And then, there's me. It's been so hot, but there is no excuse for the fact that I haven't even started my Christmas ornaments...I had the pattern last November. I even had a little wood, though I still don't have enough. I just have lost my umph to do it. Then, I have added chicken care and pool brushing to my repertoire daily, so more to do in less time. I have driven and driven. I didn't re-do the pantry shelf I wanted to re-do. And then, I had a shocker: the dental appointment I thought would be a cake cleaning ended up being a "you need a wisdom tooth pulled" one, and that has taken way longer to get over than I ever imagined! I am still in pain, and still having some issues, though the pain is not so severe I cannot relieve it with Ibuprofen. It's just I cannot eat without constantly thinking about what I eat and where it is in my mouth, and if I have to swish with salt water much more, I think I'll puke.
One positive: I have been working on my bread baking skills. I make a loaf every week now, and it even looked almost normal! I even have worked on cinnamon rolls, though that is still a work in progress. I have worked on my Christmas Stocking project for a future grandchild. I have read the Book of Mormon (almost done with time number 4). I have tried many new recipes and have worked on a meal plan, but I never take pics or record the recipes...
So, Nathan starts back to school on Monday. It will be a break for him: he gets to sleep in till 6:30. I will be driving 2 to 3 hours a day, till the time we break down and get Nate a license. Summer is gone for the Rices. Not much fun, but I guess we survived...
Only good thing: Fall is just around the corner, and I LOVE Fall!