My visiting teacher, Kim, came on Monday and we had a great visit! We talked about kids and missionary prep class and about the blessing it is to have a prophet on the earth today that gives us guidance and assures us of peace in these troubled times.
I attended the early Wednesday morning temple session and Dad attended on Wednesday evening, since my feet were so sore from walking in dress shoes in the parking lot and granite for three hours.
I have indexed 1307 names so far this year.
In our reading, I am in Alma 25 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
I received a Facebook message from Allison on Monday. We hadn't talked in awhile and I know she is busy during the day with family and works writing late at night, so I try not to bother. They are doing well. They are working on purchasing their current home. It is in a top rated high school district and since Adam will be there very soon, that seemed to be a good place for them. Mike is well. She has applied for a job working at the Las Vegas Temple at night once it reopens after a short remodel. I cannot think of a better workplace! Adam and Grace auditioned and will have parts in the Spring school musical presentation of Aladdin. Adam's cast comes off later this month. Grace is ever the sweetheart and is taking a dancing class. Josh is taking a basketball skills class. Adam is not participating, since his arm needs to heal, but she hopes to get him swimming at the nice indoor pool to give him a chance to exercise. Sam loves the nursery at church and is learning new words every day. It was so good to hear about their doings!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday on Wednesday to this cute guy!

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had another busy week, and Kaylee enjoyed her days at Grandma Liza and Grampy's house. On Friday, Ethan had a day off (since he had to work LONG hours Saturday and Sunday) so he and Kaylee visited his work, had lunch with Mommy at work, and then she played with Grammy while Dad and Ethan did some target shooting and sited in a gun of Ethan's.
They went to dinner at the Deer Valley Airport as soon as Cam was off work, but Kaylee wore herself, as well as me, out.
The Doran Rice Family
Dad talked to Doran late Sunday night about the February javelina hunt. They are going to use Ethan and Cam's tent trailer and head up the Thursday night. Ethan has a business trip that week and won't head up until Saturday morning. Morgan will have to check out his work schedule and see when he will go.
Happy Second Birthday, Kooper, on Wednesday!

Mommy says he has a heart of gold and loves dogs! (And Curious George, too!)
They had a busy weekend, but enjoyed strawberries and Cool Whip for a treat. Well, Kooper enjoyed the Cook Whip anyway...

No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty's vacation days were spent...in bed. She was one sick cookie. She did feel like going to her Bachelor group and had a good time.Finally she had to return to work on Thursday...twelve hour shift! she is still recovering and the fabric she purchased and gave to Nano for them to make a Nano blanket together became a Nano blanked by Nano alone.

Kayty was too sick and Nano liked working on the warm blanket in the Winter!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate and Jess are working hard at school. They sent a video of a cute little girl trying her first taste of bananas. She was very interested in trying to grab that spoon! Annalee is like any other eater just learning to eat: one spoonful in...mashing it around...and half coming back out for re spooning.They are getting more used to school and the schedule and Nate seems to really like his machining class. He and Dad talked Friday about school, and I got some a great Facetime tour of their cute apartment, Annalee's crib and walker and exersaucer, and then some wonderful Grammy Facetime with Annalee. Facetime was invented by a Missionary Mom or a Grandmother somewhere! Annalee has found that the spoon must be the best thing, since yummy things come on it into her mouth!

