Last week in Sunday School, someone shared this quote by LDS apostle Marvin J. Ashton and it has been on my mind this whole week...
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other."
He said this in April, 1992. If he only knew how bad it would become. I have said many times that the Lord and His inspiration are pro-active, not re-active. He warns ahead of time. We have a heads up, if we only pay attention.
I started my Wednesday morning early at the Phoenix temple. It was so wonderful to be greeted by President Driscoll of the temple presidency, holding the door open for me. We have the most wonderful temple presidency. Every session, as you enter the endowment room, one member of the presidency and his wife are there to welcome you with a smile. Every single session. I have been many many times and there has never been a missed time! It was a wonderful session and I was so thankful to begin my day there, to be sent with well wishes as I left, and to be greeted with a beautiful cloudy morning as I left. Dee and I both went Thursday evening and did individual work for men and for women for a couple of hours. It was a lovely way to end our day.
Sunday was a very busy day! First, ward choir practice. Then, a sister in our ward had facial and arm surgery and couldn't lead the music in Sacrament Meeting, so I substituted for her, and then Dad and I substituted two hours in nursery. I was nearly dead tired at the end, but came home, shoveled a salad in my mouth and headed out to the stake center for stake choir practice, since I had received a call earlier in the day that no one had come to practice last week. It was a good practice, though the woman I ended up sitting next to nearly drove me nuts!
I was able to get a little indexing done this week. So far, I have indexed 5448 names this year.
In scripture study, I am beginning the book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon. Dad's reading is as follows: Book of Mormon: Jacob 4 Bible: Leviticus 9 and still reading The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
Wilkins have a broken cell phone so they are working on replacing that.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee started their Labor Day weekend on Sunday, heading to Flagstaff and enjoying cool weather and the Coconino County Fair.

She also got to ride a horse
Kaylee had an awesome week at Grampy and Liza's house. She went to the park on cloudy days, enjoyed the library story time, and had fun doing crafts, reading and enjoying the days. They tried a make up swim lesson on Thursday, but bodily fluids in the pool (barf) closed it down, so they came here (we were gone) and Kayty swam with her for a bit. She and Liza went to Jump Street on Friday and she had a blast on the trampolines. Her make up swim class was Friday night.
The Doran Rice Family
Saturday was a huge pet adoption event held at Petsmarts all across Phoenix. We saw huge tents in the parking lot Saturday evening as we shopped at Target. Hope some of their temporary puppy tenants find new homes.
No news from Morgan this week. Dad called his friend Kyle and he was going to have Morgan call, so at least Morgan is alive.
Kayty had troubles early in the week with pain from that tooth extraction last week. I emphasized salt water rinses. She seemed to balk, and I told her that once I did, and then I had terrible pain from a root canal and the dentist told me to salt water rinse. I was so desparate that I did it every hour...and it worked! Pain relief and no more troubles. She didn't do it every hour, but she did get some relief. Time will tell...she had Thursday for a day off and took it easy, and seemed to be on the mend. Friday and Saturday were good days at work, and she enjoyed Sunday in the Singles' Ward.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan started his week sick! Fever, dizziness, headache. He finally went to Urgent Care on Monday and was diagnosed with the flu. He suffered through the week, trying to work on Wednesday, but only managing to pull himself through four hours. It is a blessing that Annalee is safely in mommy's tummy till all is well with her parents. Even with the awful illness, he was blessed to sell his last two speakers he had on Craigslist. We took him the makings for dad's penicillin (menudo with lime juice, cayenne, and garlic). He was absolutely beat after barely making it through a whole day of work. They have a new dog: Greta. She is very calm and doesn't think I'm sketchy like Lilly did. Jess is doing well...went to the hospital once this week with labor that turned out to not be regular enough to keep her.They both came over for a wonderful visit Sunday evening. Nate is still pale but feeling better. He was very excited because the missionary he trained (he refers to him as "my son") has extended his mission three weeks (so sad for his mom!) and has expressed so much gratitude for his trainer: Nathan. Training that missionary so long ago was such a joy and a great conclusion to Nate's service in Korea, and now that joy is shared with more. He hopes to attend the homecoming talk in October in Utah. For now, though, they are just waiting for Annalee to decide it's her turn to come to earth.
