the 20th and should be cleared for physical therapy and chore doing. Still with the pain etc. he has been expert at repairing drywall. 

Grace is doing good though she is sad about moving. Her pretty pink walls were painted a neutral grey but it will help in the long run. She is learning how to tape for painting and how to pack. She is excited to start back to church next week (which would be today as of publishing). She has been shopping for school clothes and they will go to an outlet mall for shoes. She has an orthodontist appointment. 

Josh is well. When Allison shops, he tends to sneak goodies into the cart. Last week, it was Hawaiian Punch drink mix. They went out for ice cream on Saturday night and Josh said it was the best night of Summer. 

Sam has been learning about more animals. The lionfish are venomous, and to remove the stinger, you use hot water. He and Allison are reading a book by Coyote Peterson about animals. They read a chapter a night. He also learned about a Giant Waterbug. They bite, not sting. He even sent Grammy a virtual hug. 

And Allison took the kids to Lake Mead for a fun day of swimming. Adam even was able to carefully participate. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo and a good work week. Kaylee and Wade enjoyed their last week of swimming lessons. Cameo went to a consignment store and got quite a few nice things for the cooler weather and for school, which now will only begin online for Kaylee in August, and won't be in person till late October. Ethan continues working on college classes online. They are hoping to camp near a beach on their next adventure. While the South is beautiful, there are few cooler escapes like we have in Phoenix. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber, Kelsie and Kooper had a good week. Kooper enjoyed his cousins visiting on Sunday!

Doran is surviving working in the extreme heat, and Amber is enjoying her new office space at home. 

No news from Morgan this week. 

Kayty had a good work week and got a few overtime hours in. She took Friday off. It would have been her Louis Tomlinson Concert in California, but canceled due to COVID 19. Part of the tickets were her Christmas present and now, since the concert has not occurred, we await the refund. She had a faux concert in the living room on Saturday night. 

The Nathan Rice Family
It was a good week for this family. They visited Doran's family on Sunday and had a good time. 

They have been wanting to build garden boxes from red brick and were able to acquire quite a few...for free! I went with Jessica on Tuesday to look at some tools at a sale in Scottsdale and got to enjoy keeping the girlies smiling in the car. They added two new furry family members to their house on Tuesday evening. Two kittens now named Buttercup and Georgie. Everyone is still adjusting to each other, but they are enjoying their new friends. Jessica has been a great deal superstar for Nathan this week, and found an air compressor and a great pasta machine. 

Dad's Garden
Basil is still doing well. I picked both on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. That became 25 batches of basil walnut pesto in the freezer. He has gotten more mulch and spread it on the empty garden beds. 

Other highlights
Had a good week of walks and jogs. I also headed to Hobby Lobby again to enjoy the Pumpkin Wall of Happiness. 

Christmas in July is going well. I was able to get half my Christmas ornaments all completed and began the next half. I also watched The Santa Clause 1, 2, and 3 and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I even cleaned to Christmas Music one day. 

Dad prepped for and Doran and Nathan helped pour this concrete pad for Dad. 

Not so highlights
I went out to walk very early Tuesday morning and found a major limb on that beautiful mesquite tree had broken off. Yes, we had lost 1/3 of the tree. It had gotten so big that the limbs were just too heavy and wind on Sunday weakened it. We worked for a while, Dad clipping and me hauling smaller branches to the pile. Dad had most of the smaller logs sawed by Tuesday evening. 

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