Sunday, June 9, 2024

Week of June 2 - June 8, 2024

We had a good  Fast and Testimony meeting at church today. Primary...well, I had a well planned and what I thought was inspired...but the best of plans can crash and burn when it comes to three and four year olds. Well, better luck next time. The rest of our day was quiet.  

Dee was able to attend the temple this week. 

My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day. 

I have indexed 31,611 records and reviewed 13,190 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Allison shared:
It's one of my favorite Sundays of the year: memory box day!
All year I throw everything they bring home from school in a box. One Sunday after school ends, I pull out this box. Each kid has one file box (with a file for each grade). They can keep whatever goes in that file for that grade. The rest is trashed.
It is SO much fun to go through their boxes and reminisce. It's especially fun this year because Grace just finished her box and died going through her cute kindergarten stuff.
The last week of school was full of ups and downs!!
On of the uppiest ups: Joshua graduated 8th grade and is now a high school student!

Grace and Allison suffered with tonsillitis. Allison even needed antibiotics for the first time in many years. All are doing better now and Allison has completed another year of teaching. The upcoming week will be full of a teachers conference for Allison while Grace keeps the boys happy with swimming and games.

The Ethan Rice Family
This family has been trying some daily hikes.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie and Kooper are doing well and had a good week. 

Morgan and Cassie are doing well. They are living at a vacation site with guest cabins. Cassie cleans and Morgan in the maintenance man and they have totally free rent etc for staying there. They are enjoying a cook summer!

Kayty had taken her car in for transmission fluid change last weekend. She came out of work on Tuesday and found a puddle of fluid under her car. She worked from home, got the car to the dealer on Thursday after work, and had further repairs. Seem another plug had broken and transmission fluid leaked out. She wasn't charged but repeat repairs have happened before. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Happy Birthday Emma on Thursday!

Jessica and the girls drove across country and arrived at Jess's parents house late Monday night. Jessica got hit with a massive stomach bug on Tuesday. Other illesses and bugs plagued the girls through the week. Nathan misses all his lovely ladies but is keeping busy removing trees and building shelves on his property. He called Saturday as he was working repairing the a/c in their Expedition. 

Dad's Garden
Picking tomatoes but 112 degrees is a game changer for tomatoes. I am picking them early at times so they dont have to bake in the heat. Citrus is doing well and we should have loads in the winter. Chickens, older chicks, and baby chick are surviving the heat. 
Other highlights
Big mess on Tuesday. I have run an Affresh washing machine cleaner tablet every month since Nathan was working for Lowes delivering appliances and told me how important it was. Every month. No problem. get on auto pilot and fill the soap dispenser with laundry soap as well. I checked after it has been running for a long time...and the machine was filled with suds and the cycle wouldn't advance. No suds were escaping a la Bobby Brady and Brady Bunch. And an internet searched proved no one else had done something quite as dumb as this. I just stopped the cycle and let it sit till all the bubbles went away, wiped it down as much as I could, added a cup of vinegar, and ran a rinse cycle. 

Went to Costco on Thursday. Shell Shock! I don't go very often and when I do it is for very particular things: coconut oil, olive oil, feta cheese, plus I got some canned chicken and balsamic vinegar. $128.00! 

Dad worked polishing rocks this week in his spare time after work. 

Happy Birthday Grandma on Saturday. Dad repaired some collectibles for her and gave her flowers. We had a good visit. 

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