Projects sometimes take awhile...NOT because we are lazy...but because we are formulating the perfect. Sometimes that takes time. The backsplash to the outdoor kitchen is no exception. We have thought and accumulated granite and tried and just hadn't done it. Then, Dee thought of using the river rock...the river rock that is in the Grapevine the lower courtyard...on the Pizza Oven. I hadn't thought of it...but it was PERFECT! So, he rigged a system to cut rock with the tile saw WHILE he worked, and then we place and put...and he cleaned and brushed.
He has some granite for the top of the backsplash. There is not quite enough of the thicker granite,but plenty of thinner. So, we are pondering...It's almost done, at any rate. Hurrah!
Classic All Bran Muffins – Quick & Easy
1 day ago
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