Saturday afternoon was filled with cryptic phone calls and sneaking. Kayty was the first to come home from work, and she "gifted" me with...
I do love the knee high nylon...and there is a spray bottle for Dirty Old Man Repellant! Too cute...and matches the one she got dad 3 years ago.
More cryptic phone calls...then Ethan and Cameo came over. Wondering ceased when I opened this: My Very Own Ipod Nano! I can hike...and no more cheapies for me! I get "the real McCoy" and Kayty spent the evening loading it! The visiting that lasted for hours was even better than the wonderful gifts. I just love watching my kids together now that they are all adult/almost adult. They are just so great together and to each other. They would do ANYTHING for their brother/sister. Sure makes all those arguments that six kids had in a 15 passenger van way worth it, for they have learned to love and serve one another. What more could a Mom want? ('cept for a few more grandbabies) ;)
On Sunday, we set out on our journey across the desert. I drove for half the trip because Dee had a dance to play late the night before. We got there just as they returned from church (knew I would NEVER be able to get them out the door so I could actually go to Church with them!) I was greeted in typical Wilkins' Birthday fashion (after hugging and kissing, and reading the wonderful card Adam had made): a great birthday sign on the door...
and red and blue streamers adorning the walls! Such fun. Mommy and Grace made special star cupcakes, and the family decorated them with cream cheese frosting and wonderful sprinkles.
After Daddy grilled a yummy dinner, we enjoyed a great fireworks show that he put on.
Then, we went inside for singing, blowing out candles, and eating yummy treats!
Gracie said it best last year, and, this year, I totally concur: "This is the best birthday EVER!"
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