Wow! I just couldn't believe it when I saw Kathy's blog and saw that it was Thankful Thursday again. Boy, this week has sure gone by fast, but I guess that is because I was not here for part of that week!
First, I am so thankful for cars that can get us from place to place. I got to see my sweet grandbabies this past weekend. I cannot imagine saying goodbye and never seeing them again, as many families did during pioneer times. I am thankful that we got there and back safely and that Kayty and Nathan did okay and got where they needed to be! (Thank you Grandma and the Meikle Family!!) I am so thankful for Adam and Gracie and just the wonderful little people that they are. Adam is smart and he thinks things through. He knows just what he wants in life. He is fun to be with and fun to play with, and he reads so well! And Gracie, well, other than the fact that she is very good at looking for Papa all the time (I am not mad at her saying "Papa" over and over...just jealous that there were only a few "GRammys" mixed in there. But Papa just adores this, and has reminded me of it FREQUENTLY this week!!)anyway, she just is the cutest...she always has that adorable smile on her face and she, well, at the temple she saw some butterflies and just wanted to touch and to see, and that is what she is. She is sweet and curious and just the most wonderful little butterfly herself!! I am thankful that they are cared for by the most amazing mother and the most dedicated father in the world. As a Grammy, I am truly blessed.
I am thankful for all the things we can do with our time and that we have the chance to develop our talents. I just completed outlining the last 25 of my 125 Christmas ornaments that I make every year. I should finish them tomorrow...and meet my goal. I took pictures with my camera this week. My husband and son have worked on their respective vehicles that they are restoring this week. Nathan has played football all week (last game is tomorrow...anyone ready to shout hooray!!), Kate has sung and sung and played the piano and listened and played the piano...well you get the picture. When Dee was in India, their daily life was full of just working to survive...to eat, to wear clean clothes, and to keep the weather off of them. No hobbies, no cultural events - other than the Hindu celebrations for their various gods - no pianos, no cameras, no baking cookies... Our life here gives us so many opportunities to try things, to see things, to make ourselves better, and I am so very thankful for that!!
And, finally, for today, I am so thankful for all the people I have gotten better acquainted with through this blog. I was at such a low time in my life, and then Allison shared blogging with me, I lurked and looked, and I now have more dear, sweet wonderful people in my life than I possibly could have imagined. Thank you, dear Annie, Jannicke, Catherine, Kathy, Chantel, Danyel, Allison, Amber, Cherise, Brynn, Alisa, and...well I just cannot possibly name everyone, but I am thankful for your sharing your life and your loves with people like me. I am so grateful that I can call all of you my friends. I am truly blessed!!!
Suzzy, I so enjoy your posts. It is amazing how much closer you can feel to other people just by reading their blogs. I feel that I get to know you in a different way. I am loving this.
Wow! Thanks for the shout out! I enjoy your blog too. Mike calls blogging my "crack" addiction...but I really do feel like the people I am in contact with are my close friends...even the ones I have never met. It's weird how it brings all us together.
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