Dad attended the temple Wednesday night.
My co leader for scouts called me one hour before scout meeting, saying she had a glucose problem earlier and wouldn't be able to be at scouts. She was the one in charge and teaching, so Dad helped me scramble, print up, and prepare for the evening. I survived...but it surely wasn't all I had hoped.
We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. One sister told her story of how she was blessed to find the Gospel. She was born and raised in Italy, and was sent to Catholic boarding school when she was only 5 years of age. She was there with a couple of her seven siblings, but her parents both had to work, had no child care, and could not afford to bring the children home so the parents would visit them once a year. Can you imagine? Yet she has a lovely conversion stories, with questions she had, prayers, a dream that guided her, and missionary service in her beloved Italy before marrying and coming to the United States. Jordan Sheppard, our 18 year old ward organist, played a masterful piano solo, and then high councilman Marcus Allen spoke on remembering and the Sacrament. I ended up sitting with our CTR 4 class in Primary during Sunday School time, and Relief Society was great.
Dad's home teaching companion ended up not being able to go with him, and dad's families could not reschedule again, so I went home teaching with him (thus the blog not being published). He did complete all his home teaching for the month.
I got my letter written to my inmate sister, Nena, and also wrote a letter to our visiting teaching letter only sister, Tracey.
I indexed 1743 records so far this year. Indexing is MUCH more challenging now. I could finish 100 records in less than an hour last year. Now, the same amount will take over an hour...nearly two hours. I even took a Portugese Indexing Class for non speakers, but it was not helpful at all. Their example was a perfectly typed record, and even they admitted that type of record was rare. I have a difficult enough time going through paragraphs of handwritten English and locating the information I am to record.
In the scriptures, I am in 1 Nephi 15.
The Wilkins Family
Josh started the week sick with croup. Poor guy. His cat best buddy snuggled him better.

The kids went on a neighborhood treasure hunt when they were off school...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sam on Friday. Here is what Allison shared about Sam:
"This sweet guy turned 3 today and my heart can NOT even take it. Sam is SO much fun! He adores his siblings and loves wrestling with the boys as much as he loves getting his nails painted by Grace. He is the best snuggler and I love that he demands a "duddle" (cuddle) every morning. He is the happiest kid and loves fist bumping everyone he meets. We are SO glad he came to our family! Happy 3rd Birthday, Sam!!!

We are so thankful Heavenly Father blessed our family with you, Sam!! We love you!!
The Ethan Rice Family
Wade turned six weeks old on Thursday...

Cameo returned to work from maternity leave. Ethan was put on a new daytime shift at work, which will be great for the family....after the adjust from the evening shift they had just adjusted to.
I received these on Saturday night...taken on January 3rd
The Doran Rice Family
Busy work week and then Kooper turned 3 on Friday! Happy Birthday, Kooper!!

