Sunday, August 25, 2019

Week of August 18 - 24, 2019


Sunday was a good day. It was the beginning of a new experience for us. Dad spoke in another ward as part of his stake calling. He also attended his first stake Sunday school presidency meeting and was set apart at that meeting by President Adams. I drove a sister in our ward who cannot drive to church and enjoyed a good Sacrament and Sunday School meeting. I was sad to learn that the dear friend and sister who has served with me in my scouting calling for these nearly four years, Angie Day, has suffered a serious health decline and will need to be released immediately. Three pack meetings, four den meetings left. I hope I can just get Dad to help me there. Not sure what is going to happen but I was pretty bummed. We were enduring to the end was just that her end came earlier than mine.

Scouts was a swimming pack meeting this week, where only the boys were invited and they completed all their swimming requirements for the various adventures.

Dad attended a session at the temple on Tuesday and Thursday nights. I attended a session on Thursday morning.

I continue to read the Book of Mormon daily and listen to a General Conference talk. I just finished the General Priesthood session for the fifth time.

I have indexed 15965  records and reviewed 38,066 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
From Allison's blog on Sunday night...

Saturday Night

So... Sam is the absolute sweetest guy on the planet and totally cool and relaxed and 'go with the flow'...

Until you push him too hard and then he explodes.

I (hear) he may take after his dad that way.

A couple of weeks ago he got super mad and threw a video game controller at the tv and broke it. 

Which brought an end to our pizza and a movie night.

So, I decided we needed to go and do something fun as a family on Saturdays instead.

We used to do parks/libraries/activities ALL the time as a family.

Several years ago, our car died. 

We didn't have a car for months, which brought an end to family activities that didn't involve a bus.

And letmetellya, riding the bus isn't very much fun.

Then we got a great car, but it didn't seat all of us.

For over three years, Mike and I rotated park days, library time, Christmas light drives, etc. with the kids. We didn't do things as a whole family during that time.

I mean there were a couple times we all squished in the car (like on the way to church or trick-or-treating), but we tried to avoid it for the most part.

About a year ago, an incredible friend gifted us a car they didn't need anymore, but we were out of the habit of just doing stuff together.

I miss it and want to try and get back to it.

Doing stuff on Saturday nights as a family will be a fun start.

Tonight we took both of our cars and packed a picnic dinner and played at the park and had a fantastic evening together.

I Made It!

I worked 46 hours last week between the temple and my other job AND wrote a couple of orders for clients AND took care of my kiddos and house AND did my calling.

All on 3 hours of sleep a night.

By the end of the week, I was pretty darn weepy.

Because that's how I am when I get tired.

But.. I did it!


My other job is at CaptionCall, where I will work at captioning phone calls for the hearing impaired.

It's a pretty cool service based out of Salt Lake City.

There's a lot of rules and regulations around it and training takes two to three weeks.

I know it probably sounds silly to work as a temple housekeeper and at a call center when I have a degree and could get a job in PR or marketing or as a copywriter.

But, then I wouldn't get to hear about Adam's day on the way home or stop at the park after school and play with my kiddos or help with their homework or volunteer in their classes.

Someday I will get a job doing something I absolutely love, but for now, I'm thankful that I get to be with the ones I love the most.

And if that means taking a few silly jobs during the late night/early morning hours, I'll do it.

First Day of School Part Deux

Adam had his first day of being a JUNIOR on Monday.

His schedule was messed up, unfortunately, and he wasn't assigned a fourth period.

By the time he was seen by the counselor (the problem with having a last name at the end of the alphabet), only Chinese 1, Ballroom Dancing 2 and Cafeteria Employee were left for electives.

He went with Cafeteria Employee.

He is going to make $5/day AND get elective credit.

He is also taking Intermediate Piano, AP Econ, Algebra 2, US History Honors, English 11 Honors and Physics Honors. He opted to continue taking lunchtime seminary (duh).
The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee dressed up for a school fundraiser run...crazy hair!

Kaylee lost her first tooth without assistance from the dentist last week.