Monday was Labor day, so dad didn't have to work at work, but he worked around the yard, did some more garden prep, cleaned up, etc. We had to run some errands and ended up at Dad's favorite New Asian Kitchen for lunch.Tuesday he worked on Electronic processes, and continued on Wednesday, receiving inspiration in his morning prayers in ways to clarify and organize. Later that morning, a bigger boss decided to pursue yet another route. This job of his is absolute craziness, and he can't even call his old boss, Klemens, to vent, since he is gone. And, during a surprise meeting on Friday (that ended up costing him lunch at his favorite Chinese place with his mom), the assignment he was assigned the week prior...was given to someone else!He is preparing for a Kaizen Event in October with another assignment from Boss B. His Boss A is unclear now, and they don't seem to know what is going on, so his Friday staff meeting for that position lasted five minutes.
My Labor Day was full of putting up Fall Decorations.
This is before
This is after
I cleaned nearly the entire house, including dusting and vacuuming on Monday and got one bathroom scrubbed plus laundry complete. I did lots of dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, and organizing all week. Dad would haul things outside and I would get to clean off a shelf. It is nice to get things done a bit at a time! Rocks are cleared from the playroom shelves. Ethan needed the light he loaned dad back, so we got some new ones (grow lights) and it ended up that they were installed and I don't have a huge light fixture on my laundry shelf. Makes me very happy!
I did some pumpkin week preparations, making mini pumpkin muffins and mini pumpkin bread loaves
Last week in Sunday School, someone shared this quote by LDS apostle Marvin J. Ashton and it has been on my mind this whole week...
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another’s weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other."
He said this in April, 1992. If he only knew how bad it would become. I have said many times that the Lord and His inspiration are pro-active, not re-active. He warns ahead of time. We have a heads up, if we only pay attention.
I started my Wednesday morning early at the Phoenix temple. It was so wonderful to be greeted by President Driscoll of the temple presidency, holding the door open for me. We have the most wonderful temple presidency. Every session, as you enter the endowment room, one member of the presidency and his wife are there to welcome you with a smile. Every single session. I have been many many times and there has never been a missed time! It was a wonderful session and I was so thankful to begin my day there, to be sent with well wishes as I left, and to be greeted with a beautiful cloudy morning as I left. Dee and I both went Thursday evening and did individual work for men and for women for a couple of hours. It was a lovely way to end our day.
Sunday was a very busy day! First, ward choir practice. Then, a sister in our ward had facial and arm surgery and couldn't lead the music in Sacrament Meeting, so I substituted for her, and then Dad and I substituted two hours in nursery. I was nearly dead tired at the end, but came home, shoveled a salad in my mouth and headed out to the stake center for stake choir practice, since I had received a call earlier in the day that no one had come to practice last week. It was a good practice, though the woman I ended up sitting next to nearly drove me nuts!
I was able to get a little indexing done this week. So far, I have indexed 5448 names this year.
In scripture study, I am beginning the book of Jacob in the Book of Mormon. Dad's reading is as follows: Book of Mormon: Jacob 4 Bible: Leviticus 9 and still reading The Fourth Thousand Years.
The Wilkins Family
Wilkins have a broken cell phone so they are working on replacing that.
The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cam and Kaylee started their Labor Day weekend on Sunday, heading to Flagstaff and enjoying cool weather and the Coconino County Fair.

She also got to ride a horse
Kaylee had an awesome week at Grampy and Liza's house. She went to the park on cloudy days, enjoyed the library story time, and had fun doing crafts, reading and enjoying the days. They tried a make up swim lesson on Thursday, but bodily fluids in the pool (barf) closed it down, so they came here (we were gone) and Kayty swam with her for a bit. She and Liza went to Jump Street on Friday and she had a blast on the trampolines. Her make up swim class was Friday night.
The Doran Rice Family
Saturday was a huge pet adoption event held at Petsmarts all across Phoenix. We saw huge tents in the parking lot Saturday evening as we shopped at Target. Hope some of their temporary puppy tenants find new homes.
No news from Morgan this week. Dad called his friend Kyle and he was going to have Morgan call, so at least Morgan is alive.
