We had a wonderful day at church today. Sacrament meeting included three great speakers that shared wonderful messages. Sunday School had a lesson on Joseph Smith and all he did in a short 20 years. Relief Society had a lesson on overcoming fear with faith.
I was pulled aside Sunday and asked to serve as Sacrament Meeting chorister permanently. I didn't say no, but hope I can keep up with all I have to do.
I attended the Tuesday morning session at the temple. Dad attended a Wednesday evening session.
Dad home taught both last Sunday night and this Sunday night and finished on Tuesday night. I texted my Flagstaff sister to see how she is doing. She has great family and friends, and has been very busy traveling and helping with them. It makes the first Summer without her sweet husband a little less lonely. I also made mini loaves of pumpkin bread on Wednesday and delivered one to my other visiting teaching sister. Our home teacher visited on Tuesday night.
Scouts went pretty well this week and we accomplished all we set out to. Hike is next week and I am praying for cooler that 107 degree weather. The days are growing shorter and hiking during scouts will be impossible soon, so this is one of our last opportunities.
I am in Alma 22 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 26939 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Allison got her own phone this week. With kids in two schools, and parents working at two places, it was a need.
Grace celebrated her 11th birthday on Wednesday. She made and decorated her own cake too.
Allison shared this about Grace...
"Happy 11th Birthday to my best girl, Grace! She makes everything so much fun, is the best help and brings joy to those around her every day with her infectious smile and positive attitude. We love her so much! (She insisted on making and decorating her cake by herself this year... she did awesome!)"
The Ethan Rice Family
Grandma Liza was visiting while Ethan traveled to Indiana. They had a lovely week and Cameo said that their weather is cooling and leaves are changing.
Not so highlights
I sometimes use this to share events outside our family. Last Saturday, Hurricane Harvey came on shore at Galveston Texas...and stalled right over Dallas. Hours and hours and days and days of rain leaving innumerable people flooded out of their homes. The rain totals exceeded 50 inches. The flooding even impacted the Houston Temple, and we know that temples are designed to be above and beyond any standards. While the loss is terrible, including as of now 39 people, the goodness displayed is also immeasurable. People needed to be rescued from flooded homes. A video was taken of a freeway offramp with vehicle after vehicle of private individuals with boats, canoes, rowboats, jet skis...anything to help. No one asked, they just offered. Three thousand volunteers were at one center the next morning ready to help in any way they could...just volunteers. Our church has opened up all church buildings to use as evacuation centers, and commodities were sent immediately. In addition, a hotline was set up for individuals to call and ask for help cleaning up, with the promise that volunteer church members and others would be there to haul out wet furniture, etc. Anything. Our country has been in a great turmoil for so long, and while this tragedy will have consequences for years, my heart is lightened by the good that is also coming out in all people. They are not fighting against each other, but helping out each other.
We had a wonderful day at church today. Sacrament meeting included three great speakers that shared wonderful messages. Sunday School had a lesson on Joseph Smith and all he did in a short 20 years. Relief Society had a lesson on overcoming fear with faith.
I was pulled aside Sunday and asked to serve as Sacrament Meeting chorister permanently. I didn't say no, but hope I can keep up with all I have to do.
I attended the Tuesday morning session at the temple. Dad attended a Wednesday evening session.
Dad home taught both last Sunday night and this Sunday night and finished on Tuesday night. I texted my Flagstaff sister to see how she is doing. She has great family and friends, and has been very busy traveling and helping with them. It makes the first Summer without her sweet husband a little less lonely. I also made mini loaves of pumpkin bread on Wednesday and delivered one to my other visiting teaching sister. Our home teacher visited on Tuesday night.
Scouts went pretty well this week and we accomplished all we set out to. Hike is next week and I am praying for cooler that 107 degree weather. The days are growing shorter and hiking during scouts will be impossible soon, so this is one of our last opportunities.
I am in Alma 22 in the Book of Mormon.
