This is what Elder Rice was mailed: camo candy eggs, ducky shooter (sorry, Elder Dyer) and Bunny Bait |
Kayty and Morgan got chocolate bunnies....Dad got Now and Laters...licorice (yuck!) |
I had choir practice at 8am...Church began at 9am. A baby was given a name and a blessing by his grandfather. Three great talks. Two Great choir songs. Gratitude in our hearts for the sacrifice our Savior made for us. Reminders of serving other...of doing His work, for we are His hands. Sunday School spoke of the atonement. One sister, we call her Julie B (her last name if very long!) talked about how we take ourselves apart, noticing our faults, and make ourselves less than whole. The Atonement of Christ makes us whole. No faults. Not too fat, or too tall. Not too dumb or too poor. With Him, we are whole. Then, I went off to sing with sweet little nursery children, age 18 months to 3 years. Cannon smiled. Londyn almost smiled when Mr. Alligator, quiet as can be, snapped that monkey right out of that tree. The Wise Man built his house upon a rock. Jesus wants us for a sunbeam. The Wheels on the Bus go round and round. Hop little bunnies hop...hop...hop.
Then, we went home for our traditional deviled eggs. I did boil the eggs ahead of time. I had dye. But, again...Sticks. In. The. Mud. I didn't have a "Drop By and Dye" this year, because it was sooooo far for Doran, Amber and Kelsie to drive (59 miles round trip) two days in a row.
Then, off to Granma's house for Easter Dinner and The Egg Hunt to end All Egg Hunts!
Layered Bean Dip...deviled eggs |
Jessica coloring with the little cousins...Abby and Zoey |
James, Jade, Liz and Wade |
Shared and Shelley |
Dad, Kelsie and Amber |
Doran got my camera |
Cam, Ethan and Wade |
After dinner...theyre off!! Sam and Kelsie lead the way! |
Liz was seriously searching through the flowers. |
Jessica found some too. |
I think Wade was a bit bothered that Liz was doing so well...ha ha! |
Here is Nano, stealing eggs from a small child. I mean it, I cannot take her anywhere!!! Just kidding. Sam found her trustworthy looking to have her be in charge of his basket. |
There was one egg...with a tag that said "Nathan" on it. Kelsie found it, and got the prize... |
A granola bar. |
Kelsie did pretty good for her first hunt! |
Cameo made this homemade from scratch Carrot Cake. It was a hit!!! |
This is Jessica's Panda Pie. I had one bite. It. Is. Awesome. To Die. For!!!! And...it must never be in my house on a bad, I need chocolate day. It was like a bite of chocolate heaven!!! |
Most of "my girls"...(miss you Allison!!!) |
Morgan certainly brings out the "attack of the cousins". |
Kayty came after church. So glad to have her. |
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