Dad had meeting after meeting, and assignment after assignment piled on him. He is now Captain of the Southwest Region for a new project. I saw the instant messaging going back and forth and one of Dad's coworkers referred to him as Captain Rice and that he sounded like a breakfast cereal! He met from early Thursday morning to late Thursday afternoon.Friday included more meetings and some scheduled visits for next week with his MANY suppliers.
Dad's Garden
Dad and I went after work on Monday to someone who had animal manures bagged up in their ranch lot...just a few miles away. It's a great place and I may take Kaylee there on some Fun Free Friday to see the horses and the very friendly wild rabbits. We also went later to Dorrie's to pick up some planting packs from Curtis. He wants to grow potatoes (talked to Rollin for quite a bit about that) and bell peppers out by the chicken pen near his other pepper garden. He got seeds planted and my dryer is covered with packs of soil waiting for seeds to sprout.
He picked his first beet and a couple of turnips...gave them to Nano when she came by to visit on Friday.
Dad's Truck
Some missing parts were located this week, but no progress
2016 Year of the House
I spent some time just checking out molding at Lowe's. Termites have eaten ours in places and I, at first, wanted to replace all our molding. Then, I got looking and started pricing and decided just getting something similar would be more in keeping with the budget. I also looked at the price of good paint in a five gallon bucket size. Wow! Maybe I might need to see what the sale prices are. It was my first checking out, so I have time. I did get the wallpaper border off the kids' bathroom wall. It had been peeling off and some had already been replace, but I found a recipe of a vinegar and water spray to loosen the glue and it worked.
Took hardly any time! I got some grey paint at WalMart to test out...didn't cover and washed off the next day. No more WalMart paint for me! Lowes or Home Depot paint in the future.
Dad had been interested in gutters for the house, to redirect rain water and help water the lawn. He saw an advertisement on a truck, called, and they gave a great bid on Thursday and started right away, putting gutters on the north patio roof (not the entire length) and on the shed and hut north roof. Water should go to the lawn as well as the pepper garden and citrus trees.
Dad also worked and worked, and even machined a new part to repair the leaky kitchen sink faucet. I love my faucet and don't want to replace it. He was the hero!!
My visiting teacher, Kim, came on Monday and we had a great visit! We talked about kids and missionary prep class and about the blessing it is to have a prophet on the earth today that gives us guidance and assures us of peace in these troubled times.
I attended the early Wednesday morning temple session and Dad attended on Wednesday evening, since my feet were so sore from walking in dress shoes in the parking lot and granite for three hours.
I have indexed 1307 names so far this year.
In our reading, I am in Alma 25 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
I received a Facebook message from Allison on Monday. We hadn't talked in awhile and I know she is busy during the day with family and works writing late at night, so I try not to bother. They are doing well. They are working on purchasing their current home. It is in a top rated high school district and since Adam will be there very soon, that seemed to be a good place for them. Mike is well. She has applied for a job working at the Las Vegas Temple at night once it reopens after a short remodel. I cannot think of a better workplace! Adam and Grace auditioned and will have parts in the Spring school musical presentation of Aladdin. Adam's cast comes off later this month. Grace is ever the sweetheart and is taking a dancing class. Josh is taking a basketball skills class. Adam is not participating, since his arm needs to heal, but she hopes to get him swimming at the nice indoor pool to give him a chance to exercise. Sam loves the nursery at church and is learning new words every day. It was so good to hear about their doings!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday on Wednesday to this cute guy!

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan and Cameo had another busy week, and Kaylee enjoyed her days at Grandma Liza and Grampy's house. On Friday, Ethan had a day off (since he had to work LONG hours Saturday and Sunday) so he and Kaylee visited his work, had lunch with Mommy at work, and then she played with Grammy while Dad and Ethan did some target shooting and sited in a gun of Ethan's.
They went to dinner at the Deer Valley Airport as soon as Cam was off work, but Kaylee wore herself, as well as me, out.
The Doran Rice Family
Dad talked to Doran late Sunday night about the February javelina hunt. They are going to use Ethan and Cam's tent trailer and head up the Thursday night. Ethan has a business trip that week and won't head up until Saturday morning. Morgan will have to check out his work schedule and see when he will go.
Happy Second Birthday, Kooper, on Wednesday!

Mommy says he has a heart of gold and loves dogs! (And Curious George, too!)
They had a busy weekend, but enjoyed strawberries and Cool Whip for a treat. Well, Kooper enjoyed the Cook Whip anyway...

