I began my Wednesday at the 6 am temple session. It is so wonderful to be greeted by happy smiling people so early in the morning. We both attended the Wednesday evening session, and Dorrie came with us to do some work for family as well.
I spoke with the bishop on Sunday and received an additional church calling and will be one of the den leaders of the Wolf Cub Scouts. We will meet Wednesday nights at 7 at the church, and Angie Day is the other den leader so it will be lots of fun for us. It shouldn't interfere with Kaylee since Cameo and Ethan get her picked up before that time, and Dad is at the temple every Wednesday night.
I have indexed 2156 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am in Alma 51. I also read part of the Ensign magazine.
The Wilkins Family
Allison posted these for Annalee's book this week. I am a sketchy Grammy, so I swiped them for my book...

You all look wonderful! I know days are full of busy: work, school, homework, activity days, scouts, sports, musical practices, and church. I see Allison keeps very late hours doing her writing work as well. You all are amazing!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo worked till 10:30 pm Monday and was beat! Tuesday after work, the whole family went to the gym for a cross fit evening.Kaylee came down with a cold and Mommy took the day off on Thursday to be with her. Ethan had Spirit Week all week at work...he even brought Karaoke (which we found out works!) but they were more interested in LISTENING than in SINGING. There was a big picnic Saturday. Doran also was able to do some photography work there. Cameo and Kaylee stayed home. Ethan has also been picking up a little spare change here and there as an Uber and Lyft driver. We visited briefly on Sunday afternoon when we stopped to unsuccessfully put in a package at the post office.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy week, and had to go two ways on Saturday, so Kelsie and Kooper spent the day with us. Kelsie listened to music on the computer. Kooper and I spent HOURS outside. He spent two minutes on EVERYTHING... over and over: the Kett Car, the tricycle, the scooter, the sandbox, the balls, the beach ball, the rocks in the not-yet-put-together fountain in the lower courtyard, exploring the porch...and then we would repeat. He loved the yellow slide, but only when Kelsie would take him down on her lap. He also helped Papa blow the leaves and run the screwdriver. He spied the baby swing in the shed, and we put it up and pushed/swang with him for a LONG time. I swear those eyes kept trying to close to nap. He did get one on the way home.
No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty had Monday as her day off. She slept in, watched "Seventh Heaven", went with me to Costco, watched more "Seventh Heaven", went to watch "Bachelor" and had a quiet night. I even saw her sleeping. Woke up early Tuesday for work. She took her car in for an oil change and tire rotation after, and then had a quiet evening. Busy work days the rest of the week, and she was off Sunday to attend Sacrament Meeting.
Total saves this week: 3
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate had a physics test Monday and did pretty well.Tuesday he really enjoyed his machining class. He is doing well in all his classes. Jessica is putting together a book of family pics to use to read to Annalee. I saw these, posted by Jessica's Aunt Heather and they were so good...

Annalee met the cold bleak snow for the first time this week.
He was busy all day Saturday doing physics homework. This semester is very full for him. This semester is tough for Jess, but her next one is very full too. It will be a busy time for this little family.
Dad is this team captain so meetings start early and last a long time. He ended up working 11 hours during the day and then having to put some figures in spreadsheets right before bedtime. Tuesday was early meetings and then hours of meetings after that. He headed to supplier meetings on Wednesday.
My week off: laundry, clean out lightbulb/key/emergency light cupboard, made box labels, dust, vacuum, attempt to make visiting teaching appointments, Costco shop, cook, hang new entryway pics, help Dad change oil, dishes, put away leftovers and clean out old ones, laundry, straighten closets, scrub kitchen cupboard doors, get stuff out to take to D.I, fill in holes in walls to prepare to paint in the future, order pics for Nano,scrubbing the bathroom and bathtub, laundry, vacuum, dust, clean behind a bed and door, haul off trimmed grapevines, get trash out, vacuuming, baking cookies, grocery shopping, getting gas, spray painting entry frames black one at a time, laundry, brush pool, going to post office, keeping spreadsheet up,vacuuming, dusting, laundry, typing the phone call sheet for our next week baptisms, mopping, hauling grapevines out to the pile, vacuuming, cooking, and making up my to-do list for my next week off.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Dad's Garden
I am picking, washing, and using lettuce, turnips, and cilantro. Dad planted more tomato starts on Tuesday and we picked our first snow peas of the season. We also picked a Black Krim tomato. Haven't eaten it yet though.
