Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
"Water What You Want To Grow."
~Thomas S. Monson.
“Noah waited 120 years before the predicted rains arrived. Abraham waited 25 years for a promised son. Joseph waited 14 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Job waited perhaps a lifetime, 60 to 70 years, for God’s justice.”
“God prepares leaders in a slow cooker, not in a microwave oven. More important than the awaited goal is the work God does in us while we wait. Waiting deepens and matures us, levels our perspective, and broadens our understanding. Tests of time determine whether we can endure seasons of seemingly unfruitful preparations, and indicate whether we can recognize and seize the opportunities that come our way.”
John C. Maxwell
I would love the recipe. I am always looking for new once. And also what is the food club box???
Jannicke, I will post the rub recipe. As for the Food Club, it is operated through WestSide Food Bank. You can purchase basic meat and pantry items, and then you get other items (all poison to you - full of gluten!) tortillas, breads, rolls, english muffins, cookies, pizza sauce, orange juice, skim milk, cottage cheese...just lots of things. The prices start at 13 bucks for no meat, up to 34 buck for meat too.
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