We had a great week. Dad attended sessions at the temple on Wednesday and Thursday nights, doing work for relatives of one of the families he home teaches.
We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting on Sunday and were taught by youth about individual worth, and the parents of a new family in the ward spoke about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. Dee and I substituted teaching the 9 year old class in Primary. (One of their teachers suddenly died last Sunday night in his sleep, so we are helping out for the next couple of weeks. ) Dad taught a great lesson from First Nephi about the prophet Lehi and the importance of following the prophet today. Sharing time was wonderful with great singing and a lesson about feasting on the words of Christ.
Dad home taught two of the three families he teaches on Sunday evening.
I have indexed 798 names this year.
In our reading, I am in Alma 14.
The Wilkins Family
Perhaps Mike has taken on a second job???

They DO live in Vegas after all! This was posted on Facebook by someone who was very grateful for Mike's help to their family and for his great sense of humor. We love him too!
The Wilkins have been busy reading the Book of Mormon in 90 days.

Grace has remained awake, but the boys haven't made it. Allison quoted Mark Twain when he referred to the Book of Mormon as "chloroform in print".
Adam has some wonderful friends!!

And these three handsome young men all got haircuts this week!

And this soon to be two year old got his first haircut

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Kaylee worked out at the gym Monday night, he doing crossfit and she playing with friends, and Cameo ended up working until 1 am! Cameo's birthday was Thursday...Happy Birthday, Cameo! Ethan had quite a plan! According to Cameo's Facebook post:
I am having an absolutely amazing birthday so far. Yesterday I worked a half day, grabbed lunch, and went home. Ethan texted and said to be packed and ready by 2:10. Packed and ready for what?! He wouldn't say. An Uber came and picked me up at my house and dropped me off at the Boulders Resort & Spa. WOW! He reserved a massage, manicure, and pedicure. The three hours of pampering was incredible. Ethan & Kaylee met me at the Boulders afterward. We had dinner at the El Encanto. He surprised me with a one night stay at the Boulders. What a gorgeous place!!! I wish we could have stayed longer. Today we had lunch at Oregano's. Ethan & Kaylee have spoiled me rotten. They treat me better than I deserve. I am madly in love with these two. ♥ Hooray for birthday surprises.

The Doran Rice Family
This family always has weeks filled with work (Doran was able to get a sneak peak at the National College Championship Field

He and Amber saved another dog...this one a puppy.

I felt it was inspired that Morgan stopped by on Thursday afternoon. Beau was not looking well, and Morgan has always held a special place for Beau. Morgan got right down on the floor and talked to him and made him comfortable.
He could see things were not going to turn out well, so he volunteered to go out and dig an appropriate grave. It was an act of kindness greatly appreciated! He is working at a new position on a temporary basis, but will probably go to full time permanent.
Kayty was at movie night with friends late Sunday night and had Monday off. She slept in, as usual.
She worked inventory all night Thursday and took the day off Friday. She has been fighting off a pretty bad cold that seems to have gone to her lungs. She missed work Saturday and was in bed all day Saturday and Sunday. When those viruses go to the lungs, they are awful!! She finally went to Urgent Care on Sunday afternoon and got antibiotics, cough syrup, an inhalor, and a lot of things to complain about, which surely make her a happy kid!
Total saves for this week 4 (the second and third saves were my checking on her, checking her blood and noticing her glucose falling. Sees suckers were the saving ones, since she was aware enough to eat.) I started thinking that this virus might be contributing to these insulin overdoses.
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan left Monday morning and headed north. He stayed at Sharynn's house on Monday night and then headed to Idaho Tuesday. Moving in was good and his only trouble was getting the correct router for the internet. He enjoyed his favorite Papa John's Pizza on Tuesday night. Jess also came by Tuesday to drop off the final stuff and give me one more chance to cuddle. She will cram Wednesday and Thursday school work and work into those days and head up on Friday.
School start must have been very busy, because we didn't hear from Nate at all. Friday, I checked with the airline and Jessica's airplane was delayed an hour before takeoff, but all else went without a hitch and we were texted a pic of a very happy Nate and Jess heading off to their new home.
They had a few internet snafoos but all were worked out. Annalee has discovered that she is now at college so she feels that, to truly live the college life, she has to party all night! This is her second middle of the night party this week...
Work week for Dad started first thing Monday with a staff meeting. After a year of listening, he is now part of it. He started the week looking forward to lots of work and a clear definition of what he is to do. There were many calls about problems over the holidays, and then he started Tuesday leading a group meeting and then off to a supplier. His supplier load has doubled since two men have retired and are not being replaced.He made many visits during the week to various locations and Friday was full of meetings and training.
I am starting the year with Kaylee trying to introduce "Letter of the Week". It will be just an introduction, since she sees me as a playmate rather than teacher. Just preparing for the day she does go to preschool. The letter of the week is "S". S is for snowman.
We read a made an S Snowman and talked about Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (though she was more interested in the velcro!)
We also talked about weather. It was nice that we had "weather" to talk about. She did puzzles, a felt board snowman
a snowman dot picture
and put some sparkly purple pom poms on a snowman. She enjoyed storytime at the library on Wednesday, and ended up staying for nearly two hours, playing blocks and listening on a child's computer to a presentation on tying shoes
We played outdoors every chance we could. Lots of swinging, sliding, climbing, kicking, and wet sand, though she preferred the dry sand under the sand tent. She seems to have instantly grown up and likes playing with the toys, most of the time preferring that to any crafts or books or coloring.
On Fun Free Friday, she brought princess dishes for us to have a tea party. She played with playdough, did a sticker S, ate Skittles, talked with Kayty and did just what she wanted to.
Dad's Truck
No work on the truck this week.
Dad's Garden
Dad took Monday night to get the garden ready to plant. It was raining outside, so he got the drip lines ready to install. He picked up peat moss and put that on the beds, covered them with plastic, and got the larger tomato starts in on Wednesday. He purchased a few more tomatoes on Saturday and started/transplanted a few more plants as well. A friend of a friend wanted a tour of the garden on Sunday after church and he gladly shared.
Other highlights
Rain is always wonderful, though with Nathan having to travel in bad weather, and Kaylee not being able to play outdoors as much, it wasn't really as wonderful as usual.
My hut leaked. I went to put something inside and there was water on the floor. Dad knew the cause and fixed the situation with all weather tar, applied in the rain, Empty tubs were put out in the meantime to catch rain.
With my day off on Thursday, I indexed and started taking down a few village items...ended up taking nearly the whole doggone thing down and getting it put away. Good to have the joy of it since November and now good to have it put away.
Not so highlights
Beau died on Thursday night. He had been fading for days. He was an old dog. He was good to my kids and grandkids. So nice to have such a good pet.
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