Kayty had troubles early in the week with pain from that tooth extraction last week. I emphasized salt water rinses. She seemed to balk, and I told her that once I did, and then I had terrible pain from a root canal and the dentist told me to salt water rinse. I was so desparate that I did it every hour...and it worked! Pain relief and no more troubles. She didn't do it every hour, but she did get some relief. Time will tell...she had Thursday for a day off and took it easy, and seemed to be on the mend. Friday and Saturday were good days at work, and she enjoyed Sunday in the Singles' Ward.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan started his week sick! Fever, dizziness, headache. He finally went to Urgent Care on Monday and was diagnosed with the flu. He suffered through the week, trying to work on Wednesday, but only managing to pull himself through four hours. It is a blessing that Annalee is safely in mommy's tummy till all is well with her parents. Even with the awful illness, he was blessed to sell his last two speakers he had on Craigslist. We took him the makings for dad's penicillin (menudo with lime juice, cayenne, and garlic). He was absolutely beat after barely making it through a whole day of work. They have a new dog: Greta. She is very calm and doesn't think I'm sketchy like Lilly did. Jess is doing well...went to the hospital once this week with labor that turned out to not be regular enough to keep her.They both came over for a wonderful visit Sunday evening. Nate is still pale but feeling better. He was very excited because the missionary he trained (he refers to him as "my son") has extended his mission three weeks (so sad for his mom!) and has expressed so much gratitude for his trainer: Nathan. Training that missionary so long ago was such a joy and a great conclusion to Nate's service in Korea, and now that joy is shared with more. He hopes to attend the homecoming talk in October in Utah. For now, though, they are just waiting for Annalee to decide it's her turn to come to earth.
Monday was Labor day, so dad didn't have to work at work, but he worked around the yard, did some more garden prep, cleaned up, etc. We had to run some errands and ended up at Dad's favorite New Asian Kitchen for lunch.Tuesday he worked on Electronic processes, and continued on Wednesday, receiving inspiration in his morning prayers in ways to clarify and organize. Later that morning, a bigger boss decided to pursue yet another route. This job of his is absolute craziness, and he can't even call his old boss, Klemens, to vent, since he is gone. And, during a surprise meeting on Friday (that ended up costing him lunch at his favorite Chinese place with his mom), the assignment he was assigned the week prior...was given to someone else!He is preparing for a Kaizen Event in October with another assignment from Boss B. His Boss A is unclear now, and they don't seem to know what is going on, so his Friday staff meeting for that position lasted five minutes.
My Labor Day was full of putting up Fall Decorations.
This is before
This is after
I cleaned nearly the entire house, including dusting and vacuuming on Monday and got one bathroom scrubbed plus laundry complete. I did lots of dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, and organizing all week. Dad would haul things outside and I would get to clean off a shelf. It is nice to get things done a bit at a time! Rocks are cleared from the playroom shelves. Ethan needed the light he loaned dad back, so we got some new ones (grow lights) and it ended up that they were installed and I don't have a huge light fixture on my laundry shelf. Makes me very happy!
I did some pumpkin week preparations, making mini pumpkin muffins and mini pumpkin bread loaves
...and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
Dad's Truck
Dad got some grit blasting done late Monday. This truck project just keeps getting longer and longer and he is doubting whether he will finish this year. He is trying to do things well, and that makes everything take so much longer. He ended up getting painting done,
and on Wednesday, he spent a lot of time working on the vice for the mill. It has not worked properly for a long time. He removed the bearings and got everything working well again.Thursday evening, I helped him get it installed, and he was very pleased with the outcome.
Next job: to lift a portion of the engine and turn or replace the motor mounts. Dad made the wood piece and I helped pry up the engine so he could slip the piece in. He clamped it to the frame to make sure nothing slipped. He got the motor mount unbolted, but he couldn't get it off without further lifting of the engine. He is still thinking about what he needs to do to complete this...
Dad's Garden
He did lots of cleaning up , hauling out of old tomato plants, stacking of tomato cages, digging and got one garden space prepped for carrots and garlic to be planted.
Other highlights
My Tuesday morning run was hot and muggy, and my Thursday morning run was too, however it was great to have a rain mist hit my face periodically. The rain dried up before it his the ground but it was so fun!
