Monday, December 31, 2018

Week of December 30-31, 2018


The final blog entry of 2018. Our year ends with family across the country, all happy, healthy and well. What a huge blessing! 

Sunday church was good. It was the final three hour church meetings. We have attended three hours for our entire marriage. It will prove to be an interesting change. I spent two hours in Primary helping in the nursery. At first, it was to be with Anna, but there was only one other sister who had been asked to substitute, so it worked out that I was there to help. The rest of the day was filled with small children in our home, and dad reading and studying. Dad kindly volunteered to feed the sister missionaries, who had no home to eat at (I was grumbly about it, so I get no kindness credit whatsoever)We enjoyed a fire in the fireplace later in the evening.

My total for 2018 is 24109 records indexed and 65220 records reviewed.


The Wilkins Family
Just a final picture of Sam with the nativity pieces I gave this year.
So thankful for Mike and Allison's jobs, for the kids wonderful schools, for the cars they have been blessed with, and for the health they all enjoy (especially after our scare with Josh!).
And their New Years Eve Fun...

The Ethan Rice Family
This family is busy sharing time together and are well. Ethan started a new position this year and seems to love the work he does. Cameo continues to do well. Kaylee loves school and Wade loves preschool.

The Doran Rice Family
A few pics Dad took from their Saturday visit

They are enjoying good jobs and good health. Kooper is doing well at school, and Kelsie is enduring a not so good teacher. We all have had to do that at one time or another.

Morgan started a new life in Georgia, and has found happiness with Aimee and Emileigh, and a wonderful new job.

Kayty is alive, and for that we are so thankful! She continues working under contract at Chubb, and really likes her job, so we all pray that it will continue. She pays her bills and hopes to be able to get health insurance so she can see a doctor. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan struggled with a stomach bug Sunday and Monday. The girls shared Monday morning with me as we let both very tired parents catch a few minutes of sleep. They accomplished their goals last year that were set long ago, and now they will start a new job and have a new baby coming. 

Dad's Garden
Arizona has gotten cold! Dad has worked tirelessly to keep his tomatoes from freezing, covering and uncovering the plants every day. 

Year End Assessment
Well, it has been quite a year. As I began this last blog of the year, I looked at the goals I set for the year. I did get a lot done: read the Book of Mormon three times (including accomplishing the challenge set forth by President Nelson in October General Conference), the Ensign Magazine every month, and improved my prayers. I attended the temple 32 times, above the goal I set, even with the extra travel and cub scout meeting interference. I also did quite a bit of volunteering, mainly subbing in classes. While not a goal, I did listen to a talk nearly every day from General Conference and I continue to do that. I did not memorize the Family Proclammation. We did finish the bathroom remodel, but did not add the insulation to the living room (couldn't find a way to do it) and we didn't get the playground equipment repaired. I didn't get to attend Nathan's graduation, though I did get to help out both Nathan in Idaho and Allison in Las Vegas for a few days. I didn't learn to make tamales or improve my bread baking skills (hard to do that when everyone in the house is low carb dieting). I did, however, learn to make great sugar cookies and decorate them. Nano's situation definitely worsened, and her sudden move has caused a lot of disorder. I have to figure out just where her resources are, and then get the house ready to sell. I decided, however, that I am just going to have to allot a certain amount of time to the task, and not let it interfere with the rest of my very busy life. Kayty's health has worsened as I continue to change my schedule to make sure I am home if she needs help. Scouts blessedly will have an end in one year, and for that I am very thankful. It is more of a chore now, with a very poorly behaved boy that we struggle with every single moment, but we are striving to endure to the end.

Now, for 2019. I am choosing the word "deliberate" to guide my year. I hope not to waste my time, but to act with intention. My scripture reading will be different in that I am not going to read as much as I can as many times as I can, but I am  going to read verse by verse, ponder and meditate, and to seek inspiration. While I am ready at any moment to help a child or grandchild, others will see that I won't just jump and react. I will act with intention. I am now trying to come up with goals that will make me stretch, but will still be realistic. I will read the Ensign every month, but not necessarily every article word for word. (Sometimes, those whiny Young Adult articles get me!) I will continue to jog and exercise, though it will continue to be very early in the morning. I need to make a Grammy Stocking or two. I will use January to think, so that deliberate is what I will be. 

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