I am recovering from a very trying wisdom tooth extraction yesterday. It is difficult to discern whether the pain I am experiencing comes from the actual tooth removal (came apart and had to be cut out in small pieces) or the myriad of Novocaine injections he had to give me to finally get me numb...I lost track at 9! Anyway, I had a not so good night, only did half of my exercising, ran-but rethought my decision at the halfway point, but decided I couldn't just live on the street-I had to come home), a ton of work outside this morning (not my regular stuff, but stuff others should have done, but didn't - cleaning out pizza oven, gathering pizza oven fuel, and then loading it so I can light it up this afternoon for our dinner guests - brushing the pool - feeding the poultry - cleaning out the dog's baby pool of roof runoff and mud - yes, we had RAIN yesterday!!! - cleaning up blown palm fronds in the yard, and now facing a ton of work inside...I sat down to eat my regular breakfast apple (cut in many small pieces) and look at a few blogs and my email. I got to - Three Cheers For Babies- one of my favorites, and decided to take a moment and play the video. My oh my...Did my day change, just from listening to the sweet sounds of pure joy and happiness...and laughter. I am gonna finish this post, and get back to vacuuming, dusting, mopping and laundry, but instead of thinking pain, I have a smile...well, sort of a smile. I do look like a lopsided chipmunk (don't remember dear dentist telling me about ice) and it hurts to smile too big, but I can and will make it.
Maybe, just maybe, we should play this in airports, in grocery lines, at the Motor Vehicle Division...just to give us all a chance to stop...and giggle...and smile.
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