Our neighbor needed us to come to her house on Sunday during the First Presidency Christmas Broadcast on Sunday night, so we watched it on YouTube on Monday evening. It was wonderful, and I especially enjoyed singing "And The Glory of The Lord" with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I always wanted to be in the choir, but never took the classes or focused on it, so the closest is in my family room...and I enjoyed it!
Scouts went very well on Wednesday. The Kuhlweins, new ward members, arranged for the Phoenix Police to bring a sergeant, an officer and his K9. It was such a night and so wonderful to see all the work that the police and these amazing dogs do to catch criminals with little to no damage. We also participated in the City of Glendale Christmas Parade with our pack on Saturday.
My visiting teachers came on Friday and we had a lovely visit. I went with Dad on Sunday and visited two of his families.
Sacrament meeting was another special one. We had our two full time missionaries share their conversion stores. Elder Webb has been a member five years and Elder Colleran two years. They are amazing young men and have been such a blessing to our ward. Brother Call, accompanied by Jordan Sheppard, sang an amazing rendition of "Oh Holy Night" during Sacrament meeting as well.
I am in Helaman 16 in the Book of Mormon
I have indexed 49045 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace and Adam have been very busy all week with their final rehearsals for next week's musical at school.Mike is the Young Men's President and Allison is the scout committee chairman, so the young men have a great three month scout plan which includes a snow outing.
The Ethan Rice Family
This new family of four is doing well. Wade is growing and eating and Kaylee still thinks he is the best. She likes her special times with Grandma Liza there and going to preschool. Wade had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday and is doing well. He even grew!...so much the reality was he was probably still too curled up to get an accurate length. The correct is 20.25 inches.

Kaylee found some new sand...She said it wasn't as good as Grammy and Papa's (score!) but it was still fun and it had rained so it was wet sand, too. They went to the mall for a family picture on Saturday, and Kaylee got to make a new pink reindeer named Twinkle at Build-A-Bear. I was so glad to be able to facetime on Saturday night.
The Doran Rice Family
It was another busy week for this family. Amber was so sweet and sent me this pic on Sunday night of this artistic brother and sister.
Morgan and Christy were busy with work and family this week.
Kayty worked overtime on Monday, and brought home a dress for me to minimally alter on Tuesday for a Harry Potter Dance on Friday at Barnes and Noble Book Seller. She worked on Saturday and Sunday as well. Nothing else out of the ordinary for her this week, other than...
Total saves this week: 1 minor, 1 major
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan was busy till late every single night this week, final projects and assignments. Final exams will be next week. He called Friday with absolute relief in his voice. He had the project completed. Dad said that Nathan was really using his programming skills to accomplish the task at hand, and worked and worked on the program. It was a very daunting task and others probably would have begun just using a vice to hold the pieces. It was a great, but very difficult, learning experience.I saw Annalee on Sunday via FaceTime and she is now a fan of Goldfish crackers...and will hardly let the bag out of her hand, even for the cashier!
Monday was a busy and full "last day of the year" for Dad, which included many meetings, including one from the leadership broadcast throughout the company...not a good thing. After that, Dad was greeted by another worker with the laughing comment that now he, after only a short time at Honeywell, had as much vacation time as Dad, who has worked there over 37 years. Dad didn't see it as too funny. They refer to it as "all the vacation time you want", but when you have more suppliers than any other Supplier Development Engineer, and many of those suppliers very difficult since the man apportioning the suppliers after the last layoff took all his easier ones, plus he remains the Southwest Area Captain (and no other area captain has any suppliers), the requirement for allowing vacation is that "your supervisor gives permission, based on work needs", Dad will have very little, and when the layoff comes, he won't have any. I guess that was the only thing keeping him at Honeywell was the six weeks paid vacation every year, and now that is gone. He finished his yearly assessment very late Monday night and submitted everything. Tuesday he took a substitute teaching job: a sixth grade class. and loved it! Great class and he got to teach! Wednesday was another vacation day with a long meeting that virtually gave conflicting information on the new vacation (or no vacation) policy. What we understand is not very clear...and leadership seems to feel the same way as well. It really is not a happy time at all for these employees. Morale is very low.
My week was full, and included laundry- till Wednesday, vacuuming, dusting, mopping, scrubbing mirrors and tubs and toilets, feeding chickens, picking up key limes, sewing (I finished baby Wade's stocking and got it hung up, and altered the dress Kayty wore to the Harry Potter Ball Twice!, grocery shopped,went to the post office, cooked, made up the dinner calendar for the month, and did what I could to help outside.
Dad's Garden
Many tomato seeds started. Lettuce and chard is going crazy. The weather has been warmer and the garden loves it.
