Yesterday, we went up to Northern Arizona University for a tour. Kate is going to attend there this Fall. What a beautiful school! The thing I was most impressed with is all that the school provides to make sure the student succeeds! It sure is different from when I started college (that sentence sure makes me sound ancient, doesn't it!) Our only shock came when we found out that Kate cannot take any classes toward her desired degree in vocal education until she auditions and is accepeted into the School of Music. She is now madly getting recommendation pages filled out for me to next day air them up to Flagstaff and trying desperately to get an audition (the vocal one are all over), and then trying to get one of only a few places in the program. (Needless to say, there will be much prayer this week!)
Other than our shock, my only sad moment was when Kate refused to get a picture with Louie the Lumberjack! Can you believe it!!
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