7 Things I plan to do before I die...
1. Serve full time Church Missions with Dee, at least one to Bangalore, India
2. Be in the temple with all six of my children and their spouses, who are/will be as dear to me as my own children.
3. Go to New York City and see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree and the beautifully decorated store windows
4. Hike the Grand Canyon
5. Learn to paint so that I can paint paintings
6. Play with many grandchildren (come on, you married ones...Allison gave me two grandbabies...with only two each, that would give me six in the next few years...)
7. Be A Great Photographer
7 Things I Can Do
1. Drive - I transport kids a lot!!! and there are only 2 still at home
2. Paint - From Christmas Ornaments to Camouflage Walls in kids' rooms
3. Cook - I love to cook for Dee and to try new things...and he never complains about the experiments!
4. Schedule and Organize - I love my lists... I clean by lists, I have a spreadsheet (not made by me - husband works at Honeywell...nuff said!) for our budget, our years supply
5. Do my exercising, and running or a hike
6. Help Dee with house and car projects - I have stuccoed, tiled, scraped grease from a front end, put together an engine, layed block walls, sanded, scraped, etc.
7. Camping
7 Things I cannot do
1. Be apart from Dee for more than 4 days (India trip proved that one big time! I still cannot go to sleep unless I have my hand on him!)
2. Run more that 4 miles...3 is my usual, 4 is pushing it
3. Eat okra - a vegetable complete with its own snot!
4.Figure out Excel
5. Hunt with Dee without being a "girl". Okay, when I went dove hunting with him and I finally got one, I jumped up and down and cheered for myself...until I saw the other hunters near us looking with horror on their faces...Apparantly, jumping up and down and screaming is not appropriate "hunter behavior".
6. Stop worrying about ALL of my kids; Allison, Mike, Adam, Grace, Ethan, Cameo, Doran, Danyel, Morgan, Katelyn, Nathan...you are always in my thoughts and prayers
7. The most important...stop praying. I would not be able to survive without being able to communicate with my loving Heavenly Father and pouring my whole soul out to Him. He is ALWAYS there for me and has blessed me in abundance!!
7 Things That Attracted Me to Dee
1. His gorgeous crystal blue eyes- they are beautiful and they show his pure heart and soul
2. His hard work - I remember when we met at Phoenix College Institute, he was in an engineering class and had built a bridge out of toothpicks and it was still a little wet because he went to school full time, rode his bike miles to get to and from school to save on gas, worked many hours at a grocery store, and still was trying to keep up on homework. He was so cute in that brown sweater as he worked on that bridge so he could get it to class. That just was a foreshadow for years of very hard work, working 3 jobs at times, to take good care of our family.
3. His spirit. He loves the gospel and it always shows. He was converted to the church from reading the Book of Mormon. He loves the Lord and dedicates his every action to honoring Him.
4. His sweet smile - It just lights up my heart!
5. His dedication - nothing stops him...He thinks and thinks and then conquers. When he was made editor of the Phx. Institute Newspaper after I had been it, he just worked and worked until he could get it just right, and that was before computers!
6. His voice - that is the first thing that made him stand out. We were in a Doctrine and Covenants Class. He was behind me. I didn't even know what he looked like, but when he answered a question and I heard his voice, something from within just...well, I didn't recognize what was happening at the time, but it was like in Saturday's Warrior..."...I've heard that voice before..." He is so calming when he talks. He has gotten me through 5 labor and deliveries with no medication and that calming voice (thank heavens for epidurals and Nathan). And when he sings...I just can't get enough.
7. His looks...hey, he is sooo hot! No one even comes close for me!
7 Things I say most often
1. Wake up...
2. Stop it Kate and Nate (constantly fighting!)
3. When do you have to be at ... ?
4. Let's go Falcons!
5. I love you
6. Who are you?
7. Nathan, bring those stinky clothes out to the wash!
7 Celebrity Admirations
1. Sarah Pallin
2. Beau Bridges - I swear he came in the delivery room when Allison was being born!
3. Julie Andrews - I am a die hard Sound of Music fan
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Robert Redford - the early years
6. Martha Stewart
7. Paula Deen
7 Favorite Foods
1. Raw Cauliflower
2. Salad
3. Chimichangas from TeePee Restaurant
4. Red Devil Pizza - the old restaurant on McDowell and 24th Street
5. My Mom's turkey dressing
6. My Mom In Laws Cauliflower with Cheese
7. Chocolate- though it gives me a terrible headache to eat it now!
7 people I think should do this
1. Allison - but I know how busy you are
2. Jannicke
3. Danyel
4. Jackie
5. Sharynn
6. Annie
7. Kathy
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
OK Suzzy I want to know where the TeePee restaraunt is...
Kathy, It is the TeePee Tap Room at 4144 East Indian School. President Bush ate there a few years ago...they have is pic over a booth. Doran has eaten there all his life and I fell in love with it when we lived on that side of town. We ate there when Doran went to the temple... Boy, it has been a long time!
Hello Suzzy....I am not commenting on your latest blog post...this is the only way I can figure to contact you! This is your Aunt Paula in Arkansas...I have been reading your blog for a few weeks, since your mom told me about it...I love it! Keep it up!
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