We went over to their house on Saturday night to celebrate.
Doran had a pretty nasty bike crash on Saturday morning...mountain biking...round a corner...someone made a jump bigger...He was sore still on Sunday. Amber's Dog Rescue Group held a Dinner Gala on Sunday night and raised quite a bit of money to fund their efforts. Congratulations!
Morgan was a superhero for us on Saturday, came right after he got off work, bacon in hand, Christy crashed on the couch since she hadn't slept, and after pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh juice, he got into the attic and filled it up with insulation...25 bags fed into the machine by dad and blown in by Morgan...over the living room, over our bedroom, and everywhere else that seemed thin. Thank you Morgan!!
We also have a "Save The Date" for Morgan and Christy...March 2nd! It's also Christy's birthday.
Kayty had a good week. Monday and Tuesday were her days off and she and Lilly watched tv and worked on her puzzle. She got a couple hours of overtime on Saturday morning. She attended family home evening at church on Monday, church on Sunday, and joined a dinner group on Sunday evening.
Total saves this week: 1 major
The Nathan Rice Family
The weather was crazy this week in Idaho: "warm" which is above freezing, and below zero. School is going well for Nathan and he is enjoying it, though something happened to a communication cable making it impossible to call or email them. School was the only place for Nathan to do homework and he spent late nights there all week. He did get notice that he has been hired by a Phoenix company "Chromalloy" for an internship from the end of April to the beginning of September. He is also planning out his future time in school. Classes and certifications will include Green Belt, and he is in track to graduate in December of 2018. (I might have complained that I will have to travel to Idaho in December...brrrrrr).
Happy Birthday on Saturday, Nathan!! They celebrated early before school started with dinner out and had a yummy breakfast out on his birthday.
We talked on Sunday too. He had many hours working as the Ward Clerk on Sunday, and Annalee had a fever of 102 degrees on Sunday evening, but was chattering away and in good spirits.
Dad's week started with trip planning. It took hours to get a trip to Mexico in early February scheduled with airplanes, etc. He did get to meet his new supervisor online and he seems to like him. There is tons of work to do, with being so short handed now, and he often calls or emails someone for a need, only to discover they have been fired or quit.His new supervisor is totally overloaded as well so he hasn't noticed that dad is having to do all the work for the two fired co-workers in addition to his own work.They should rectify this when new boss travels to Phoenix next week.
My work week started with taking down the village. Over 12 hours on Monday, and nearly six hours on Tuesday, but it's all down and packed up safe. I love it when it's up...
And I love it when it's put away.
My normal photos, etc are back on the shelves and my hut is neat and clean, all packed away, and has cricket/spider traps all over to catch any styrofoam eating creatures.
Regular duties of cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, mopping, laundry, cooking dinner, shopping filled the week.
Dad's Garden
The garden is doing very well. Our mild Winter and abundant rain is making the garden happy!! He harvested cilantro (turned it into salsa with our Market on the Move tomatoes), turnips, lettuce, chard, carrots, snow peas, peppers, spinach and basil. He pruned the pepper plants and the basil down hoping that would promote better growth later on. We also are getting wonderful oranges, tangerines and grapefruit for him to eat.
Year of the House
Insulation project complete!!! I didn't get pics taken, but Morgan and Dad did great!!
Other highlights
I am still enjoying a few houses of Christmas lights as I run.
Not so highlights
I needed more Grammy stocking fabric, so I headed to JoAnn's to get some denim. I finally got the right color and then turned around to get a number for the fabric to get cut. "98"...ok fine....till I heard they were on "70"!. Someone said, 'well that's what it's like on coupon day."
Coupon day? Oh no!!!!!!!
I ended up being in the cutting line for nearly an hour, and then the paying line only had two or three cashiers and was over 30 minutes waiting there! Over 1 and a half hours to buy one piece...two yards...of denim!
Never again!! I told Dad that if I sewed on a regular basis, I would have come home and broken my sewing machine into bits! (Since I only craft and mend, it can stay.) Never going to that awful place again!
Dad attended the temple Wednesday night.
My co leader for scouts called me one hour before scout meeting, saying she had a glucose problem earlier and wouldn't be able to be at scouts. She was the one in charge and teaching, so Dad helped me scramble, print up, and prepare for the evening. I survived...but it surely wasn't all I had hoped.
We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting on Sunday. One sister told her story of how she was blessed to find the Gospel. She was born and raised in Italy, and was sent to Catholic boarding school when she was only 5 years of age. She was there with a couple of her seven siblings, but her parents both had to work, had no child care, and could not afford to bring the children home so the parents would visit them once a year. Can you imagine? Yet she has a lovely conversion stories, with questions she had, prayers, a dream that guided her, and missionary service in her beloved Italy before marrying and coming to the United States. Jordan Sheppard, our 18 year old ward organist, played a masterful piano solo, and then high councilman Marcus Allen spoke on remembering and the Sacrament. I ended up sitting with our CTR 4 class in Primary during Sunday School time, and Relief Society was great.
Dad's home teaching companion ended up not being able to go with him, and dad's families could not reschedule again, so I went home teaching with him (thus the blog not being published). He did complete all his home teaching for the month.
I got my letter written to my inmate sister, Nena, and also wrote a letter to our visiting teaching letter only sister, Tracey.
I indexed 1743 records so far this year. Indexing is MUCH more challenging now. I could finish 100 records in less than an hour last year. Now, the same amount will take over an hour...nearly two hours. I even took a Portugese Indexing Class for non speakers, but it was not helpful at all. Their example was a perfectly typed record, and even they admitted that type of record was rare. I have a difficult enough time going through paragraphs of handwritten English and locating the information I am to record.
In the scriptures, I am in 1 Nephi 15.
The Wilkins Family
Josh started the week sick with croup. Poor guy. His cat best buddy snuggled him better.

The kids went on a neighborhood treasure hunt when they were off school...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sam on Friday. Here is what Allison shared about Sam:
"This sweet guy turned 3 today and my heart can NOT even take it. Sam is SO much fun! He adores his siblings and loves wrestling with the boys as much as he loves getting his nails painted by Grace. He is the best snuggler and I love that he demands a "duddle" (cuddle) every morning. He is the happiest kid and loves fist bumping everyone he meets. We are SO glad he came to our family! Happy 3rd Birthday, Sam!!!

