Church was good on Sunday. I was also able to listen to a Tablernacle Choir broadcast, a few past conference talks, and get caught up on my Book of Mormon reading. We had a nice quiet Sunday.
I had Pack Meeting on Tuesday. It was quick but our den received a lot of awards. We did a lot of finishing up over the past few months. Dad didn't attend the joint activity but he did spend some time playing catch with one of the young men with no dad and a busy working mom.
I attended a session at the temple on Tuesday morning, and Dad attended a session on Thursday night.
I have indexed 20457 and reviewed 61915 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 56 in the Book of Mormon.
I had Pack Meeting on Tuesday. It was quick but our den received a lot of awards. We did a lot of finishing up over the past few months. Dad didn't attend the joint activity but he did spend some time playing catch with one of the young men with no dad and a busy working mom.
I attended a session at the temple on Tuesday morning, and Dad attended a session on Thursday night.
I have indexed 20457 and reviewed 61915 records so far this year.
I am in Alma 56 in the Book of Mormon.
The Wilkins Family
Busy week for this family. Allison and the younger boys went along on the youth trip to see the lights at Ethel Ms.
They brought their own hot cocoa and enjoyed the night. Allison created some beautiful wreaths this week.
Grandma Wilkins sent a package this week full of treats. Adam especially enjoyed the newspaper.
While waiting for Grace's play practice to end, they used their POGO passes and had some sliding and jumping fun.
And Josh celebrated his 9th birthday on Saturday. Happy Birthday, Josh!They brought their own hot cocoa and enjoyed the night. Allison created some beautiful wreaths this week.
Grandma Wilkins sent a package this week full of treats. Adam especially enjoyed the newspaper.
While waiting for Grace's play practice to end, they used their POGO passes and had some sliding and jumping fun.
Allison wrote this:
"Today my "Mama's Boy", adventurer, pre-soccer pro and little bud, Josh, turned 9. He spent the first 2 years of his life like this. Crying and screaming whenever I wasn't holding him (including during sleep). He was by far my hardest baby. BUT, he has spent the last 7 years making up for it. He is so much fun, so kind to friends and his siblings and always does his chores and homework. I can count on one hand the number of times he has been in time out... In part because he is so stinking GOOD all the time and part because he had me wrapped around his little fingers a long time ago.
Happy 9th Birthday, Josh! We sure love you"

Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee, Wade, Morgan, Aimee, and Emileigh spent Saturday helping get lights up at Ethan's house.
More wreaths have been created and put up, plus the community street lamp on their property now has decorative lights. The pics looked beautiful on Facetime!
Happy 2nd Birthday to Wadey on Saturday. Kaylee had taken her money from the tooth fairy to purchase birthday hats and balloons for Wade, and was busy making a special birthday card for him. She is turning into quite the artist and draws the cutest pictures! Saturday was rainy, so they spent time at Woody's Jump and Play.
More wreaths have been created and put up, plus the community street lamp on their property now has decorative lights. The pics looked beautiful on Facetime!
Happy 2nd Birthday to Wadey on Saturday. Kaylee had taken her money from the tooth fairy to purchase birthday hats and balloons for Wade, and was busy making a special birthday card for him. She is turning into quite the artist and draws the cutest pictures! Saturday was rainy, so they spent time at Woody's Jump and Play.
The Doran Rice Family
This family had a good and busy week. Kelsie had a great field trip to a museum (Grammy was not needed to chaperone, plus was deemed to sketchy without a backround check)
Morgan had a good week at work, and managed to survive ladder antics at Ethan's house.
Kayty had her eyes checked for new contacts. Found out she has a bleed in the back of her eye, caused by probably both diabetes and looking at a computer screen all day. She needs to see an ophthamologist, but without insurance, they are not easy to find. We are praying Chubb hires her permanently so she can have health insurance.
Minor saves with soda Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Minor saves with soda Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
The Nathan Rice Family
Dad's Garden
Dad's garden continues to thrive, and he picked a green tomato to see if they ripen better in the house. He also started some tomato seeds indoos and ordered some seeds to start next week.
Other highlights
I got the house decorations all up by Wednesday.
I scrubbed and cleaned the outdoor kitchen and table and then sealed the stone.
We had rain Thursday night, a pleasant surprise.
I scrubbed and cleaned the outdoor kitchen and table and then sealed the stone.
We had rain Thursday night, a pleasant surprise.
Not so highlights
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