Dad's Truck
Dad arranged for his friend Joe to come and help him. Thursday was the day, so dad had the garage all cleaned up and the boat moved out of the way so the truck could be pushed out of the garage. They worked and worked...and the truck would not budge! Never could get it into neutral. So Joe left to find a transmission that he had given away and dad was left to feel kinda sad.
On Tuesday, I included my favorite scripture, Proverbs 3: 5-7, on my Facebook page and tried to be the most encouraging person to anyone who worked with me. My grocery cashier was having a tiring day and I let her know what a good job she was doing.On Wednesday, I used my old folks discount plus great sales to buy non perishables and put them in the St. Mary's Foodbank box. On Thursday, I went to a group assisted living house in our ward and visited with Peggy Wagner for two hours. I did a lot of talking, but it was a great experience. On Saturday, I was running out of Walgreens, when the man ringing the bell for the Salvation Army caught my eye. He had thick glasses on, was sitting instead of standing, and just was kind of sadly looking in one direction. I started toward the car, and then something said "talk to him". Dad gave me some money and I went to his bucket, put it in, and said, "Merry Christmas". His countenance immediately changed. He thanked me, and I thanked him for doing the good and kind thing he was doing. We also lit the world as we wished everyone a Merry Christmas and waved along the parade route. People just got so happy when we talked to them!
Other highlights
Monday running is the best this time of year. After a weekend, there are always new houses lit up.
Not so highlights
My washing machine was making a horrible sound when I came back from the grocery store. I cleaned filters, checked YouTube, and did everything I could. Dad stepped in and started taking things apart, called a parts warehouse for help, and talked to an internet parts company that told us we "only" needed an easy to repair part. We watched YouTube to check it out and saw that the repair was easy, but taking the entire washing machine apart, piece by piece was not! Dad thought to look at an easy place before I headed to Craigslist for a used one to purchase. We ordered the part and paid a few dollars extra for two day guaranteed delivery. That was Wednesday.We determined on Friday that it would not come till Monday, so dad called the company and they refunded our shipping. I am an every day launderer so the laundry in Kayty's hamper and in the pillowcase in the "laundry" room drove me crazy!
Our neighbor needed us to come to her house on Sunday during the First Presidency Christmas Broadcast on Sunday night, so we watched it on YouTube on Monday evening. It was wonderful, and I especially enjoyed singing "And The Glory of The Lord" with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I always wanted to be in the choir, but never took the classes or focused on it, so the closest is in my family room...and I enjoyed it!
Scouts went very well on Wednesday. The Kuhlweins, new ward members, arranged for the Phoenix Police to bring a sergeant, an officer and his K9. It was such a night and so wonderful to see all the work that the police and these amazing dogs do to catch criminals with little to no damage. We also participated in the City of Glendale Christmas Parade with our pack on Saturday.
Two of our wolves, Carson and Nick |
The scouts with Po Po the clown |
Our potty patrol pic with Big Red |
limbo with our state flag pole while we waited |
After the parade |
My visiting teachers came on Friday and we had a lovely visit. I went with Dad on Sunday and visited two of his families.
Sacrament meeting was another special one. We had our two full time missionaries share their conversion stores. Elder Webb has been a member five years and Elder Colleran two years. They are amazing young men and have been such a blessing to our ward. Brother Call, accompanied by Jordan Sheppard, sang an amazing rendition of "Oh Holy Night" during Sacrament meeting as well.
I am in Helaman 16 in the Book of Mormon
I have indexed 49045 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Grace and Adam have been very busy all week with their final rehearsals for next week's musical at school.Mike is the Young Men's President and Allison is the scout committee chairman, so the young men have a great three month scout plan which includes a snow outing.
The Ethan Rice Family
This new family of four is doing well. Wade is growing and eating and Kaylee still thinks he is the best. She likes her special times with Grandma Liza there and going to preschool. Wade had his first doctor's appointment on Tuesday and is doing well. He even grew!...so much the reality was he was probably still too curled up to get an accurate length. The correct is 20.25 inches.

Kaylee found some new sand...She said it wasn't as good as Grammy and Papa's (score!) but it was still fun and it had rained so it was wet sand, too. They went to the mall for a family picture on Saturday, and Kaylee got to make a new pink reindeer named Twinkle at Build-A-Bear. I was so glad to be able to facetime on Saturday night.
The Doran Rice Family
It was another busy week for this family. Amber was so sweet and sent me this pic on Sunday night of this artistic brother and sister.
Morgan and Christy were busy with work and family this week.
