At least, I thought that.
At 5 am, it was still raining, but dark, so I turned on the news and decided to exercise.
I was shocked. There was rain and flooding from one end of town to the other. Freeways flooded. Cars sunk. And it was still raining outside.
At the end of the morning, there had fallen a record 3.96 inches of rain at Sky Harbor Airport...all time record for one day.
Between Saturday's rain, and todays, we had a total of nearly 4.5 inches of rain!
I texted my kids to make sure all were well. Those who worked made it there, or had it cancelled. Those who had school made it there...and Kelsie had it cancelled. I felt blessed that we were dry and well. We had some friends from church who did not fare so well.
I spent the day cleaning and packing and preparing for my three days in Vegas.
Tuesday - We got started to Vegas by 8:20 am, after renting the smallest, "mid-size" Ford Focus I had ever experienced. I was crunched and all the stuff barely fit. Since it was Dee's business trip, he got Subway sandwich for him on the way up.
It was great to see Josh and Sam...oh, and Allison waiting outside for us. I unloaded my stuff and Dee came in for a rest. Allison asked if he had heard about the road closure. I played with Josh: puzzles, trains, etc. while Dad soon discovered that the only road to his St. George Utah destination had been washed out the night before and the detour added 250 miles to the trip! I hugged Sam and Josh and I played and organized his trains some. Dee's boss told him to cancel his St. George Hotel and return home the next morning.
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Josh with his hiking stick |
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Sorry about the ghetto selfie...the smart card from my camera was misplaced when Dad took pics of his garden, so this was on his i-phone |
So, we made the best of our shortened time. I did more puzzles with Joshy, played with Sam, and Papa gave the kids the walking sticks he had made for them.
When the family went to a church activity, Adam stayed home and we played a couple of card games with him. I read to Josh. Dee played War with Grace.
We had a blast...wish it could have gone on longer...but at least I got a little time.
I haven't played with these guys in six months!
Everyone finally got tired...Dee took the couch and I took the floor.
Wednesday - I woke up early on my own, got dressed and got most of the stuff in the car and was greeted by Tyger...and Adam. It was nice to see how very responsible and independent he has become in just a few months. And he sure is a sharp dresser for school! It's hard for me to realize he is in sixth grade. Gracie woke up and I helped get her lunch ready. Sammy came out...with Mommy...donning his always present big smile. That kid is SO happy...All of the time! And Joshy, who is NOT a morning person, came out and snoozed by all of us. Kids readied, "Preach My Gospel" was studied, and prayers were said...and out we headed so the kids could get to school.
But not without a big, take-my-breath-away Gracie hug...
And a kissing hand kiss...that I will treasure...forever.
Long drive...again! Dad got a Subway sub in Kingman.
Drive was painful and uneventful. We arrived to a clean home and I started housework while Dee went back to work. We returned the painfully small rental car...and ended up getting a 10 percent discount for the mixup in "midsize".
I hope Honeywell appreciates me!
We made some prickly pear jelly.
Dee mowed...and poisoned the weeds we have from all the rain.
I received a phone call asking for some help tomorrow with the Cultural Celebration costumes.
We didn't want to leave the house at all the rest of the evening...until we saw a Facebook post that the construction fence was partially down around the temple. We had to go see that!
Thursday - The early morning was nice and cool and my run was wonderful...made more wonderful when I got to the temple. I have jogged past this site for years: in the dirt...on the busy street...on a sidewalk peeking in at the granite jogging path behind the construction fence.
I wanted to be one of the first ones to jog on this past...
So I was.
The fence is still up on the street side, so there was a bit of backtracking...So worth it!
Pool was brushed. Chickens were treated with corn on the cob, watermelon, and grass clippings. House was vacuumed.
I headed over to Debbie Blake's...and with Cheryl Burrow and Yvonne Brimhall (friends from church) we went to another sister's house and worked on cutting out 'leather' jackets for the kids to wear for the Phoenix Temple Cultural Celebration. Yvonne and I worked at a short, vinyl covered card table...not easy...but in two hours, we got four cut out and I visited with Yvonne: fun...and visiting teaching her done for the month. I also received a wonderful call from Nathan, who had a break from work for a few hours. Made my morning!