No news from Morgan this week.
Kayty's vacation days were spent...in bed. She was one sick cookie. She did feel like going to her Bachelor group and had a good time.Finally she had to return to work on Thursday...twelve hour shift! she is still recovering and the fabric she purchased and gave to Nano for them to make a Nano blanket together became a Nano blanked by Nano alone.

Kayty was too sick and Nano liked working on the warm blanket in the Winter!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nate and Jess are working hard at school. They sent a video of a cute little girl trying her first taste of bananas. She was very interested in trying to grab that spoon! Annalee is like any other eater just learning to eat: one spoonful in...mashing it around...and half coming back out for re spooning.They are getting more used to school and the schedule and Nate seems to really like his machining class. He and Dad talked Friday about school, and I got some a great Facetime tour of their cute apartment, Annalee's crib and walker and exersaucer, and then some wonderful Grammy Facetime with Annalee. Facetime was invented by a Missionary Mom or a Grandmother somewhere! Annalee has found that the spoon must be the best thing, since yummy things come on it into her mouth!

Dad had meeting after meeting, and assignment after assignment piled on him. He is now Captain of the Southwest Region for a new project. I saw the instant messaging going back and forth and one of Dad's coworkers referred to him as Captain Rice and that he sounded like a breakfast cereal! He met from early Thursday morning to late Thursday afternoon.Friday included more meetings and some scheduled visits for next week with his MANY suppliers.
Dad's Garden
Dad and I went after work on Monday to someone who had animal manures bagged up in their ranch lot...just a few miles away. It's a great place and I may take Kaylee there on some Fun Free Friday to see the horses and the very friendly wild rabbits. We also went later to Dorrie's to pick up some planting packs from Curtis. He wants to grow potatoes (talked to Rollin for quite a bit about that) and bell peppers out by the chicken pen near his other pepper garden. He got seeds planted and my dryer is covered with packs of soil waiting for seeds to sprout.
He picked his first beet and a couple of turnips...gave them to Nano when she came by to visit on Friday.
Dad's Truck
Some missing parts were located this week, but no progress
2016 Year of the House
I spent some time just checking out molding at Lowe's. Termites have eaten ours in places and I, at first, wanted to replace all our molding. Then, I got looking and started pricing and decided just getting something similar would be more in keeping with the budget. I also looked at the price of good paint in a five gallon bucket size. Wow! Maybe I might need to see what the sale prices are. It was my first checking out, so I have time. I did get the wallpaper border off the kids' bathroom wall. It had been peeling off and some had already been replace, but I found a recipe of a vinegar and water spray to loosen the glue and it worked.
Took hardly any time! I got some grey paint at WalMart to test out...didn't cover and washed off the next day. No more WalMart paint for me! Lowes or Home Depot paint in the future.
Dad had been interested in gutters for the house, to redirect rain water and help water the lawn. He saw an advertisement on a truck, called, and they gave a great bid on Thursday and started right away, putting gutters on the north patio roof (not the entire length) and on the shed and hut north roof. Water should go to the lawn as well as the pepper garden and citrus trees.
Dad also worked and worked, and even machined a new part to repair the leaky kitchen sink faucet. I love my faucet and don't want to replace it. He was the hero!!
He also repaired a pipe leak. We had wondered about this moist spot on the ground, but since it's right where water would run off the roof in rain, we didn't investigate further. Dee finally did...and we are so glad he did.
Our water bill should be a little under 400 bucks this Summer now!
Other highlights
Great jogs Monday and Tuesday. Fewer Christmas lights, but I did enjoy the couple of houses still lit. I even saw one Christmas tree on Thursday. My Friday run included being right at the temple when the spire lights were turned on.
Wednesday was very interesting. I volunteered to serve and clean up at a funeral luncheon for a family that lost their elderly father in a sudden car accident. While the family was eating, a few of us sisters sat in the kitchen chatting, when we heard a helicopter out the kitchen door (which is on the side of the church building right across the parking lot from the temple.)
We opened the door and heard on a loud speaker "We have you surrounded so give yourself up."