I have indexed 26939 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
Allison got her own phone this week. With kids in two schools, and parents working at two places, it was a need.
Grace celebrated her 11th birthday on Wednesday. She made and decorated her own cake too.

"Happy 11th Birthday to my best girl, Grace! She makes everything so much fun, is the best help and brings joy to those around her every day with her infectious smile and positive attitude. We love her so much! (She insisted on making and decorating her cake by herself this year... she did awesome!)"
The Ethan Rice Family
Grandma Liza was visiting while Ethan traveled to Indiana. They had a lovely week and Cameo said that their weather is cooling and leaves are changing.
Kaylee had Tacky Tuesday and she went all out...
Wade turned 9 months old on Friday. Here is what Cameo shared...
"This little boy is 9 months old today. He is 20 lbs 13 oz and is 28.5 inches tall. He has two teeth, and says ma-ma, da-da, and Wadey. He is very observant, is extremely active, likes balls and wheels, crawls up the stairs by himself, and is walking. His Dr. poked his finger today for an iron test, and he handled like a champ. He didn’t even cry. He was bleeding everywhere, but didn’t cry. We are so happy that this little angel joined our family. We love our sweet Wade Perry

The Doran Rice Family
Doran called Dad on Tuesday evening and they made arrangements to go out on Opening Day of Dove season, since Doran had already worked many hours and ended up having the day off. The enjoyed their time together, each fired a couple of times, but really there weren't many birds to even shoot at. Dad said its getting where you are going to have to travel a long way to hunt dove, with all the agriculture further away. At least they had a good time.
We celebrated Kelsie's 10th Birthday on Saturday.
She had lots of friends and family and had a wonderful night.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan started working for a temp service on Wednesday, so we took him some of the clothing he had left here after our home teachers left.
Kayty had a typical work week. She ordered an inexpensive copy of the latest Star Wars movie (I think it's number 7 but I have no idea) and we all spent Friday evening watching it. I really kind of liked it...especially the character "Rey", a very smart, skilled female who ends up really being the lead hero in the movie. Someone to respect.
Kayty had a good health week.
The Nathan Rice Family
We received a phone call at 1:30 am, telling us that Nathan and Jessica were on the way to the hospital...her water broke. A little after nine, Nathan called with the news:"7 pounds 2 ounces" and Elisabeth May Rice was here! 8-27-2-17: 7 pounds 2 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long
Wore my traditional shirt too...to choir and even to church.
More pictures
I got to FaceTime and see Elli's eyes on Monday. She was up eating and doing well. Annalee got to go with Grammie and Grampa and see bears and pet some goats. Nathan went to take her out for ice cream, but she zonked out in the car on the way. He had to go do some programming at his job on Tuesday morning. Jessica's Dad, Ron, sent me these on Tuesday afternoon
With Ron and Lorrie there helping, Nathan was able to work a few days during the week too. Ellie was having a hard time nursing, and a trip to the doctor discovered tongue tie and lip tie, which an oral surgeon took care of Friday. Nate FaceTimed on Friday and we did a photo album comparison. She does look quite a bit like Nathan.
Dad's Garden
Dates are still ripening. Not sure where we are going to put the darned things. He went out with Geary Roberts from the ward very early on Wednesday and picked prickly pears and juiced them. It's too hot now to make jelly, but we plan to in the future.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad talked with Wade Wallin about getting some help. When he is done working on Jade's house, he can help us. Dad did call the granite company and will build the framework and work out the details to pick up the stone.
Other highlights
I was jogging Monday. It was hot and I almost didn't go. I was about 2/3 of the way through my route, and I started to get ready to turn, when something ran in front of me: large, furry, dark. I assumed it was a dog and got my pepper spray ready, when I notice no barking...instead, grunting. Yes, a Javelina had crossed my path. I fumbled with my phone to try and get a pic, and he sauntered on his merry way while I did. Two days later, my path was crossed by four raccoons, and later two coyotes. It's been a wild hot week of jogging.
