The Phoenix Temple is closed for two weeks, so I won't be attending but Dad was able to attend a session at the Ogden Temple on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. He enjoyed both sessions and even was able to attend Wednesday with a co-worker/traveler.
I had pack meeting for my cub scout calling and it was a good evening. Three of our boys earned their Wolf badge. We also received word later in the week that the Cub Scout program had been updated and the number of requirements had changed. This is great news since we were working like crazy leaders to get things done every week!
We attended the baptism of Mark and Dolores Kuhlwein on Saturday. The are "neighbors" though quite a bit away from our house. We attended a couple of their missionary lessons during the course of their teaching. The were not satisfied that the church they were attending had the answers they were seeking. Their horse veterinarian would visit them and answer questions they had. Doctor Merrill (Brother Merrill) was a good friend, took them on the open house tour of the Phoenix Temple two years ago, and listened and guided them to scriptures and then to missionaries. Their baptism was wonderful, and they were confirmed members of the church on Sunday and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was such a spiritual time, and then Brother Kuhlwein stood and bore testimony during testimony time, and the testimony he bore was so powerful. The Spirit of the Lord was truly present, and when he concluded, dad and I both said, "We can go home now." It was that powerful! Then, testimony after testimony was born, including one by Dad, of experiences being introduced to the Gospel, of testimony of the Book of Mormon, of the wonderful experiences had as youth perform baptismal ordinances in the temple. It was truly a meeting that touched my heart and the experience will not soon be forgotten.
I then went and participated in a dramatization of the Nativity for the primary children. The junior primary and the next hour senior primary started in the cultural hall, and the angel came (Sister Bywater) and sang. The children went and saw the Kings (our former bishopric, President Edwards, Brother Shepherd and Brother Meikle) testify, then the shepherds (four of our deacons) and then to the primary room, where the Angel sang and I played "Hark The Herald Angles Sing" on my flute. We had the Ginos's as Mary and Joseph and their six month old little boy as Jesus.
The children had been encouraged to think of a specific gift they could give to the baby Jesus, like being nice to their brother or making their bed, and each child had the chance to tell the baby what their gift was. Songs were sung, traditions spoken of. It was a truly wonderful start for these children and I felt blessed to be a part. I had practiced that song over 300 times on my flute...it was not perfect but it was my best, and that was good.
I am in Helaman 4 in my Book of Mormon study. I completed reading the entire December Ensign Magazine this week.
I have indexed 46431 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
We were able to get these pics from Kayty's trip last week.

Happy 7th Birthday to Joshua on December 1st.
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo's doctor appointment earlier in the week was with her favorite caregiver, who also is a nurse midwife. She wanted to see her back on Friday, but I was texted early Thursday morning.Cameo woke, heard a pop, went to use the restroom, and had liquid running down her leg. She and Ethan headed to the hospital, where they determined it was not amniotic fluid. However, whatever happened spurred things on and she went from 2 cm to 5 cm.
Since things started to happen right as Ethan got home from his work day, he took the opportunity to get some rest while Cameo was laboring...
And, as we were leaving Sky Harbor Airport we received this:
Wade Perry Rice
The Phoenix Temple is closed for two weeks, so I won't be attending but Dad was able to attend a session at the Ogden Temple on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. He enjoyed both sessions and even was able to attend Wednesday with a co-worker/traveler.
I had pack meeting for my cub scout calling and it was a good evening. Three of our boys earned their Wolf badge. We also received word later in the week that the Cub Scout program had been updated and the number of requirements had changed. This is great news since we were working like crazy leaders to get things done every week!
We attended the baptism of Mark and Dolores Kuhlwein on Saturday. The are "neighbors" though quite a bit away from our house. We attended a couple of their missionary lessons during the course of their teaching. The were not satisfied that the church they were attending had the answers they were seeking. Their horse veterinarian would visit them and answer questions they had. Doctor Merrill (Brother Merrill) was a good friend, took them on the open house tour of the Phoenix Temple two years ago, and listened and guided them to scriptures and then to missionaries. Their baptism was wonderful, and they were confirmed members of the church on Sunday and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was such a spiritual time, and then Brother Kuhlwein stood and bore testimony during testimony time, and the testimony he bore was so powerful. The Spirit of the Lord was truly present, and when he concluded, dad and I both said, "We can go home now." It was that powerful! Then, testimony after testimony was born, including one by Dad, of experiences being introduced to the Gospel, of testimony of the Book of Mormon, of the wonderful experiences had as youth perform baptismal ordinances in the temple. It was truly a meeting that touched my heart and the experience will not soon be forgotten.
I then went and participated in a dramatization of the Nativity for the primary children. The junior primary and the next hour senior primary started in the cultural hall, and the angel came (Sister Bywater) and sang. The children went and saw the Kings (our former bishopric, President Edwards, Brother Shepherd and Brother Meikle) testify, then the shepherds (four of our deacons) and then to the primary room, where the Angel sang and I played "Hark The Herald Angles Sing" on my flute. We had the Ginos's as Mary and Joseph and their six month old little boy as Jesus.
