Traditions...the holidays are simply full of them. The food we eat...and where we eat it, the activities we plan, the things we read, or see...or don't see; the priorities we try to make; the gifts we open and the gifts we give. Traditions give us strength! They give us a tie with the past...and a rope to the future. They can make us feel close to those we love, even if we are far apart. Traditions are important! However, sometimes, if we let them, traditions...that tie to the past, that rope to the future, can become a Noose! Sometimes, we may put aside needful things because of a "tradition". Sometimes people can be neglected for the sake of a tradition. Sometimes, the fun of a tradition can become a burdensome duty. That is when it is time to rethink. Traditions don't have to be something that becomes a millstone about your neck. You CAN take a piece of the past, and make an improved tradition...Traditions should be living and breathing things...things that may have to have a metamorphosis, of sorts, so YOU can live them...and love them too.

Now, I have faced my tradition dilemma. I have made ornaments for, now about 30 years (our 30th anniversary is this April...can you believe it!!!) I started kit painting, then sewing, then gluing, and then my sweetheart bought me painting lessons for a Christmas gift, and the rest is history! I have been Undecorating my house...a daunting, and often sad task. Today, I worked on our big main Christmas tree. I do spend much time remembering as I remove and wrap the ornaments, so it really seemed more of a genealogical/family history activity, thus Sunday appropriate...(do you sense the rationalizing I am doing for remembering the Sabbath Day and keeping it holy!) Anyway, I got the ornaments I have made for the last 30 years and set them in piles, ready to bag with my other extras. There are so many memories there! Now, not to bore you, but it really was a family history time for me. I have been rethinking this's a LOT of work...and I seem to only get my wood ready and then spend hours in the garage...the hot, August, over 115 degree in the outdoor shade garage...cutting them out and sanding them, and then hours painting. Yes, they are cute, but I don't want them to turn into an obligation, either for me, or for those who receive them. I have not come to a conclusion as to how many I will make and give next year...sorry, kids and Grandbabies, you get 'em anyway...but I sure did enjoy the vision of what I have done. AS for next year, we shall see...traditions need to be alive, to grow and change...and what is to come...well, who knows. But, for now, just take a look at 30 years!

That looks like a lovely, fun tradition.
I love your ornaments... they are our faves. The kids especially love them and ask about each one.
Suzzy, your ornaments are darling! What a wonderful tradition, and how lucky are those who receive them :)
We love your ornaments, but when I can relieve anyones stresses by giving us less I am first to say it's ok not to give to us. My children are the same as your grandkids, saying which is mine and we have to read the names, which by the way is much easier than trying to figure out the color ribbon, especially for the kids that have taken my old ribbons. They love to see their names and see the difference between each one - even if it's just the slightest. So if you ever get overwhelmed we are always glad to lighten your load, but we always appreciate what you do. They will have a full house of special ornaments when they move out too! These will last for many generations, so you name will live on in infamy!
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