She also had school pics on Friday

The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber and family are adjusting to trailer life and school commutes. Amber attended a Relief Society Women's event on Wednesday evening and the kids spent some time with Papa. They came to share dinner Friday night and to do laundry. The went swimming at Lake Pleasant on Saturday and then came again to get more laundry done later that day.

Morgan and Aimee drove down to southern Georgia on the weekend to celebrate Emileigh's 9th birthday. They had such a wonderful time together!

Later in the week, they shared this pic...

Kayty had training this week, which meant a good week with easier duties and shorter days.

One major low on Friday morning but a quick save.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan worked some late nights this week. Jessica had blood work done on Tuesday and I got to go over and sit with sleeping big sisters while I tried to get Emma to take a bottle. She really wasn't interested but we had a good time. She loves to coo and talk. He is now able to cut lumber from logs thanks to a new fixture that uses a chainsaw to do the work. Saturday night, Nathan and Anna went to a Daddy Daughter Dance at church. We saw them before they left and Anna looked beautiful!

Dad's Garden
Nothing new...too hot.

Other highlights
Cooler mornings made for some nice jogs.

Scott took Nano out to dinner at Olive Garden on Saturday and Sharynn and family came by to share the meal.

Dad's Sacrament Meeting Talk as Stake Sunday School Secretary
Stand Ye in Holy Places (2019-08-18)
Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen (D&C 87:8)
This verse given to Joseph Smith speaks of turmoil of the world and communicates the mind and will of the Lord, and where the Lord wants us to stand.
I am addressing my remarks that to stand in A Holy Place is being in the House of the Lord.
Turning to the standard dictionary I found a number of meanings for the word “Stand” First Dictionary meaning Verb - be situated in a particular place or position.

I have lived in this area for quite some time before there was chapel north of Thunderbird road. To attend church, we passed miles of citrus trees along 59th avenue. The Mesa temple was the closest House of the Lord to us and took some considerable time to and from. We never dreamed that we would have not only a chapel minutes from our home, but to have a temple minutes way also was beyond any thoughts we had.
After the Phoenix Temple was announced we waited with great excitement for the completion and dedication as the large lot of weeds, dirt and rocks was transformed into a beautiful and sacred House of the Lord. We were very happy, we watched the progress frequently even daily, we were present when the statue of Angel Moroni was secured on top. We knew with a temple so close that we would attend frequently. Concern came when our bishop spoke to the Ward, saying that it has been shown that if the Saints were not attending regularly now at a distant temple, they would not attend any more frequently if a temple was close to them. I thought  this could not be correct, if this was correct, I was concerned. My wife and I got involved early and volunteered to be a guide during the open house. I fell in love with this temple, Suzzy and I hoped to be in the temple for the dedication but alas, we were in the Meetinghouse chapel and then someone came in and asked for two more people to be in the temple, we quickly volunteered, there was room for two more. We had to sit in different rooms and that was alright with us. We were in the temple for the dedication and able to feel the spirit and receive the joy that the only the House of the Lord can bring.
After the dedication, I loved attending the temple and I found I was attending more frequently than I had before. I could have found other things to do. However, I enjoyed doing work for my ancestors finding out where they fit in my family line and something about them. I enjoyed the good feeling that I experienced which came from performing the work for my ancestors.
I have enjoyed other benefits of attending the temple, I have found answers to gospels questions. We have the blessing of receiving revelation, I have found that I do receive revelation more easily while in the temple.  Frequently I take gospel questions that I have to the temple, I ponder the questions before and while in the temple. I have learned a lot of the Plan of Happiness, more than I had ever been taught. There is so much to learn about God’s plan which occurred before this life and what will occur after this life.  For me learning more about the Plan of Happiness has increased my testimony and conversion. When I read the scriptures, I ponder a lot, I write questions that I have on the pages of my scriptures and I work to learn the answers. The scriptures have become clearer to me and more understandable. However, the sweetest and most sacred answers have been given to me while in was in the temple. I have received revelation for my questions. These revelations have given me strength of testimony and conversion. We receive such revelations for ourselves for our lives and spiritual strength, per Brigham Young these are spiritual lessons not to be spread around like we found something new.
President Nelson in the April 2018 Conference stated, “If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation.” I have a testimony of these words of President Nelson.
Also in the Doctrine and Covenants, “Behold it is my will, that all they who call on my name and worship me according to mine everlasting gospel should gather together, and stand in holy places”. (D&C 101:22)
Another Dictionary meaning of the word “Stand” is a Noun - an attitude toward a particular issue; a position taken.
So not only a physical standing in the temple but standing on what we believe in. In the temple we receive direction, we are entitled to receive revelation.
We learn God’s will by the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father. These covenants teach us His Will. We learn God’s will is for us to be Obedient, to Sacrifice, to learn and obey the Gospel, to be pure and faithful to our spouses and to give back all that God has blessed us with.
We need to Stand or have an attitude of making God’s Will, our Will. Obedience is the first law of Heaven and as Elder Maxwell stated this means to be obedient and submissive to the will of our Heavenly Father.
We are to be chaste. One of the things that I have given up to have more time in the temple is to minimize my TV watching. When I do see some shows there almost always seem to be discussion and scenes of immorality. God’s law of love and morality or Chasity are commonly ignored and the worldly view is promoted. It is very easy to be captured for hours each day in entertainment with some containing this worldly instruction. Giving up this entertainment has provided me much opportunity to be in the temple and not only to physically stand but to stand by aligning myself to our Heavenly Fathers plan. We can stand in Holy Places, even when surrounded by the influences of the world
We are asked to consecrate all that we have. Everything we have has come from our Heavenly Father. All is His, our time, our money, our talents and ourselves. All belong to him. I love the words of King Lamoni’s father “Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy” (Alma 22:15). I will give away all my sins to know thee, (Alma 22:18). We are not currently being asked to give up all, we are asked to covenant all. We will need the strength should that time ever come to be obedient. Standing for God’s will will prepare us if we are asked to do so.
Another dictionary meaning - Verb - withstand (an experience or test) without being damaged and a third verse from the Doctrine and Covenants.
But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die”. (D&C 45:32)

