NOT a good idea.
Started out fine, but on my last mile, there was a creepy pickup truck just sitting at one street corner. I just kept on, acting as though I didn't see anything. The truck went up one street and I moved the safety switch on my pink pepper spray (thank you so much, Doran and Amber!) and kept on. The truck then came from behind me...lots of prayer going on...and turned on another street.
I sped up a bit...or a lot.
I was watching everywhere...and almost called Kayty to come and get me...
Then...and owl started hooting.
I nearly fainted...ran faster...and made it home.
I repeat...NEVER AGAIN!
After I dried up (it's doggone hot even at 3 am!) and then got dad up to go Dove Hunting.
Yes, it was opening day!!!
While they were away, I dusted, vacuumed, brushed the pool, mopped...after a nap of course!
Dee, Ethan and Doran had a great time!...So did Beau!
I swear...that dog no energy to walk from the kitchen table to the family room rug. However, you put him in Ethan's truck, drive a half hour and pick up a big dog cage...and Doran...and drive another distance, let him out and fire a shotgun, and that dog is a pup again.
He picked up Ethan's who limited first (15 birds), Dad's (13), Doran's (15)...
and then went and stood by some strangers to fetch their birds for them.
He's loyal that way...
He was unconscious the rest of the day...
Amber and Doran came, set up, ran and cleaned up Kelsie's birthday party...
They did awesome!
Kelsie had a great time...and so did we all.
When Kaylee came in with Mommy and Daddy, she did NOT expect to find a house full of strangers! |
Dad and Ethan left early to try hunting north of us...
No doves...
I vacuumed and Kaylee prepped, and headed to bed.
Tuesday - It has been warm...108 degrees every day for the last few days, and though the mornings are dry and "cool", 80 degrees isn't that cool when you run...(though it's way better than 90 degrees!)
Kaylee and I tried the pool for a little bit, talked to the chickens (and our chick who became a rooster became aggressive, so it was determined he needed to be relocated.) She had a great day and played and talked and even ate...she likes mashed potatoes. Right at her nap time, she was standing on the couch and she leaned over, out of the blue, and gave me two kisses, said "Wuv You", and curled up in my lap and talked about eyes and eyebrows and ears and teeth.
I love being a Grammy!
Ethan came and she played for a bit and then they headed home.
Dee worked in the garden...not me - it's hot out there...
Dee melted lead and molded bullets...not's hot work...
Then I took a hot bath...go figure!
Wednesday - Another warm morning...another warm run. Rain is predicted this weekend, so that will be nice...except for the fact that our weeds are getting a nice watering.
I am so not a fan of spurge (nasty weed that won't go away)
Thursday - Dee had many supplier visits to make, so it was Kaylee and I for most of the day. We played in the water with the little pink pool. We danced and sang and played with babies and I was "Elmo" rather than "naughty". She loves to tease.
After dinner, we prepped for our trip: packing, getting air in tires, etc.
Friday - I had a great run, made sure the house was dusted, the jeep was completely loaded, got ready, and woke Dee up...and off we headed for Las Vegas. We needed gas in we purchased just a bit, and tried to get more in Kingman. Then, our every on the ball credit card company called, suspecting fraud, and had stopped our card from working! I am thankful they are watchful, but it sure can get in the cost us an addional 40 cents a gallon!
We arrived and had great cousin time.
Since the kids were near me, Dee took a picture...(Kaylee hadn't arrived so it was just for fun) Kooper really wanted to give Sam a kiss! |
Uncle Doran had converted an old fire extinguisher into a pretty awesome water squirter for Adam |
Grace demonstrated her new skates she purchased with her birthday money. |
He smiled when Mommy said "ma ma ma" |
Mommy couldn't say "ma ma" and look this great at the same time, so Sam's smile was hidden... |
Dinner was potluck, with chicken sloppy joes, coleslaw, chips and grapes.
The younger kids watched a movie for a little while,
and then we headed to our hotels.
