Sunday, April 16, 2023

Week of April 9 - 15, 2023

We had a lovely Sunday Easter Sacrament Meeting with singing by the Primary, a young couple, and the choir, plus a lovely sister missionary reporting on her service in the Dominican Republic. I saw a few of my sweet little primary kids too. 

We were unable to attend the temple this week. Sessions were full before we could reserve our seats. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study, and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 6831 records and reviewed 9568 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family chatted via Marco Polo. They had a good week. School for four days and then Friday off. Mike took the kids to see the new Mario Movie and they really liked it. Allison used the time to prep for the last 34 days of school. Mike now is part of Kelly Services to substitute teach school but there are no openings at this time. Adam continues to look for work. Grace has a second job interview coming up this week and is looking forward to next year at a new high school. She and Josh enjoyed Trek Prep activities and youth activities. Josh had two soccer games on Saturday. Sam is doing great and it was so fun to see his very happy smile. He enjoyed helping out with student council this week as new kindergarteners visited school. They had a great Easter weekend and enjoyed church, hunting for eggs and a yummy Easter dinner. 

The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo shared:
"We kicked off Spring Break on Friday by going to a Georgia Swarm Lacrosse Game. All the Jr Lacrosse players got a free ticket to the game. We had never been to a professional lacrosse game before. It was a new experience for sure. High energy and lots of fun. The kids were into it. I was worried Wade wouldn't be because he was completely uninterested in the high school Grizzlies game. Saturday we packed and got ready for the trip. We camped from Sunday to Sunday. The playground was right next to our campsite (and the bathrooms too!). We fished every. Single. Day. The kids were SO into fishing. The kids played at their little beach area there one day, and on Thursday we rented a pontoon boat and spent the entire day out on the lake. The boat was SO much fun! We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday. Yesterday was not the typical Easter Sunday, but I was happy to have me, Ethan, and the kids together. The Easter Bunny delivered baskets in the trailer yesterday and I devilled some eggs last night. Break went by so fast. I wish it was still break!"

The Doran Rice Family
No news from Doran and Amber this week. 

No news from Morgan this week. 

Kayty had a pretty good work week though her wonderful supervisor, Betty, retired. She also lost her sweet little fish on Saturday morning. He was two and lived a good life. 

The Nathan Rice Family
I received mail from the girls this week. They have been sick and sent a drawing of a very sad faced Annie. 

Dad's Garden
The heat has hit and the plants are confused. The lettuce is bolting and so it will be pulled out. Our tomato plants are covered in blossoms but no pollination occurs over 90 degrees so we are not sure if we will even get enough tomatoes to eat. The basil looks wonderful. Peas are going to seed and we have citrus trees still full of fruit but also full of new fruit from spent blossoms. 
Other highlights
Very quiet Easter. Devilled eggs were made as soon as we returned from church. We spent the day doing not much of anything. 

We got my new chandelier I have had since October finally put up over the kitchen table. Looks good. 

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