We stood in amazement, and those with iphones started taking pics of three SWAT tem members with dogs searching the temple grounds. The temple closes down from about 12:30 to 4 pm, so the doors were locked.

The officers and their dogs noticed us watching and came to the kitchen door. They began to search the church building,

and first had us stay in the kitchen (thinking we were the only ones in the building) and then having us evacuate first to the cultural hall, and then slowly out the door to the parking lot.
We chatted and thought things to be nothing and all would end soon. The police kept having us move to different further parking lot locations (this in the East parking lot on the other side of the building away from the temple, and then having us climb the wall and jump down into the granite...in dresses. The search dogs were getting confused with the scents. They originally thought the person (who had stolen a vehicle, crashed it into a wall down the street

and then escaped on foot, first trying the temple and then coming into the building) had gotten into the attic of the building (only two or three keys exist to that area...I have only gone up in the attic space once, when Dee was ward clerk and had the key), so a bishop's wife brought down keys and then someone left to get the other key.

Hours went by.

My car was parked in the closed off lot. We still had a mess to clean up after the luncheon. We waited. Temple workers for the later shift waited to go in the parking lot, lined up on the streets. Even Jessica's brother, Josh, and his wife Cynthia had scheduled to be sealed and were waiting...with the sealer...and the other temple workers. The smell of cigarette smoke alerted them to where the felon was. Cigarette smoke is NOT a normal smell in an LDS church building. He had barricaded himself in a bishop's office. Not sure how he even got into Bishop Baird's office. All we heard was that they talked to him for awhile, got the door open, and sent a dog in, that bit him and he gave up. We saw him limping in custody out of the building, and we were allowed to re enter. Building was stinky, and the bishop's office was a mess and had cigarette butts and burned holes in the carpet and blood on the desk, but that was about it. Five hours after I arrived at church, I was done cleaning up and headed home.

I thought of all the blessings that had happened. Children at the funeral had seen the man by the bathroom. They smiled and said hello, thinking he was another guest at the funeral. No one was hurt. He could have done anything, and yet no one was harmed. The temple was safe, and the Lord took care of that and all else. While we were waiting, one of the funeral attendees had a seizure after he climbed the wall and had to go in an ambulance, but all in all, every child from little baby to teenager were just exemplary! And the police...professional and very patient. and those dogs are amazing!!! What lives are saved, on both sides of the law, by those dogs!
We have been having troubles with our GFCI breaker. The bathroom plugs would suddenly stop working. It wasn't so fun Wednesday when I had to venture outdoors to locate an extension cord in the dark so I could curl my hair and get ready for the temple. Anyway, Dad had checked things Thursday night and was going to change outlets and breakers over the weekend. While he was typing in his journal, the prompting came that reminded him that the attic light was also on that circuit. He climbed up the ladder to the attic and looked and the wire had come loose. A few wire nuts should fix the problem totally We never would have thought of that on our own. The counsel "Never postpone a prompting" doesn't just save us from harm. It also saves valuable time and resources.
Not so highlights
Jury Duty. It's not that I don't want to do my duty, but my schedule is so busy right now...with Kaylee care full time one week and my week off full of things to do. I decided to postpone it to May, since I don't want to waste one moment of nice weather. I was called three years ago to Maricopa County Superior Court duty and was almost put on a murder trial. A couple years before that, I went to be on a City of Phoenix jury, but was dismissed early. This is also for the City of Phoenix. I selected Tuesday, May 17, which is on a week off, and still will hopefully not interfere with my Wednesday morning temple, etc. Dad LOVES jury duty...and NEVER gets called. Who decides these things!!!
Our water bill should be a little under 400 bucks this Summer now!
Other highlights
Great jogs Monday and Tuesday. Fewer Christmas lights, but I did enjoy the couple of houses still lit. I even saw one Christmas tree on Thursday. My Friday run included being right at the temple when the spire lights were turned on.
Wednesday was very interesting. I volunteered to serve and clean up at a funeral luncheon for a family that lost their elderly father in a sudden car accident. While the family was eating, a few of us sisters sat in the kitchen chatting, when we heard a helicopter out the kitchen door (which is on the side of the church building right across the parking lot from the temple.)
We opened the door and heard on a loud speaker "We have you surrounded so give yourself up."