Saturday - Wonderful, restful night (though Dee nearly froze me out in that hotel room!) Wonderful breakfast, with Kelsie, Kooper, Doran, Amber and Grandma joining us. We headed to Allison's and joined Nano and Kathy...and the beautiful Wilkin's family, ready to enjoy this special covenant event.
Kathy Hayes, Gracce and Nano |
Pictures were taken
Grace and her best friend, Katelyn...both baptized on the same day! |
Cousins Kelsie and Grace |
Daddy and Grace |
After the baptism and confirmation, we "attempted" a group grandkid was hilarious!
Ethan, Cameo and Kaylee |
We returned home and celebrated with ice cream!
I was photographing Adam's root beer float creation when Grace came for additional whipped cream... |
And boy, she sure did get "additional" whipped cream! Adam's float looked awesome. |
![]() |
Kaylee met Tyger. |
Adam and Josh wrestled, and Kooper wanted to join in. |
Some of the family decided to head back, and so Nano and Kathy, Doran and family, and Dee and I left. Doran and us met in Kingman and ate at . Kelsie loved the mac and cheese...and the mandarin oranges. Papa loved the clam chowder. I loved the salad! Kooper did NOT love much of anything.
We headed for home.
(Ethan and Cameo enjoyed spending the night there with the Wilkins family. Cameo shared this pic with me...
Evening was wonderful, as we were deluged with 45 minutes of hard rain.
It was also wonderful that we went to fill up the jeep with gas, and as we went home, I said, "Lets go see the temple." It was gorgeous and we stood by the fence and just looked. We walked more north and were stopped by a sweet couple that asked what this building was for. They asked who the man on the top was. Dee shared the purpose of the temple, the history of the Angel Moroni. We also told them about the upcoming open house, and told them to check things out on It is amazing to me that the Lord is so mindful of all...that we "happened" to be looking at a temple when someone just was out driving and came over Thunderbird Mountain and saw the beautifully lit building and stopped to see what it was...and we "happened" to walk by this couple, who "happened" to ask a question.
This day was a day of a beautiful and sacred covenant event. Grace has been taught for eight years of what it means to be obedient to Heavenly Father's commandments. She has been taught by her parents, in both word and deed, what it means to live as Heavenly Father would want us to live. She loves Jesus Christ and wants to be a member of His church, to keep His commandments, to serve Him and to strive daily to be more like Him so she can live with Him someday. She made this choice on her own, and she knew everything about the covenant she was making. It was so wonderful for me to see all the family supporting her in this choice: Daddy, Mommy, Adam, Josh, and Sam, Great Grandma Dorrie, Nano, Papa and Grammy Rice, Grampa and Grandma Wilkins, Uncle Ethan, Aunt Cameo and Kaylee, Uncle Doran, Aunt Amber, Kelsie, and Kooper, Uncle Mike and Aunt Kristi, Hayden and Noah, and Uncle Nathan and Aunt Jessica, who couldn't come from Idaho, but sent lovely baptismal remembrances and a beautiful white flower for Grace to wear in her hair, and Aunt Kayty and Uncle Morgan, who had to work, but kept her in their thoughts. Grace, you are very, very loved!
Sunday - It was a wonderful Fast and Testimony Meeting at church today. We have the greatest people, both old and young, and they share very inspiring messages and testimonies every month.
Dorrie came by after church to drop up some Vegas-bound stuff.
We dropped off Kaylee's Grammy Bag and visited a few minutes.
Kayty came home and we finally saw her awake!
Quiet end to a good week.
We have been so very blessed to have so many wonderful things happen in our family this year: two sweet baby boys, Kooper and Sam, born in January, Nathan returning home from his mission in March, Kooper and Sam's name and blessing in March, Nathan and Jessica sealed for time and all eternity in May, and Grace's baptism in September. We are very thankful for all our family that is here to support each other in these blessed events too!
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