My back ached for awhile, but a trip to Dollar Tree cured some stuff I needed: cleaning products (they say that the "Totally Awesome" brand of cleaners there really are, so I am testing).
The rest of the day was cleaning up and laundry.
Friday - The construction fence was down, so I was able to run on the temple path...awesome! (As you can see, it really doesn't take much to please me.
I was going to head to the grocery store, but felt I should check Kayty...I am ever so thankful Heavenly Father loves Kayty so much, and that I have learned to act on those promptings. I walked into her room, and she sat up...I checked her leg and it felt cold and then she began the seizures - sign of low blood glucose. I asked her if she was low and she said "Yes"...(miracle because you are VERY low at seizure time). I grabbed the nearby sugary soda and gave her some in a bottle. She tried to hold it herself but it was difficult with the jerking. (That in itself was so miraculous that she was aware enough at that low level...she must had a glucose in the 20's!) We got two cans of soda down her, and she was able to eat some candy...I checked her glucose at that point and it was 79, so I had her swish her mouth with water to keep her teeth safe and left...VERY THANKFUL! I check on her all night...routinely...and I am so thankful that the Lord gets me where I need to be EVERY TIME!)
We hit a couple of yard sales when Dee had a work break...I hit the jackpot with the two six inch round cake pans Cameo needed for Kaylee's Minnie Mouse Cake, plus I got a half sheet cake pan, to rectangular pans, and two eight inch rounds ...all for $13!
I wasn't going to start the Fall Put Away (I pack up all the decorations that are on my shelves, etc. i.e. photos, missionary plaques, etc. in the Fall and get them back out in January after the holidays) but one thing led to another and my shelves were emptied...a suitcase and a box in the garage DJ/office room, and the rest in my hut. I vowed that I needed to thin out some of my stuff...
I finally got my dusting, vacuuming, mopping and bathroom cleaning done. I worked on adding purple flowers to my back porch wreaths.
Dee needed more chicken manure, so we headed to a friend of a friend. Lots of chickens...but no manure (rain washed it all away).
Quick shopping trip to the 99 cent store and WinCo for salad stuff. Dee worked in the garden and poisoned weeds.
Saturday - Another wonderful jog by a temple...I pinch myself all of the time! It's too amazing to be true!
I brushed the pool, did a little back yard cleaning. Dee woke up early to plant and poison more weeds.
Love the rain...the weeds? not so much!
Yard sales were pretty good. I helped Dee get two garden beds ready to plant, and we planted the snow peas in the morning...and he planted tomatoes in the evening.
In between time, we went to Costco, took some stuff left in Vegas to Ethan and Cameo's and ended up going to New Asian Kitchen with them for lunch. We then got two propane tanks filled and rested out the heat of the day.
Morgan called and updated us on how he is doing...sounds great!
We got Dee's tomatoes covered and in...all while being eaten alive by mosquitoes.
Quiet evening
Sunday - We both woke early and so Dad enjoyed the yard and I got a few things done and ready for church. Sunday classes were all good. It's our last day in our building...they are even changing the locks and have asked that we not even try to come into the building until further notice. Temple wards make great sacrifices, but get to walk out of church every single Sunday and see a temple.
Worthwhile trade off, I would say!
Nathan called and updated us...He worked LOTS of hours last week! They are doing well...he starts college on Tuesday. (I wonder if Jess could get me a "first day of school" pic with him holding a sign that says "College Freshman"?...
I doubt it. I am sure not going to mention anything on Facebook either...don't want to spend the next year 'unfriended' like it was in high school!
Dee home taught and I went to Ethan's to get the car seat I bought fixed up...turned out my rear seatbelts didn't lock...Dad worked on it, though, and it seems all good. I still am going to get it checked at a fire station at my next opportunity.
We finished packing up Dee's stuff for his trip to Utah next week...
We ended the evening with Kayty showing us pics of strange men in suits on her phone.
The fun never ends around here...
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