We stood in amazement, and those with iphones started taking pics of three SWAT tem members with dogs searching the temple grounds. The temple closes down from about 12:30 to 4 pm, so the doors were locked.

The officers and their dogs noticed us watching and came to the kitchen door. They began to search the church building,

and first had us stay in the kitchen (thinking we were the only ones in the building) and then having us evacuate first to the cultural hall, and then slowly out the door to the parking lot.
We chatted and thought things to be nothing and all would end soon. The police kept having us move to different further parking lot locations (this in the East parking lot on the other side of the building away from the temple, and then having us climb the wall and jump down into the granite...in dresses. The search dogs were getting confused with the scents. They originally thought the person (who had stolen a vehicle, crashed it into a wall down the street

and then escaped on foot, first trying the temple and then coming into the building) had gotten into the attic of the building (only two or three keys exist to that area...I have only gone up in the attic space once, when Dee was ward clerk and had the key), so a bishop's wife brought down keys and then someone left to get the other key.

Hours went by.

My car was parked in the closed off lot. We still had a mess to clean up after the luncheon. We waited. Temple workers for the later shift waited to go in the parking lot, lined up on the streets. Even Jessica's brother, Josh, and his wife Cynthia had scheduled to be sealed and were waiting...with the sealer...and the other temple workers. The smell of cigarette smoke alerted them to where the felon was. Cigarette smoke is NOT a normal smell in an LDS church building. He had barricaded himself in a bishop's office. Not sure how he even got into Bishop Baird's office. All we heard was that they talked to him for awhile, got the door open, and sent a dog in, that bit him and he gave up. We saw him limping in custody out of the building, and we were allowed to re enter. Building was stinky, and the bishop's office was a mess and had cigarette butts and burned holes in the carpet and blood on the desk, but that was about it. Five hours after I arrived at church, I was done cleaning up and headed home.

I thought of all the blessings that had happened. Children at the funeral had seen the man by the bathroom. They smiled and said hello, thinking he was another guest at the funeral. No one was hurt. He could have done anything, and yet no one was harmed. The temple was safe, and the Lord took care of that and all else. While we were waiting, one of the funeral attendees had a seizure after he climbed the wall and had to go in an ambulance, but all in all, every child from little baby to teenager were just exemplary! And the police...professional and very patient. and those dogs are amazing!!! What lives are saved, on both sides of the law, by those dogs!
We have been having troubles with our GFCI breaker. The bathroom plugs would suddenly stop working. It wasn't so fun Wednesday when I had to venture outdoors to locate an extension cord in the dark so I could curl my hair and get ready for the temple. Anyway, Dad had checked things Thursday night and was going to change outlets and breakers over the weekend. While he was typing in his journal, the prompting came that reminded him that the attic light was also on that circuit. He climbed up the ladder to the attic and looked and the wire had come loose. A few wire nuts should fix the problem totally We never would have thought of that on our own. The counsel "Never postpone a prompting" doesn't just save us from harm. It also saves valuable time and resources.
Not so highlights
Jury Duty. It's not that I don't want to do my duty, but my schedule is so busy right now...with Kaylee care full time one week and my week off full of things to do. I decided to postpone it to May, since I don't want to waste one moment of nice weather. I was called three years ago to Maricopa County Superior Court duty and was almost put on a murder trial. A couple years before that, I went to be on a City of Phoenix jury, but was dismissed early. This is also for the City of Phoenix. I selected Tuesday, May 17, which is on a week off, and still will hopefully not interfere with my Wednesday morning temple, etc. Dad LOVES jury duty...and NEVER gets called. Who decides these things!!!
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