Happy 2017! We spent a quiet evening. Since Dad worked nearly every New Year's Eve for over 30 years, no traditions were ever set up. Those who could go to his dance got to go, and those of us at home would watch tv and walk outside, hit a pan a couple of times, and then come in. There were no cell phones, so no "Happy New Year" to husband. We did watch the last part of Apollo 13, the news, and the neighborhood put on a pretty awesome fireworks show. We couldn't have a fire because it was a no-burn day, so all was pretty quiet.
Day started with my indexing. These North Carolina Marriage Records take a long time...over two hours and I managed 100 names. So..
I have indexed 100 records so far this year.
We had a wonderful day at church. We now attend in the afternoon: 1-4 pm.Two youth speakers spoke about choosing to serve missions and putting their trust in the Lord that college and everything would work out. A member of the bishopric and our bishop spoke about focusing on the basics: prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and especially increasing in faith. That same theme ran through all our meetings today. It was great because it reinforced what I had decided to work on this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had an awesome New Years Eve celebration...

Every year for New Year's Eve, we do our traditional New Year's Tree and a countdown starting from 6:00 or so with a different activity tucked into balloons for the kiddos to pop at the designated times. Tonight we had a ping-pong tournament, ate a yummy dinner, made glittery slime, played board games and hide-and-seek, made "horns" from ice cream cones, played "tape ball" and tried a new game that the kids are already begging to play again: The Flour Game. We talked about the best parts of 2016 while we toasted with apple cider and counted down to 2017. I can't imagine a better way to start a new year than laughing so hard that I was crying with these crazies. Love them so much! Happy New Year!!!
Adam gave a super talk in church on Sunday.
The Ethan Rice Family
Wade turned one month old on Sunday.

The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie and Kooper had fun at Cabellas (and cabellas is NOT a fun place!!)

Kayty worked...got home safely (which is miraculous with all the wrong way drivers now!) did a puzzle, went to WalMart late and saw no strange looking folk, and came home. Sunday was sleep in late, go to church, and then puzzle time.
The Nathan Rice Family
Annalee had fallen and bumped her head on Saturday evening. Now, had it been one of my kids, I would have been just sending them off to bed and checking them...perhaps even giving them a piece of bread, right Ethan? However, with my grandchildren, the story is different. The called the doctor and took her to Urgent Care. All was well, and she enjoyed being in the examining room with the big whale on the wall. Well, actually, she enjoyed pushing the button and calling the nurse's station.
Dad's Garden
Other highlights
I turned on the computer last Saturday to check my email, and I had been sent a copy of a letter from my inmate sister. Letters are sent directly to the branch president and then copied and emailed. It was wonderful and I feel I was able to get to know her better. I wrote her letter Sunday morning and included the thoughts about faith and Mary from the book I shared last night.
Not so highlights
Happy 2017! We spent a quiet evening. Since Dad worked nearly every New Year's Eve for over 30 years, no traditions were ever set up. Those who could go to his dance got to go, and those of us at home would watch tv and walk outside, hit a pan a couple of times, and then come in. There were no cell phones, so no "Happy New Year" to husband. We did watch the last part of Apollo 13, the news, and the neighborhood put on a pretty awesome fireworks show. We couldn't have a fire because it was a no-burn day, so all was pretty quiet.
Day started with my indexing. These North Carolina Marriage Records take a long time...over two hours and I managed 100 names. So..
I have indexed 100 records so far this year.
We had a wonderful day at church. We now attend in the afternoon: 1-4 pm.Two youth speakers spoke about choosing to serve missions and putting their trust in the Lord that college and everything would work out. A member of the bishopric and our bishop spoke about focusing on the basics: prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and especially increasing in faith. That same theme ran through all our meetings today. It was great because it reinforced what I had decided to work on this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family had an awesome New Years Eve celebration...

Every year for New Year's Eve, we do our traditional New Year's Tree and a countdown starting from 6:00 or so with a different activity tucked into balloons for the kiddos to pop at the designated times. Tonight we had a ping-pong tournament, ate a yummy dinner, made glittery slime, played board games and hide-and-seek, made "horns" from ice cream cones, played "tape ball" and tried a new game that the kids are already begging to play again: The Flour Game. We talked about the best parts of 2016 while we toasted with apple cider and counted down to 2017. I can't imagine a better way to start a new year than laughing so hard that I was crying with these crazies. Love them so much! Happy New Year!!!
Adam gave a super talk in church on Sunday.
The Ethan Rice Family
Wade turned one month old on Sunday.

The Doran Rice Family
Kelsie and Kooper had fun at Cabellas (and cabellas is NOT a fun place!!)

Kayty worked...got home safely (which is miraculous with all the wrong way drivers now!) did a puzzle, went to WalMart late and saw no strange looking folk, and came home. Sunday was sleep in late, go to church, and then puzzle time.
The Nathan Rice Family
Annalee had fallen and bumped her head on Saturday evening. Now, had it been one of my kids, I would have been just sending them off to bed and checking them...perhaps even giving them a piece of bread, right Ethan? However, with my grandchildren, the story is different. The called the doctor and took her to Urgent Care. All was well, and she enjoyed being in the examining room with the big whale on the wall. Well, actually, she enjoyed pushing the button and calling the nurse's station.
Dad's Garden
Other highlights
I turned on the computer last Saturday to check my email, and I had been sent a copy of a letter from my inmate sister. Letters are sent directly to the branch president and then copied and emailed. It was wonderful and I feel I was able to get to know her better. I wrote her letter Sunday morning and included the thoughts about faith and Mary from the book I shared last night.
Not so highlights
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