Kayty worked overtime on Monday, and brought home a dress for me to minimally alter on Tuesday for a Harry Potter Dance on Friday at Barnes and Noble Book Seller. She worked on Saturday and Sunday as well. Nothing else out of the ordinary for her this week, other than...
Total saves this week: 1 minor, 1 major
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan was busy till late every single night this week, final projects and assignments. Final exams will be next week. He called Friday with absolute relief in his voice. He had the project completed. Dad said that Nathan was really using his programming skills to accomplish the task at hand, and worked and worked on the program. It was a very daunting task and others probably would have begun just using a vice to hold the pieces. It was a great, but very difficult, learning experience.I saw Annalee on Sunday via FaceTime and she is now a fan of Goldfish crackers...and will hardly let the bag out of her hand, even for the cashier!
Monday was a busy and full "last day of the year" for Dad, which included many meetings, including one from the leadership broadcast throughout the company...not a good thing. After that, Dad was greeted by another worker with the laughing comment that now he, after only a short time at Honeywell, had as much vacation time as Dad, who has worked there over 37 years. Dad didn't see it as too funny. They refer to it as "all the vacation time you want", but when you have more suppliers than any other Supplier Development Engineer, and many of those suppliers very difficult since the man apportioning the suppliers after the last layoff took all his easier ones, plus he remains the Southwest Area Captain (and no other area captain has any suppliers), the requirement for allowing vacation is that "your supervisor gives permission, based on work needs", Dad will have very little, and when the layoff comes, he won't have any. I guess that was the only thing keeping him at Honeywell was the six weeks paid vacation every year, and now that is gone. He finished his yearly assessment very late Monday night and submitted everything. Tuesday he took a substitute teaching job: a sixth grade class. and loved it! Great class and he got to teach! Wednesday was another vacation day with a long meeting that virtually gave conflicting information on the new vacation (or no vacation) policy. What we understand is not very clear...and leadership seems to feel the same way as well. It really is not a happy time at all for these employees. Morale is very low.
My week was full, and included laundry- till Wednesday, vacuuming, dusting, mopping, scrubbing mirrors and tubs and toilets, feeding chickens, picking up key limes, sewing (I finished baby Wade's stocking and got it hung up, and altered the dress Kayty wore to the Harry Potter Ball Twice!, grocery shopped,went to the post office, cooked, made up the dinner calendar for the month, and did what I could to help outside.
Dad's Garden
Many tomato seeds started. Lettuce and chard is going crazy. The weather has been warmer and the garden loves it.
Dad's Truck
Dad arranged for his friend Joe to come and help him. Thursday was the day, so dad had the garage all cleaned up and the boat moved out of the way so the truck could be pushed out of the garage. They worked and worked...and the truck would not budge! Never could get it into neutral. So Joe left to find a transmission that he had given away and dad was left to feel kinda sad.
On Tuesday, I included my favorite scripture, Proverbs 3: 5-7, on my Facebook page and tried to be the most encouraging person to anyone who worked with me. My grocery cashier was having a tiring day and I let her know what a good job she was doing.On Wednesday, I used my old folks discount plus great sales to buy non perishables and put them in the St. Mary's Foodbank box. On Thursday, I went to a group assisted living house in our ward and visited with Peggy Wagner for two hours. I did a lot of talking, but it was a great experience. On Saturday, I was running out of Walgreens, when the man ringing the bell for the Salvation Army caught my eye. He had thick glasses on, was sitting instead of standing, and just was kind of sadly looking in one direction. I started toward the car, and then something said "talk to him". Dad gave me some money and I went to his bucket, put it in, and said, "Merry Christmas". His countenance immediately changed. He thanked me, and I thanked him for doing the good and kind thing he was doing. We also lit the world as we wished everyone a Merry Christmas and waved along the parade route. People just got so happy when we talked to them!
Other highlights
Monday running is the best this time of year. After a weekend, there are always new houses lit up.
Not so highlights
My washing machine was making a horrible sound when I came back from the grocery store. I cleaned filters, checked YouTube, and did everything I could. Dad stepped in and started taking things apart, called a parts warehouse for help, and talked to an internet parts company that told us we "only" needed an easy to repair part. We watched YouTube to check it out and saw that the repair was easy, but taking the entire washing machine apart, piece by piece was not! Dad thought to look at an easy place before I headed to Craigslist for a used one to purchase. We ordered the part and paid a few dollars extra for two day guaranteed delivery. That was Wednesday.We determined on Friday that it would not come till Monday, so dad called the company and they refunded our shipping. I am an every day launderer so the laundry in Kayty's hamper and in the pillowcase in the "laundry" room drove me crazy!
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