This week, Dad attended an endowment session at the temple on Wednesday evening and had a very uplifting evening. It was his turn to lock up our ward building this week, so we went over every evening (last night it was near midnight) and checked every light to make sure they were off, and every door and window to make sure they were closed and locked.
I indexed a couple of different projects this week, including some Revolutionary War soldier records from Massachusets. They were very interesting, since it included enlistments, who their commanding officers were, etc. Some would enlist in one company for nine days, another for two months. It was really interesting to read about the Minutemen enlistments and the warnings that we given and where they were. So far this year, I have indexed 5570 names.
I completed my letter to one of my visiting teaching sisters. She only wants to receive a letter, and I did this earlier since there are General Conference sessions coming up. Dad completed his home teaching Sunday night before I picked him up and we went to the hospital for Annalee.
In scripture reading, I am in Mosiah 11.Dad's reading is as follows: Book of Mormon: Mosiah 3 Bible : Leviticus 27 and he continues to read The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is always having a good time. They got all dressed up for Dress Like a Pirate Day, shared some "Arrrrrr"s and some "Aye, mateys!" and got three dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, which they shared with folks at Deseret Industries.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan had to work later for Home Depot, so he came here to get Kaylee Monday and take her to a later swimming lesson. Cameo said she started out fine, but then the teacher called Cam in, since Kaylee wanted to go potty. After a potty attempt, Kaylee didn't want to go back to her lesson without Daddy. Kaylee is still working on potty training. Ethan worked extra hours before and after work. Cam's work still is good and she didn't have to work too much extra this week. Kaylee started with a little cough during rest time on Monday that progressed to wheezing on Sunday, so Kaylee visited Phoenix Children's Hospital Urgent Care. Mom and Dad are still watching that ol' cough.
The Doran Rice Family
Amber has been such a great help to the family all week. She stayed in contact via texting with Jessica and with Mom on Sunday. We are so thankful for her help. She is always there!
Morgan made a surprise visit on Monday evening. He and Kyle had a rare day off from moving and were combining a visit with a trip to Prescott for some fishing.
He let us use his computer and we watched "Cinderella". Oh, my goodness...I was a bucket of tears at the end. "Have courage and be kind". No better words. And, oh my goodness...that dress and those shoes!!! Thank you Morgan!
Kayty's Monday was spent working and then after work, she prepped for a "Where's Waldo" singles family home evening.
She was eventually found and she had a good time with that. However, as singles activities go, poor planning meant that, once everyone was located, no one had anything planned for what was to be next, so all left! Happens nearly every time! She had Tuesday off and spent it sleeping in, worked all week, and enjoyed Girls Night on Saturday night with some work friends.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate came by on Tuesday afternoon after he was done with work. He and dad talked about various things. At that point, Annalee was totally comfortable, warm, no clothing, well fed...and inside Mommy's tummy.Nate called at 3:20 am Thursday morning that they were at the hospital. Jessica's water had broken an hour earlier when she got up to let Greta out. They spent a long day at the hospital laboring. We went for a visit that evening, just to see how all were doing. At 3:30 am Friday, I received a text that baby was crowning. I was up and praying for Jessica. At about 5:45 am I received a text: nine pounds four ounces (Nate weighed exactly that!) and this
What a beauty!!! and all that hair. Her weight: very Rice! Her hair: very Hudson!
We went and visited on Friday evening. Cameo joined us after Kaylee wanted to visit Grandma Liza and Wally.
She had some low glucose challenges, but she got to come home Saturday...
Nate invited us over on Saturday night for a visit...and Grammy got to hold her for a loooong time. Yes, I was truly a baby hog! I have earned my title over the years!
Sunday, we received a text in church that Annalee was too sleepy to eat and wouldn't stay awake to eat much. They talked to their doctor and ended up back at the hospital. She was admitted to Phoenix Children's Hospital NICU. We went to see Nate and Jess, and they were doing a spinal tap at that time, as well as running blood tests. She had a urinary tract infection that had her on antibiotics already, and they were trying to determine why that is happening as well as what else is causing the sleep. Dad and Nate were able to give her a priesthood blessing in between procedures. I am so thankful for the blessing of the priesthood and that man can act in God's name here on earth. I know she is in the hollow of His hand and He is watching over her.
Dad's week began on Monday with typical Boss A meetings, though he is not clear who his Boss A is. We will just declare the Boss of the former Boss A to be his present Boss A. He spent a lot of time making not so fancy spreadsheets (I tell him women add more colors to theirs. His are rather to the point and boring!) He shared observations and may have some buy in on solutions.
For Kaylee, it was pumpkin week. You know me and pumpkins...I wish nearly every week was pumpkin week!
She painted a pumpkin
Tried pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins (she liked a bite or two) and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (not a fan).