The children had been encouraged to think of a specific gift they could give to the baby Jesus, like being nice to their brother or making their bed, and each child had the chance to tell the baby what their gift was. Songs were sung, traditions spoken of. It was a truly wonderful start for these children and I felt blessed to be a part. I had practiced that song over 300 times on my flute...it was not perfect but it was my best, and that was good.
I am in Helaman 4 in my Book of Mormon study. I completed reading the entire December Ensign Magazine this week.
I have indexed 46431 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
We were able to get these pics from Kayty's trip last week.

Happy 7th Birthday to Joshua on December 1st.
The Ethan Rice Family
Cameo's doctor appointment earlier in the week was with her favorite caregiver, who also is a nurse midwife. She wanted to see her back on Friday, but I was texted early Thursday morning.Cameo woke, heard a pop, went to use the restroom, and had liquid running down her leg. She and Ethan headed to the hospital, where they determined it was not amniotic fluid. However, whatever happened spurred things on and she went from 2 cm to 5 cm.
Since things started to happen right as Ethan got home from his work day, he took the opportunity to get some rest while Cameo was laboring...
And, as we were leaving Sky Harbor Airport we received this:
Wade Perry Rice
Born December 1, 2016 at 8:44 pm 7 lbs 14 ozs 19 inches long
On Friday, after his birth was officially facebook announced, we were able to see these

Grandma Liza told me on Saturday morning that Kaylee was over the moon about that little brother of hers. Wade had a few fever and jaundice concerns, but the family went home late Saturday night (I mean 10 pm late).
The Doran Rice Family
This family had a good week and spent Saturday night in the snow...in Avondale!
Morgan had a good work week and he and Christy joined Doran and Amber in the snow...
Kayty had a day off on Monday, and went out with her friend Ed on Monday evening. Tuesday was a regular work day, and Tuesday night she made her decadent dessert to take to work on Wednesday. She worked long hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Two Saves this week. She was really good at fooling me. She answered every question I asked. I was going to run and the Spirit said to go back and check, and she was positioned in a way that let me know something was up. Yep...Blood Glucose 48!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan started his week sliding his vehicle in the snow and breaking a rim. He found one at a junk yard and will pay next week to have the tire put on the new rim. He had a two hour math test, and hasn't found out the results yet. He is doing well in his classes and the semester in winding down. They enjoyed Korean food, homemade, Saturday night, and I got to facetime with Annalee then. She was not sure about that lady in the phone until I talked about feeding the chickens. The chickens she remembered!
I woke Dad at 3:30 am and we were off to the airport at 4 am for a business trip to Utah. He had planned to attend a session at the Salt Lake Temple, but it was closed on Monday morning, so he went to his hotel after taking a co-worker to see his family there, getting through the snow,
eating lunch at Sonic, and a visit with Jeff Smith.
We only spoke briefly by email on Tuesday, and he said the best thing so far about the day was the snow. The Kaizen Event was a trial at best.
Sushi was very saucy...not to his liking. He did eat well Wednesday night and was flying home Thursday. His event was going well on Wednesday, until the head of the company he was visiting determined that money they didn't have to spend was savings. That is comparable to saying that we have saved $35,000 this year....because we did not purchase a new SUV! Hard to work with this company, and Honeywell is putting more work there, so nothings going to change.
My weekly work included driving to and from the airport very early Monday (which, while very early, made for heavenly traffic for me!), dusted, cleaned, went through things to be given to Deseret Industries, changed from regular to flannel sheets on my bed, laundered a lot, prepared for cub scouts and attended pack meeting, did shopping, went to the post office...twice!, fought to print postage for seven hours...yes, seven!, scrubbed toilets and floors in the bathrooms, moved a shelf from the playroom out to the kitchen to see if Dad's stuff fits better there, fed chickens, gave chickens treats, took down and brought back trash cans,
Dad's Garden
Dad's garden is thriving! Lots of lettuce, chard, peppers, and other things growing. He also planted his tomato seeds this week.
We have been challenged by our church leaders to "Light the World" with kindness, goodness and service, beginning with a Worldwide Day of Service on December 1st. Nano was my first choice, and so I went to her house, helped with the Christmas tree (Scott is a terrible fluffer of Christmas trees!) and filled the top and the whole tree with ornaments. She needed some things in her cabinets, so I ended up cleaning and organizing her lower cabinets, her pantry, and getting stuff out to my car to take to Deseret Industries, which we did on Friday night. It was such a fun time being able to help her! We took veggies to our neighbor as well as the D. I. Trip on December 2nd. December 3rd, we went to the Ward Christmas Breakfast for an hour, attended the baptism, and then came home, got our change that we save all year in a pumpkin piggy bank and took it to a Salvation Army kettle. We had purchased granola bars at Costco and oatmeal and hot cocoa packets, gathered hotel soap and condiments, and some fresh tangerines and dropped them off for the homeless Veterans, and then we donated our car change to a group of youth earning money to buy toys. December 4 was my day to play my flute for the final time, and we visited our neighbors; Lalli when she returned from her daughters house and Ramon as he is loading up to move. Yep, we get new neighbors south of us, though they are doing remodeling before they actually move in.
