from Grammygingerbread
I read this on Frugal Jen's blog and thought I would join along. I also enjoy reading about other bloggers.
So here I go:
1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while your blogging?
Sunflower or Pumpkin Seeds
2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
My sweet hubby, and my kids, kids in law, and grandbabies.
3. Beach, Mountains, or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?
I love to VISIT the ocean, but the sand...and a Farm-heck what would they all track in the house then. So, gotta be the mountains. I really love living where I live because I can do dishes and look at the mountains out my window.
4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
Scrubbing the tubs!
5. Who do people say you remind them of?
No one says I remind them of anyone.
6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying home with the fam?
I am a homebody and love being with the ones I love.
7. What's your all time favorite movie?
The Sound of Music
8. Do you sleep in your make-up or remove it like a good little girl every night?
I am not a real big make up wearer...just mascara, shadow, and sometimes blush. I don't always wash it bad!
9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it
I would just love to learn to paint...more than Christmas ornaments. I would love to do paintings!
10. What's one strange thing you're really good at?
Now, Ethan may have some "faulty" memories, but, a long time ago, when Dee was sick and Ethan needed some batting practice, I went out and pitched to him. He showed me how to hold the ball for a split finger fastball. Now, I did have some speed, but the accuracy...well, let's just say that the wait in between good pitches was quite long! I guess, then, I am not really good at that, but good for a 49 year old grandma!
11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
His voice...then his smile and those beautiful blue eyes!
12. What is something you love to smell?
The desert after it rains...applesauce cooking on the stove...turkey in the oven.
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
I am an organization freak! I try not to impose my weakness on others, but I often just cannot help myself. My kids laugh at the clear boxes and containers in my walk in pantry with labels on them, though the contents are clearly visible.
14. When you have extra money, what's the first thing you think to do with it?
I love to buy something to create for my home.
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?
I am a pretty reserved "laugher". I laugh the hardest at just the silly things my kids, or grandbabies do.
16. Where is your favorite place to shop?
Don't really have a fav...WalMart drives me nuts, and I shop Target so rarely that I don't find the good bargains. I do like Dollar Tree real early in the season, not after the store has been picked to death. There is also this restaurant supply store with every affordable gadget you can imagine, and I could spend my life in there!!!
17. What's one things you'd do more often if you had more time?
Craft...too much work to do to get to that very often, but if I could...
18. Are you a big spender or frugal?
I try to be very frugal. Our money has decreased in the last years: only one raise in 6 years, and now decreased pay last year and this coming year, plus costs going up, plus husband due to be "reduced" when the job he is doing now is complete and the company he works for operates from Mexico, India, the Czech Republic, and China. I keep a budget and I try very hard to stock up when I can. I subscribe to great blogs that teach me many things.
19. Who is your favorite character of all time? (from a movie or a book, can't be real)
Dorothy, from Wizard of Oz...I guess. "There's no place like home!"
20. Would you want to be famous?
Not worldly famous, but if my kids thought I did an okay job with raising them, that would be great for me!
Now, you try it!
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