Year of the House
I am replacing the unrepaintable frames in the entryway...got a good deal at Costco and a yard sale, and need to paint the rest. I then got all the other frames painted black, and while they were off the wall, I filled in the holes with spackle. I plan to paint around the current nails, since there are so many pics that are up and I don't want to refigure that out again. The entry seems ready for repainting from sponged gold to neutral tan.
Other highlights
Monday evening was auto maintenance Family Home Evening, so Dad and I changed the oil in both jeeps. Dad also greased his jeep (my jeep's system is sealed)
Dad went for a Tuesday afternoon hike. I didn't want to get my lungs all messed up and thus not be able to go to the temple on Wednesday, so I stayed home.
I did go on Thursday
and Friday we took a short one.
Saturday, after Amber picked up the kids and I had cleaned up, we had a delightful visit from an extended family member. Let me explain who she is:
Dad's Dad is Grampa Doran Rice. Grampa Doran Rice's sister is Betty Ann Wetzel. One of Betty Ann Wetzel's sons was Steve Wetzel (he died a few years ago leaving a wife and 11 kids...he was a year or so younger than dad). One of those 11 children is Christina Wetzel Valadez. She and Dad saw each other on a gardening facebook group and became acquainted and she came by with her new baby boy and her oldest two little girls. It was a nice visit and so great to talk about family, plus they took some veggies home with them! We are going to spend our Sundays doing more family visiting in the future. We are trying to get a visit in to Aunt Betty. She is living with her daughter Laura and is not doing really well since her husband Larry passed away nearly a year ago.
Not so highlights
Pretty good week, so no complaints.
I began my Wednesday at the 6 am temple session. It is so wonderful to be greeted by happy smiling people so early in the morning. We both attended the Wednesday evening session, and Dorrie came with us to do some work for family as well.
I spoke with the bishop on Sunday and received an additional church calling and will be one of the den leaders of the Wolf Cub Scouts. We will meet Wednesday nights at 7 at the church, and Angie Day is the other den leader so it will be lots of fun for us. It shouldn't interfere with Kaylee since Cameo and Ethan get her picked up before that time, and Dad is at the temple every Wednesday night.
I have indexed 2156 records so far this year.
In scripture reading, I am in Alma 51. I also read part of the Ensign magazine.
The Wilkins Family
Allison posted these for Annalee's book this week. I am a sketchy Grammy, so I swiped them for my book...

You all look wonderful! I know days are full of busy: work, school, homework, activity days, scouts, sports, musical practices, and church. I see Allison keeps very late hours doing her writing work as well. You all are amazing!
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo worked till 10:30 pm Monday and was beat! Tuesday after work, the whole family went to the gym for a cross fit evening.Kaylee came down with a cold and Mommy took the day off on Thursday to be with her. Ethan had Spirit Week all week at work...he even brought Karaoke (which we found out works!) but they were more interested in LISTENING than in SINGING. There was a big picnic Saturday. Doran also was able to do some photography work there. Cameo and Kaylee stayed home. Ethan has also been picking up a little spare change here and there as an Uber and Lyft driver. We visited briefly on Sunday afternoon when we stopped to unsuccessfully put in a package at the post office.
The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a busy week, and had to go two ways on Saturday, so Kelsie and Kooper spent the day with us. Kelsie listened to music on the computer. Kooper and I spent HOURS outside. He spent two minutes on EVERYTHING... over and over: the Kett Car, the tricycle, the scooter, the sandbox, the balls, the beach ball, the rocks in the not-yet-put-together fountain in the lower courtyard, exploring the porch...and then we would repeat. He loved the yellow slide, but only when Kelsie would take him down on her lap. He also helped Papa blow the leaves and run the screwdriver. He spied the baby swing in the shed, and we put it up and pushed/swang with him for a LONG time. I swear those eyes kept trying to close to nap. He did get one on the way home.
