I was given this award.
I'm suppose to tell you ten HONEST things about myself.
I think you may know everything.
But, I'll give it a shot!
1. I love buying dishes, looking at dishes, and seeing other's dishes. I
love setting my table with interesting dishes that I have grabbed at
yard sales.
2. My eyes are failing and I am too proud to get bifocals.
3. I wish I could just spend all my day cooking and baking and canning
and freezing, but my housework keeps me from doing much of that.
4. I hate being cold.
5. I love being organized. It makes me feel secure. It makes me feel like
something in my world is in control. While I am busy spinning plates on
sticks, hurrying from person to person to thing to thing, I can keep it
all in perspective if my kitchen counter is cleaned and my living room ready.
6. Another security: a turkey in the freezer. I buy one every Thanksgiving, put it
in the freezer, and it stays till the next October or November when I cook it
to make room for the next turkey.
7. I don't like any animal, any reptile, any pet of any sort.
8. I am a good spelling fanatic.
9. I am turning into a germ freak. If the dishes are washed in the sink, there
is bleach in there too.
10. I sneak listen to Christmas music, starting in October. The first song I
always play is Mannheim Steamroller's "Hallelujah Chorus".
That's it for me. If you are reading this, you are tagged!
So dose it bother you to read this? I red a blog today and there jokes were loosing there effect on me.
I go CRAZY when I see advertisements with spelling errors. Or books.
I can overlook some errors...I do realize that some just cannot spell, and that is okay. What drives me batty is when "there" and "their" are misused, or "effect" and "affect", or "then" and "than"! Ads and books, and papers by self-professed smarties...that gets me!
I went crazy last week looking for a turkey in the stores.. went to 3
at the third the meat manager told me that here in AZ. people only buy turkey
after it cools down. I told him i cook turkey any time. I wanted to find one.
I did find one that day..
I wondered people cook Roasts her in Az. in the summer..
Is there a Difference?
Thanks for coming over to my blog!
I have had fun looking at yours!
I'm with you on the spelling. It's fun to get to know you a bit more!
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