Helped me put carrot sticks in the box that I had cut, and made her own peanut butter and honey sandwich
Put together shape puzzles
Played with pumpkin playdough
ate pumpkin pancakes
made a pumpkin seed collage
blinged a pumpkin

made a pasta pumpkin

made pumpkin pie
ate whipped cream off pumpkin pie
and swam, played outdoors in the sandbox, ran around the lower courtyard, and went to Storytime at the library where we heard stories about Bats and learned that bats sleep upside down, fly around at night and eat bugs.
Dad's truck
He got the new oil pan gasket glued on and ready to attempt installation. He got the old motor mount removed and the new oil pan installed. It is hard work all by himself. I go out to check on him every little bit, to make sure nothing has fallen on him.
Dad's garden:
Tuesday, Kayty helped us...and we put carrot seeds on huge pieces of tissue paper with flour and water paste. A friend does this: folds a grid pattern and glues the seeds on. Keeps them well space.
It's just tedious work, not hard work. He had worked earlier to get the garden beds ready for planting. Carrots and Garlic were planted on Tuesday evening.
Friday evening, he got his snow peas planted.
He still sprays the grapevines to try to get rid of nasty whiteflies.
Other highlights:
We ran to Costco Monday night to get some bird seed/chicken food. I enjoyed looking at all the cool Christmas toys that are filling the store, and even got some remote controlled, battery operated puck lites for under my kitchen cabinets. I LOVE them!!
Dad surprised me, thanks to Kayty's help, with two one pound boxes of Sees candy: one box of each of my favorites. One piece each Sunday is all I will allow myself, but I have many wonderful Sundays ahead!!!
Again, my greatest highlight is the power of the priesthood here on earth, and that family can have that blessing in their lives. I am so thankful for kind sisters in law that share their experiences to comfort. I am thankful for doctors and nurses and medicine. I am thankful for prayer, for my heart has been full of prayers many many times, and I am sure the only way I will sleep tonight is with prayer. I was walking through the waiting room on the way out of Phoenix Childrens Hospital, and I was brought back, over twelve years, to a time we sat and waited while tiny Adam was in surgery to repair something that once took lives. Adam growing up to be such a strong and brilliant and wonderful young man gave me hope and strength. Heavenly Father is a God of miracles and they happen every single day.
This week, Dad attended an endowment session at the temple on Wednesday evening and had a very uplifting evening. It was his turn to lock up our ward building this week, so we went over every evening (last night it was near midnight) and checked every light to make sure they were off, and every door and window to make sure they were closed and locked.
I indexed a couple of different projects this week, including some Revolutionary War soldier records from Massachusets. They were very interesting, since it included enlistments, who their commanding officers were, etc. Some would enlist in one company for nine days, another for two months. It was really interesting to read about the Minutemen enlistments and the warnings that we given and where they were. So far this year, I have indexed 5570 names.
I completed my letter to one of my visiting teaching sisters. She only wants to receive a letter, and I did this earlier since there are General Conference sessions coming up. Dad completed his home teaching Sunday night before I picked him up and we went to the hospital for Annalee.
In scripture reading, I am in Mosiah 11.Dad's reading is as follows: Book of Mormon: Mosiah 3 Bible : Leviticus 27 and he continues to read The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is always having a good time. They got all dressed up for Dress Like a Pirate Day, shared some "Arrrrrr"s and some "Aye, mateys!" and got three dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, which they shared with folks at Deseret Industries.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan had to work later for Home Depot, so he came here to get Kaylee Monday and take her to a later swimming lesson. Cameo said she started out fine, but then the teacher called Cam in, since Kaylee wanted to go potty. After a potty attempt, Kaylee didn't want to go back to her lesson without Daddy. Kaylee is still working on potty training. Ethan worked extra hours before and after work. Cam's work still is good and she didn't have to work too much extra this week. Kaylee started with a little cough during rest time on Monday that progressed to wheezing on Sunday, so Kaylee visited Phoenix Children's Hospital Urgent Care. Mom and Dad are still watching that ol' cough.
The Doran Rice Family
Amber has been such a great help to the family all week. She stayed in contact via texting with Jessica and with Mom on Sunday. We are so thankful for her help. She is always there!
Morgan made a surprise visit on Monday evening. He and Kyle had a rare day off from moving and were combining a visit with a trip to Prescott for some fishing.
He let us use his computer and we watched "Cinderella". Oh, my goodness...I was a bucket of tears at the end. "Have courage and be kind". No better words. And, oh my goodness...that dress and those shoes!!! Thank you Morgan!
Kayty's Monday was spent working and then after work, she prepped for a "Where's Waldo" singles family home evening.