We are so thankful Heavenly Father blessed our family with you, Sam!! We love you!!
The Ethan Rice Family
Wade turned six weeks old on Thursday...

Cameo returned to work from maternity leave. Ethan was put on a new daytime shift at work, which will be great for the family....after the adjust from the evening shift they had just adjusted to.
I received these on Saturday night...taken on January 3rd
The Doran Rice Family
Busy work week and then Kooper turned 3 on Friday! Happy Birthday, Kooper!!

We went over to their house on Saturday night to celebrate.
The trick candles worked perfectly! |
Doran had a pretty nasty bike crash on Saturday morning...mountain biking...round a corner...someone made a jump bigger...He was sore still on Sunday. Amber's Dog Rescue Group held a Dinner Gala on Sunday night and raised quite a bit of money to fund their efforts. Congratulations!
Morgan was a superhero for us on Saturday, came right after he got off work, bacon in hand, Christy crashed on the couch since she hadn't slept, and after pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and fresh juice, he got into the attic and filled it up with insulation...25 bags fed into the machine by dad and blown in by Morgan...over the living room, over our bedroom, and everywhere else that seemed thin. Thank you Morgan!!
We also have a "Save The Date" for Morgan and Christy...March 2nd! It's also Christy's birthday.
Kayty had a good week. Monday and Tuesday were her days off and she and Lilly watched tv and worked on her puzzle. She got a couple hours of overtime on Saturday morning. She attended family home evening at church on Monday, church on Sunday, and joined a dinner group on Sunday evening.
Total saves this week: 1 major
The Nathan Rice Family
The weather was crazy this week in Idaho: "warm" which is above freezing, and below zero. School is going well for Nathan and he is enjoying it, though something happened to a communication cable making it impossible to call or email them. School was the only place for Nathan to do homework and he spent late nights there all week. He did get notice that he has been hired by a Phoenix company "Chromalloy" for an internship from the end of April to the beginning of September. He is also planning out his future time in school. Classes and certifications will include Green Belt, and he is in track to graduate in December of 2018. (I might have complained that I will have to travel to Idaho in December...brrrrrr).
Happy Birthday on Saturday, Nathan!! They celebrated early before school started with dinner out and had a yummy breakfast out on his birthday.
We talked on Sunday too. He had many hours working as the Ward Clerk on Sunday, and Annalee had a fever of 102 degrees on Sunday evening, but was chattering away and in good spirits.
Dad's week started with trip planning. It took hours to get a trip to Mexico in early February scheduled with airplanes, etc. He did get to meet his new supervisor online and he seems to like him. There is tons of work to do, with being so short handed now, and he often calls or emails someone for a need, only to discover they have been fired or quit.His new supervisor is totally overloaded as well so he hasn't noticed that dad is having to do all the work for the two fired co-workers in addition to his own work.They should rectify this when new boss travels to Phoenix next week.
My work week started with taking down the village. Over 12 hours on Monday, and nearly six hours on Tuesday, but it's all down and packed up safe. I love it when it's up...
And I love it when it's put away.
My normal photos, etc are back on the shelves and my hut is neat and clean, all packed away, and has cricket/spider traps all over to catch any styrofoam eating creatures.
Regular duties of cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, mopping, laundry, cooking dinner, shopping filled the week.
Dad's Garden
The garden is doing very well. Our mild Winter and abundant rain is making the garden happy!! He harvested cilantro (turned it into salsa with our Market on the Move tomatoes), turnips, lettuce, chard, carrots, snow peas, peppers, spinach and basil. He pruned the pepper plants and the basil down hoping that would promote better growth later on. We also are getting wonderful oranges, tangerines and grapefruit for him to eat.
Year of the House
Insulation project complete!!! I didn't get pics taken, but Morgan and Dad did great!!
Other highlights
I am still enjoying a few houses of Christmas lights as I run.
Not so highlights
I needed more Grammy stocking fabric, so I headed to JoAnn's to get some denim. I finally got the right color and then turned around to get a number for the fabric to get cut. "98"...ok fine....till I heard they were on "70"!. Someone said, 'well that's what it's like on coupon day."
Coupon day? Oh no!!!!!!!
I ended up being in the cutting line for nearly an hour, and then the paying line only had two or three cashiers and was over 30 minutes waiting there! Over 1 and a half hours to buy one piece...two yards...of denim!
Never again!! I told Dad that if I sewed on a regular basis, I would have come home and broken my sewing machine into bits! (Since I only craft and mend, it can stay.) Never going to that awful place again!
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