No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty had Monday as her day off. She slept in, watched "Seventh Heaven", went with me to Costco, watched more "Seventh Heaven", went to watch "Bachelor" and had a quiet night. I even saw her sleeping. Woke up early Tuesday for work. She took her car in for an oil change and tire rotation after, and then had a quiet evening. Busy work days the rest of the week, and she was off Sunday to attend Sacrament Meeting.
Total saves this week: 3
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate had a physics test Monday and did pretty well.Tuesday he really enjoyed his machining class. He is doing well in all his classes. Jessica is putting together a book of family pics to use to read to Annalee. I saw these, posted by Jessica's Aunt Heather and they were so good...

Annalee met the cold bleak snow for the first time this week.
He was busy all day Saturday doing physics homework. This semester is very full for him. This semester is tough for Jess, but her next one is very full too. It will be a busy time for this little family.
Dad is this team captain so meetings start early and last a long time. He ended up working 11 hours during the day and then having to put some figures in spreadsheets right before bedtime. Tuesday was early meetings and then hours of meetings after that. He headed to supplier meetings on Wednesday.
My week off: laundry, clean out lightbulb/key/emergency light cupboard, made box labels, dust, vacuum, attempt to make visiting teaching appointments, Costco shop, cook, hang new entryway pics, help Dad change oil, dishes, put away leftovers and clean out old ones, laundry, straighten closets, scrub kitchen cupboard doors, get stuff out to take to D.I, fill in holes in walls to prepare to paint in the future, order pics for Nano,scrubbing the bathroom and bathtub, laundry, vacuum, dust, clean behind a bed and door, haul off trimmed grapevines, get trash out, vacuuming, baking cookies, grocery shopping, getting gas, spray painting entry frames black one at a time, laundry, brush pool, going to post office, keeping spreadsheet up,vacuuming, dusting, laundry, typing the phone call sheet for our next week baptisms, mopping, hauling grapevines out to the pile, vacuuming, cooking, and making up my to-do list for my next week off.
Dad's Truck
No truck work this week.
Dad's Garden
I am picking, washing, and using lettuce, turnips, and cilantro. Dad planted more tomato starts on Tuesday and we picked our first snow peas of the season. We also picked a Black Krim tomato. Haven't eaten it yet though.
Year of the House
I am replacing the unrepaintable frames in the entryway...got a good deal at Costco and a yard sale, and need to paint the rest. I then got all the other frames painted black, and while they were off the wall, I filled in the holes with spackle. I plan to paint around the current nails, since there are so many pics that are up and I don't want to refigure that out again. The entry seems ready for repainting from sponged gold to neutral tan.
Other highlights
Monday evening was auto maintenance Family Home Evening, so Dad and I changed the oil in both jeeps. Dad also greased his jeep (my jeep's system is sealed)
Dad went for a Tuesday afternoon hike. I didn't want to get my lungs all messed up and thus not be able to go to the temple on Wednesday, so I stayed home.
I did go on Thursday
and Friday we took a short one.
Saturday, after Amber picked up the kids and I had cleaned up, we had a delightful visit from an extended family member. Let me explain who she is:
Dad's Dad is Grampa Doran Rice. Grampa Doran Rice's sister is Betty Ann Wetzel. One of Betty Ann Wetzel's sons was Steve Wetzel (he died a few years ago leaving a wife and 11 kids...he was a year or so younger than dad). One of those 11 children is Christina Wetzel Valadez. She and Dad saw each other on a gardening facebook group and became acquainted and she came by with her new baby boy and her oldest two little girls. It was a nice visit and so great to talk about family, plus they took some veggies home with them! We are going to spend our Sundays doing more family visiting in the future. We are trying to get a visit in to Aunt Betty. She is living with her daughter Laura and is not doing really well since her husband Larry passed away nearly a year ago.
Not so highlights
Pretty good week, so no complaints.