She was eventually found and she had a good time with that. However, as singles activities go, poor planning meant that, once everyone was located, no one had anything planned for what was to be next, so all left! Happens nearly every time! She had Tuesday off and spent it sleeping in, worked all week, and enjoyed Girls Night on Saturday night with some work friends.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate came by on Tuesday afternoon after he was done with work. He and dad talked about various things. At that point, Annalee was totally comfortable, warm, no clothing, well fed...and inside Mommy's tummy.Nate called at 3:20 am Thursday morning that they were at the hospital. Jessica's water had broken an hour earlier when she got up to let Greta out. They spent a long day at the hospital laboring. We went for a visit that evening, just to see how all were doing. At 3:30 am Friday, I received a text that baby was crowning. I was up and praying for Jessica. At about 5:45 am I received a text: nine pounds four ounces (Nate weighed exactly that!) and this
What a beauty!!! and all that hair. Her weight: very Rice! Her hair: very Hudson!
We went and visited on Friday evening. Cameo joined us after Kaylee wanted to visit Grandma Liza and Wally.
The sweet nurse was trying to get Annalee to wake up and eat! |
Dad was totally intrigued by the isolette cart. He thought it would make an excellent tool box. |
Nate invited us over on Saturday night for a visit...and Grammy got to hold her for a loooong time. Yes, I was truly a baby hog! I have earned my title over the years!
Sunday, we received a text in church that Annalee was too sleepy to eat and wouldn't stay awake to eat much. They talked to their doctor and ended up back at the hospital. She was admitted to Phoenix Children's Hospital NICU. We went to see Nate and Jess, and they were doing a spinal tap at that time, as well as running blood tests. She had a urinary tract infection that had her on antibiotics already, and they were trying to determine why that is happening as well as what else is causing the sleep. Dad and Nate were able to give her a priesthood blessing in between procedures. I am so thankful for the blessing of the priesthood and that man can act in God's name here on earth. I know she is in the hollow of His hand and He is watching over her.
Dad's week began on Monday with typical Boss A meetings, though he is not clear who his Boss A is. We will just declare the Boss of the former Boss A to be his present Boss A. He spent a lot of time making not so fancy spreadsheets (I tell him women add more colors to theirs. His are rather to the point and boring!) He shared observations and may have some buy in on solutions.
For Kaylee, it was pumpkin week. You know me and pumpkins...I wish nearly every week was pumpkin week!
She painted a pumpkin
Tried pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins (she liked a bite or two) and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (not a fan).
Helped me put carrot sticks in the box that I had cut, and made her own peanut butter and honey sandwich
Put together shape puzzles
Played with pumpkin playdough
ate pumpkin pancakes
made a pumpkin seed collage
blinged a pumpkin
made a pasta pumpkin
made pumpkin pie
ate whipped cream off pumpkin pie
and swam, played outdoors in the sandbox, ran around the lower courtyard, and went to Storytime at the library where we heard stories about Bats and learned that bats sleep upside down, fly around at night and eat bugs.
Dad's truck
He got the new oil pan gasket glued on and ready to attempt installation. He got the old motor mount removed and the new oil pan installed. It is hard work all by himself. I go out to check on him every little bit, to make sure nothing has fallen on him.
Dad's garden:
Tuesday, Kayty helped us...and we put carrot seeds on huge pieces of tissue paper with flour and water paste. A friend does this: folds a grid pattern and glues the seeds on. Keeps them well space.
It's just tedious work, not hard work. He had worked earlier to get the garden beds ready for planting. Carrots and Garlic were planted on Tuesday evening.
Friday evening, he got his snow peas planted.
He still sprays the grapevines to try to get rid of nasty whiteflies.
Other highlights:
We ran to Costco Monday night to get some bird seed/chicken food. I enjoyed looking at all the cool Christmas toys that are filling the store, and even got some remote controlled, battery operated puck lites for under my kitchen cabinets. I LOVE them!!
Dad surprised me, thanks to Kayty's help, with two one pound boxes of Sees candy: one box of each of my favorites. One piece each Sunday is all I will allow myself, but I have many wonderful Sundays ahead!!!
Again, my greatest highlight is the power of the priesthood here on earth, and that family can have that blessing in their lives. I am so thankful for kind sisters in law that share their experiences to comfort. I am thankful for doctors and nurses and medicine. I am thankful for prayer, for my heart has been full of prayers many many times, and I am sure the only way I will sleep tonight is with prayer. I was walking through the waiting room on the way out of Phoenix Childrens Hospital, and I was brought back, over twelve years, to a time we sat and waited while tiny Adam was in surgery to repair something that once took lives. Adam growing up to be such a strong and brilliant and wonderful young man gave me hope and strength. Heavenly Father is a God of miracles and they happen every single day.
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