Other highlights
Sunday night, after I published the blog last week, rain started to fall. Dad had added to our gutter system last week to better redirect the rainwater to the gardens, and it worked.
I walked on Tuesday to and from pack meeting, and was treated to beautiful lights on one street...
On Friday, after his birth was officially facebook announced, we were able to see these

Grandma Liza told me on Saturday morning that Kaylee was over the moon about that little brother of hers. Wade had a few fever and jaundice concerns, but the family went home late Saturday night (I mean 10 pm late).
The Doran Rice Family
This family had a good week and spent Saturday night in the snow...in Avondale!
Morgan had a good work week and he and Christy joined Doran and Amber in the snow...
Kayty had a day off on Monday, and went out with her friend Ed on Monday evening. Tuesday was a regular work day, and Tuesday night she made her decadent dessert to take to work on Wednesday. She worked long hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Two Saves this week. She was really good at fooling me. She answered every question I asked. I was going to run and the Spirit said to go back and check, and she was positioned in a way that let me know something was up. Yep...Blood Glucose 48!
The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan started his week sliding his vehicle in the snow and breaking a rim. He found one at a junk yard and will pay next week to have the tire put on the new rim. He had a two hour math test, and hasn't found out the results yet. He is doing well in his classes and the semester in winding down. They enjoyed Korean food, homemade, Saturday night, and I got to facetime with Annalee then. She was not sure about that lady in the phone until I talked about feeding the chickens. The chickens she remembered!
I woke Dad at 3:30 am and we were off to the airport at 4 am for a business trip to Utah. He had planned to attend a session at the Salt Lake Temple, but it was closed on Monday morning, so he went to his hotel after taking a co-worker to see his family there, getting through the snow,
eating lunch at Sonic, and a visit with Jeff Smith.
We only spoke briefly by email on Tuesday, and he said the best thing so far about the day was the snow. The Kaizen Event was a trial at best.
Sushi was very saucy...not to his liking. He did eat well Wednesday night and was flying home Thursday. His event was going well on Wednesday, until the head of the company he was visiting determined that money they didn't have to spend was savings. That is comparable to saying that we have saved $35,000 this year....because we did not purchase a new SUV! Hard to work with this company, and Honeywell is putting more work there, so nothings going to change.
My weekly work included driving to and from the airport very early Monday (which, while very early, made for heavenly traffic for me!), dusted, cleaned, went through things to be given to Deseret Industries, changed from regular to flannel sheets on my bed, laundered a lot, prepared for cub scouts and attended pack meeting, did shopping, went to the post office...twice!, fought to print postage for seven hours...yes, seven!, scrubbed toilets and floors in the bathrooms, moved a shelf from the playroom out to the kitchen to see if Dad's stuff fits better there, fed chickens, gave chickens treats, took down and brought back trash cans,
Dad's Garden
Dad's garden is thriving! Lots of lettuce, chard, peppers, and other things growing. He also planted his tomato seeds this week.
We have been challenged by our church leaders to "Light the World" with kindness, goodness and service, beginning with a Worldwide Day of Service on December 1st. Nano was my first choice, and so I went to her house, helped with the Christmas tree (Scott is a terrible fluffer of Christmas trees!) and filled the top and the whole tree with ornaments. She needed some things in her cabinets, so I ended up cleaning and organizing her lower cabinets, her pantry, and getting stuff out to my car to take to Deseret Industries, which we did on Friday night. It was such a fun time being able to help her! We took veggies to our neighbor as well as the D. I. Trip on December 2nd. December 3rd, we went to the Ward Christmas Breakfast for an hour, attended the baptism, and then came home, got our change that we save all year in a pumpkin piggy bank and took it to a Salvation Army kettle. We had purchased granola bars at Costco and oatmeal and hot cocoa packets, gathered hotel soap and condiments, and some fresh tangerines and dropped them off for the homeless Veterans, and then we donated our car change to a group of youth earning money to buy toys. December 4 was my day to play my flute for the final time, and we visited our neighbors; Lalli when she returned from her daughters house and Ramon as he is loading up to move. Yep, we get new neighbors south of us, though they are doing remodeling before they actually move in.
Other highlights
Sunday night, after I published the blog last week, rain started to fall. Dad had added to our gutter system last week to better redirect the rainwater to the gardens, and it worked.
I walked on Tuesday to and from pack meeting, and was treated to beautiful lights on one street...
topping it all off with this beautiful light...
Not so highlights
I was cooking Spanish Rice on Tuesday when I heard a short squeak and a crash. I thought the wind had blown something very big over on the back porch, but as I walked out the back door to see, I noticed there was no wind. There had been an accident behind the house.
Not so highlights
I was cooking Spanish Rice on Tuesday when I heard a short squeak and a crash. I thought the wind had blown something very big over on the back porch, but as I walked out the back door to see, I noticed there was no wind. There had been an accident behind the house.
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