I got my new partial on Tuesday, and it started out fine, but as the week wore on, it became more and more sore. Sadly, I cannot go back to the dentist for an alteration (which he did warn me would probably happen) till my next week off, so I put it in, suffer for awhile, and take it out to eat since that appears to be the most painful time.
Dee did point out that while, yes, we have had no rain in months, that we also have NO weeds (except for a few spurge). I decided that the no weeds is a super reward for no rain!
Saturday was a highlight, since it was the first day in a long long time that we had no commitments. Dee did well as we yard saled and got some things that could help out the family. He spent a lot of time talking to Nate on the phone off and on throughout the day. It's good that Nate is finally feeling a bit better. I was on the computer while dad was talking, and someone in our ward posted that they were getting rid of shelves. We hurried over and were totally blessed with the same heavy duty unit that I had wanted to get on sale at Costco for 130 dollars...for free! The Shepherd family helped load it in the trailer, and later that evening, Dad and I struggled in out of the trailer and used the floor jack to get it out on the back porch. I had cleared a great spot and after in place, he loaded lots of his wood for future projects on. It already looks so nice. We also got logs and lumber in the front yard hauled out to the wood pile. I also saw something on Pinterest and made the cutest pumpkin out of my rusty canning rings.
We had a quiet night, until Dad saw posted in his desert gardeners facebook group that Target was clearancing garden boots. I had wanted some for years, so we headed out. One pair left in my size! Now I can walk in muck and still stay clean...or I can pretend anyway...
We swam later...and I was freezing (it was windy outside and it had cooled down the water considerably). My swimming days this year are nearly over.Dad's Truck
Dad got some grit blasting done late Monday. This truck project just keeps getting longer and longer and he is doubting whether he will finish this year. He is trying to do things well, and that makes everything take so much longer. He ended up getting painting done,
and on Wednesday, he spent a lot of time working on the vice for the mill. It has not worked properly for a long time. He removed the bearings and got everything working well again.Thursday evening, I helped him get it installed, and he was very pleased with the outcome.
Next job: to lift a portion of the engine and turn or replace the motor mounts. Dad made the wood piece and I helped pry up the engine so he could slip the piece in. He clamped it to the frame to make sure nothing slipped. He got the motor mount unbolted, but he couldn't get it off without further lifting of the engine. He is still thinking about what he needs to do to complete this...
Dad's Garden
He did lots of cleaning up , hauling out of old tomato plants, stacking of tomato cages, digging and got one garden space prepped for carrots and garlic to be planted.
Other highlights
My Tuesday morning run was hot and muggy, and my Thursday morning run was too, however it was great to have a rain mist hit my face periodically. The rain dried up before it his the ground but it was so fun!
I got my new partial on Tuesday, and it started out fine, but as the week wore on, it became more and more sore. Sadly, I cannot go back to the dentist for an alteration (which he did warn me would probably happen) till my next week off, so I put it in, suffer for awhile, and take it out to eat since that appears to be the most painful time.
Dee did point out that while, yes, we have had no rain in months, that we also have NO weeds (except for a few spurge). I decided that the no weeds is a super reward for no rain!
Saturday was a highlight, since it was the first day in a long long time that we had no commitments. Dee did well as we yard saled and got some things that could help out the family. He spent a lot of time talking to Nate on the phone off and on throughout the day. It's good that Nate is finally feeling a bit better. I was on the computer while dad was talking, and someone in our ward posted that they were getting rid of shelves. We hurried over and were totally blessed with the same heavy duty unit that I had wanted to get on sale at Costco for 130 dollars...for free! The Shepherd family helped load it in the trailer, and later that evening, Dad and I struggled in out of the trailer and used the floor jack to get it out on the back porch. I had cleared a great spot and after in place, he loaded lots of his wood for future projects on. It already looks so nice. We also got logs and lumber in the front yard hauled out to the wood pile. I also saw something on Pinterest and made the cutest pumpkin out of my rusty canning rings.
We had a quiet night, until Dad saw posted in his desert gardeners facebook group that Target was clearancing garden boots. I had wanted some for years, so we headed out. One pair left in my size! Now I can walk in muck and still stay clean...or I can pretend anyway...
Sunday night, another storm brewed and lightninged and thundered all around us...and we finally got rain!
Not a ton, but enough for a puddle!
Not so highlights
Nothing that hasn't already been shared...
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