You have heard the statement "one man's trash is another man's treasure". My sweet hubby and I "date" every Saturday morning at yard sales, and we can attest to this fact! We have such fun sharing our time, hunting for goodies, finding some things that are truly needs, some frivolities (i.e. my dish closet) and some things that even we think should see the dump! However, it still remains that what someone finds unnecessary, another needs.
So that brings me to my latest irritation: texting on a cell phone. Truly, Kayty wasn't too bad about it...and it sure is nice to send a message this way to a college student so that you don't interrupt a class. It got a little irritating to send texts to son Doran...but now I know that is just how you get ahold of him...no problem. Then, Nathan got his own phone. First, the texting was not bad at all, but, lately, it is through our meals, while we are talking, and it just gets irritating. I was thinking about making limits on this heinous habit...Until...yes, it's the great "until"...I wanted to talk to my grandbabies last night...and I texted them. Now, I text "I love you" off and on to them...and sometimes I even can text Adam when he is sick...but last night, just being able to talk back and forth about the weather, about the dream Grace had about pink and purple ponies...about what we had for dinner...about staying up late so they could drive to get Daddy from work (too much spelling for me to ask why they can't use both their vehicles? Poor kids, something must be on the fritz!) Anyway, the curse of dinner suddenly became my tie to my Grandbabies. I hope Adam was helping Grace, for I was talking to her, and, if he...nor Mommy...wasn't, I have the most brilliant 3 year old speller on the earth!!! We can say that it is like homework...spelling-we don't abbreviate the words...and we have to think about what we are going to say. So it can be justified in many ways...the best of which is that I can do my stuff (except drive...never ever text while driving) and still keep in contact with those sweet ones that I miss so very, very much!
So maybe, just maybe, one man's...or woman's disdain, can also be that same woman's joy! I guess, like almost everything, it's just in how you look at it! And the best part...I got finished with my "getting ready for bed" duties last night, heard a beep...and saw "I Love You" texted to me...what a perfect way to end the day!!!
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