Sacrament Meeting was wonderful as Dad and a high councilman spoke. Primary was not any better, even with my new approach. Still working on it.
We were able to get appointments to attend the temple this week. I enjoyed a wonderful Tuesday morning endowment session and Dad attended a Thursday evening endowment session.
My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.
I have indexed 10,721 records and reviewed 23,189 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had a normal busy week that ended with some sick young men. Josh had soccer practice during the week but ended up with a virus that gave him a sore throat, and the same virus that made Sam feverish and sick to his stomach. Lots of laundry going on here. Adam enjoys work and is busy achieving milestones in training so he can be promoted. Grace had a great week and is working hard towards her Choir Festival Competition this coming Saturday. Mike is continuing his search for a leadership position while working and Allison continues to adjust to new coworkers. They enjoyed celebrating St Patricks Day and Pi Day last week too.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo spent a couple of days camping and had some extra children with them.
Ethan flew to Pennsylvania on Sunday so he could start working on site early Monday. Cameo got four kids settled for Sunday night and to school on Monday. Illness again visited their home with both kiddos testing positive for strep plus Wadey having an upset stomach. All were better by the weekend and they spent their time at a nearby camping site.
The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday Doran on Monday. This family had a busy week getting back to work and school after Spring Break.
Morgan is doing well and busy working.
Kayty had a good work week. She even had a little off and on time on Friday. She goes back on site on Monday for three days a week. No more pajamas to work for her!
1 major save
The Nathan Rice Family
Sunday was full of illness. One of those stomach bugs hit everyone! By a few days later and they were back up and doing much better. Nathan has been working hard leveling out his backyard and preparing to plant new grass. He has used a rototiller to break up the dirt and then he screens out the big rocks.
Dad's Garden
Other highlights
Sanded more of one table leaf this week. The chairs may just remain the color they are but I sure love the finish of just a clear polycrylic seal. We have the top 3/4 done.
Dad worked on completing and filling his raised bed garden. Moved lots of compost and dirt.
I came down with a doozy of a cold this week. The worst part is not being able to rest cuz you can't breathe. Doing better now. I had planned on visiting mom this week but stayed away.
Not so highlights