I have seen many great women pay tribute to their hubbies on their birthday by honoring the many things they do, and enumerate these things according to their new age. Now, at first, I thought this extremely unfair...their hubbies are 30, and mine is now 52. But, as I started, I found I have many things to write, and have an additional 22 years to see just what a true gem that I have been blessed to be married to for time, and for all eternity. I love him, and am thankful for him, and these are just some of the reasons why...
1. He is the most honest person I know. He errs on the side of caution to make sure he never ever is thought to not be truthful. 2. He is dedicated...He gives his all to everything he does: job, church calling, scouts 3. He is kind...to all: strangers, friends, family, animals 4. He has the most gorgeous blue eyes! 5. He keeps all the fluids changed in our cars. 6. He is friendly: he pays attention to the names of the cashier, the waitress, and he speaks to them by name. 7.He is thrifty: he never makes a purchase without much research and talk, 8. He includes me in his life. I have learned more about cars, machining parts, Eli Goldratt, and much more because he shares with me. 9. He has a great memory. He knows measurements of aerospace parts and machining processes, though he has not done that for many years. He knows what album a song is on...DJ'd for 30 years...he knows all the years of classic vehicles and what characteristics each has. 10. He is a power Nazi. Now, that is the term we (family) lovingly call him, but he is the first to not waste power, or any other resource. 11.He is adventurous...he has traveled the world and made friends everywhere simply because he is not afraid to speak, to meet, to taste, and to try. 12. He LOVES our children. He loves each and every one. He worries over them. He prays for them every day. And he loves our children in law as if they are his own. 13. He loves knowledge, and he strives to learn about everything, from tubing on airplane engines, to gears and their metal hardening. 14. His voice...I just always feel peaceful when I hear him speak. 15. The honorable hunter that he is. He taught me that hunters are not like those freaks in "Bambi" that shoot at anything and everything. He is a careful hunter, and makes sure he cooks and eats the things he hunts. We have had dove, quail, turkey, sandhill crane, deer, goat, elk. 16. He is a great plumber, and fixes faucets, broken pipes, valves, and has performed bypass pipe work when we found our contractor had, many years ago, taken our copper pipe and replaced it with polybutelene without our knowledge. 17. He loves babies...Never ever was angry or upset when we had another one on the way...he would have 60 babies, if he could. 18. He is a hiker, and has taken me from the top of Squaw Peak to the forests surrounding Woods Canyon Lake. 19. He is a great concrete worker, and has poured sidewalks, driveways, birms, etc. to make our home beautiful. 20. He is a swimmer: in the lake (a quality learned in his many pre-mormon days of ditching class all day and going out to Saguaro Lake), in a pool. I would never ever have tried lake swimming, without his encouragement. 21. He is a latrine maker...Now this might seem gross to some, but not to a lady who had to camp while they were deer hunting and there were no facilities available. He, and Grampa Ethan, made sure my facilities were comfortable. 22. He is conservative and supports those that want to maintain government as the Constitution indicates. 23. He helps our kids in school...anything anyone has EVER needed for school, he stops what he is doing to provide. Science projects, geology gatherings, you name it, he has done it. 24. He is strong...rarely a jar, a sack of feed, or a box cannot be opened, moved, etc. with him here. 25. He is smart...he knows something about just everything, and loves to share. 26. He is a gardener...which means hard work...here in Phx and 27, Perseverence and
28. Patience. We have tasty snow peas, and our tomatoes are looking just wonderful! 29. He is friendly. When he dj's a youth dance, he knows the youth by name, and cares if they are having a good time. 30. He is a great "Papa". He lives to call Adam and talk on the phone, and just loves to be with Grace as she tries new things, like cotton candy, and snow cones. 31. He fixes our cars...he is a mechanic extrordianire! 32. He is dedicated to our country, and loves it. 33. He loves nature and loves to camp. I have learned to sleep anywhere and cook anything! 34. He is a builder. He designed a courtyard out in front, and, without prior experience, poured the footings, and laid the block. 35. He is an air conditioning specialist. He can install and repair. He is sooo cool! 36. He is dedicated to a years supply. We were married 29 years ago this Fri. and when I married him, he already had a years' supply. 37. He is an engineer. He can see a problem and design a solution to almost everything. 38. He is an expert canner. He started with rice at the church cannery, and even has taught 11 year old boy scouts how to gather prickly pears, extract the juice, and make their own jelly. 39. He is a great fisherman. He loves to be out on the lake, and loves to catch them ol' stripers! We feasted on many a meal from his talents! 40. He helps his friends find jobs. He has put in resumes, searched for jobs, and made sure those who seek truly find. 41. He also makes a mean resume! There has been no failure from the resumes he has prepared. 42. He is a great son. He loves his mom and always strives to make sure she is proud of him. 43. He does beautiful woodwork, and has made me curio cabinets, cupboards, shelves. He takes my dreams and makes them a reality, which means he is also and expert 44. designer! 45. He is the best cook...I gave birth to my last two babies simply so I could eat the wonderful meals he creates. He can make a great pulled pork, smoking the meat to the perfect taste and tenderness. He is also an expert 46. Asian cook. I love the Chinese dishes he makes: kung pao everything, szechwan chicken, and he even makes what I hear is great sushi, though I am not a fan. 47. He is loyal. He keeps confidences,and lives what he believes. 48. He is an expert stone worker and tile layer. Again, I dream it, he does it. I have granite window sills, a beautifully tiled house, granite sewing/craft table, and...well the list goes on and on! 49. He is a great ball coach. He loved to help the boys with baseball, and even got a broken nose when training with Ethan. He even coached soccer when the boys were young, though he knew little about it. 50. He has a lovely singing voice...at least in my book. He sings from the heart, and loves music. 51. He is a great teacher. He loved to work with the youth, teaching Sunday School so he can share the gospel he loves with them. and Last, and most important...52. he loves his Heavenly Father, and his Savior, Jesus Christ. He is always on his knees in prayer, praying for guidance, for direction, for blessings on his family. He loves the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. His Faith keeps us whole.
Wow...I still have more...I guess you will have to come back next year for those. Thank you so very much, my dear sweet Dee, for being who you are...and happy, happy birthday.