We enjoyed stake speakers on Sunday in Sacrament Meeting. Primary went well and the kids enjoyed the book I read to them and making an ornament.
We were able to attend the temple this week on Thursday for an endowment session.
My daily morning foundation of General Conference talk(s), prayer, scripture study and Come Follow Me study continues each day.
I have indexed 62,426 records and reviewed 22,875 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Allison completed her Masters Degree progam this week. So very very proud of you Allison!!!
The Ethan Rice Family
Work and school kept this family busy this week. Now to get ready for Christmas.
The Doran Rice Family
Happy Birthday Amber on Wednesday.
Morgan and Cassie are doing well.
Kayty had a pretty good work week. Pot luck with coworkers on Tuesday and a Party and Dave and Busters on Friday afternoon. She is still coming back to 100% after her hospitalization.
1 major low this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan and Jessica are doing well and are very busy. The girls struggled with illness all week. They did have some good adventures and enjoyed helping clean their church building. Nathan spent the day friday and part of Saturday serving his neighbor and replacing freeze plugs on his car engine. He had a good week at work. They are hoping all family members are healed so they can come out to Arizona on December 26th.
Dad's Garden
Harvesting great romaine, radishes and even some carrots. Citrus is doing well.
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