Saturday, March 19, 2022

Week of March 13 - 19, 2022

Sunday was good. Sacrament Meeting included a departing missionary and his father, and primary was crazy as usual. 

Temple attendance opened up this week, and while it was too late for me this week, I got appointments for the next two Tuesday mornings, so after two years, temple tuesday returns. Dad attended a session on Thursday evening. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s) - I completed my seventh time through and began my eighth, prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 9880 records and reviewed 21093 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Family Photos started the week on Saturday. They enjoyed time together and the pictures seemed to come out nice. 

Mike is still working Amazon and searching for more permanent work. Allison is working very hard at her job at school and is learning a lot about the poor quality of school lunch food as required by the federal government. Adam came home from a swap meet with two new family members: birds. Josh is a great help and takes good care of them since Adam is gone a lot. Elle (the cat) spends a lot of time watching...and perhaps even dreams of a future meal. Adam is doing well, working and dealing with car ownership. Grace is out of school on Monday. She is so excited to be a YCL at Girls Camp this year, so she will spend Monday on a special high adventure hike with the other girls. She is doing well as she practices driving. Josh and Sam were out of school on Friday for Parent-Teacher conferences. Josh is now the Deacon's Quorum President and is on the middle school varsity soccer team! Sam has a second-grade music concert coming next week. On Saturday Sam took a beginning skateboarding class and he really had a good time. he showed me a really cool trick he learned too.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan traveled to Indiana for work on Tuesday. Cameo is still feeling poorly but was able to both work and get the kids where they needed to be. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, and family went to the Out of Africa Wild Park Zoo and then visited Jerome. 

Amber took the week off for the kids Spring Break and it was filled with doctor and dentist appointments. 

Amber and the kids came by on Friday to make Doran's birthday cake frosting. (Nathan kindly made the cake and it was much better than my box variety I am certain!) 
Saturday was a family target shooting day. 

Morgan had a busy work week and weekend. 

Kayty did well during the week at work and attended a Colorado Rockies Spring Training baseball game and Kelsie tagged along with her. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan prepared for Pi day on Sunday and brought us over a yummy homemade lemon meringue pie.

This family had a busy week with Pi Day treats, back to school, extra projects for Nathan at work plus lots of yard work. 

Dad's Garden
Dad continues to enjoy and share citrus and we are still picking smaller roma tomatoes. Oregano is crazy growing. His raised bed garden block work is completed. 

Family History
Nano slide share continues

I was told by Nano that on one occasion,I was riding this horse and fell off, leading to a cut that required stitches. 

Other highlights
We continued working on the raised bed planter. 

Not sure why, but there was a pretty nice fireworks show on Friday morning as I was 2 am. Not sure how the neighbors felt but I thought it looked nice. 

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