Doran called Dad on Tuesday evening and they made arrangements to go out on Opening Day of Dove season, since Doran had already worked many hours and ended up having the day off. The enjoyed their time together, each fired a couple of times, but really there weren't many birds to even shoot at. Dad said its getting where you are going to have to travel a long way to hunt dove, with all the agriculture further away. At least they had a good time.
We celebrated Kelsie's 10th Birthday on Saturday.
Doran's company Vehicle |
She had lots of friends and family and had a wonderful night.
The Morgan Rice Family
Morgan started working for a temp service on Wednesday, so we took him some of the clothing he had left here after our home teachers left.
Kayty had a typical work week. She ordered an inexpensive copy of the latest Star Wars movie (I think it's number 7 but I have no idea) and we all spent Friday evening watching it. I really kind of liked it...especially the character "Rey", a very smart, skilled female who ends up really being the lead hero in the movie. Someone to respect.
Kayty had a good health week.
The Nathan Rice Family
We received a phone call at 1:30 am, telling us that Nathan and Jessica were on the way to the hospital...her water broke. A little after nine, Nathan called with the news:"7 pounds 2 ounces" and Elisabeth May Rice was here! 8-27-2-17: 7 pounds 2 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long
Wore my traditional shirt too...to choir and even to church.
More pictures
I got to FaceTime and see Elli's eyes on Monday. She was up eating and doing well. Annalee got to go with Grammie and Grampa and see bears and pet some goats. Nathan went to take her out for ice cream, but she zonked out in the car on the way. He had to go do some programming at his job on Tuesday morning. Jessica's Dad, Ron, sent me these on Tuesday afternoon
With Ron and Lorrie there helping, Nathan was able to work a few days during the week too. Ellie was having a hard time nursing, and a trip to the doctor discovered tongue tie and lip tie, which an oral surgeon took care of Friday. Nate FaceTimed on Friday and we did a photo album comparison. She does look quite a bit like Nathan.
Dad's Garden
Dates are still ripening. Not sure where we are going to put the darned things. He went out with Geary Roberts from the ward very early on Wednesday and picked prickly pears and juiced them. It's too hot now to make jelly, but we plan to in the future.
Year of the House Part 2
Dad talked with Wade Wallin about getting some help. When he is done working on Jade's house, he can help us. Dad did call the granite company and will build the framework and work out the details to pick up the stone.
Other highlights
I was jogging Monday. It was hot and I almost didn't go. I was about 2/3 of the way through my route, and I started to get ready to turn, when something ran in front of me: large, furry, dark. I assumed it was a dog and got my pepper spray ready, when I notice no barking...instead, grunting. Yes, a Javelina had crossed my path. I fumbled with my phone to try and get a pic, and he sauntered on his merry way while I did. Two days later, my path was crossed by four raccoons, and later two coyotes. It's been a wild hot week of jogging.
Not so highlights
I sometimes use this to share events outside our family. Last Saturday, Hurricane Harvey came on shore at Galveston Texas...and stalled right over Dallas. Hours and hours and days and days of rain leaving innumerable people flooded out of their homes. The rain totals exceeded 50 inches. The flooding even impacted the Houston Temple, and we know that temples are designed to be above and beyond any standards. While the loss is terrible, including as of now 39 people, the goodness displayed is also immeasurable. People needed to be rescued from flooded homes. A video was taken of a freeway offramp with vehicle after vehicle of private individuals with boats, canoes, rowboats, jet skis...anything to help. No one asked, they just offered. Three thousand volunteers were at one center the next morning ready to help in any way they could...just volunteers. Our church has opened up all church buildings to use as evacuation centers, and commodities were sent immediately. In addition, a hotline was set up for individuals to call and ask for help cleaning up, with the promise that volunteer church members and others would be there to haul out wet furniture, etc. Anything. Our country has been in a great turmoil for so long, and while this tragedy will have consequences for years, my heart is lightened by the good that is also coming out in all people. They are not fighting against each other, but helping out each other.
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