Our earthly life is a test and our kind loving Father in Heaven has made this as part of His Plan of Salvation or Plan of Happiness. We must pass this test. In my work, I do tests or experiments to determine the best way. We in this short life also must plan, learn, and do. We experience the bad to know to choose the good. Through thoughtful prayer, obedience and Standing for and in Holy Places, we will learn by the Spirit the way to proceed. Then we must make the choice to accomplish and do God’s will.
In the temple I have found peace and direction, I have been comforted, I have felt the strength that has come to me when a loved one has placed my name on the prayer roll. I have been given direction. Some of the most touching and sweet spiritual witnesses have come to me while doing sealings. Knowing that with the vicarious temple ordinances and through keeping the commandments all of our Heavenly Fathers children will be joined together and with our work, those who would have accepted the Gospel should they had the chance can and do have the ordinances of salvation performed for them by those who attend the temple.
To attend the temple more, what will it take, what can we exchange our time for. We have a choice of Bad, Good, Better and Best? We all need a balance in our lives. I have given up activities which I determined did not benefit my spiritual life. I would ask myself at the end of an activity, “how was my life benefited by that activity” I came to realize that I was not benefited by most of the entertainment that I was involved in. I stopped or reduced those and spent my time in activities which benefited myself and my family. One of which was attending the temple more often.
I am in awe of our youth. Not only are they now allowed to be in and participate in Temple ordinances and they are there. We have faithful youth who now participate in Baptisms for our ancestors. One of my Granddaughters is 11 and has been to the temple several times. I have been able to participate with her by baptizing her. I know of many young women who frequent happily serve in the temple. There are many young men who are worthy to have been ordained to a Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood who perform those baptisms. Other young men now hold the Melchizedek Priesthood participate in the higher ordinances in the temple. I have great confidence in our youth for being so involved in the temple and the work of Salvation of our ancestors. This is truly marvelous.
I attended the temple this week with this talk subject in mind and was able to talk to President Wagner the President of the Phoenix Temple. I told him of this talk and asked him what to him meant Standing in Holy Places. President Wagner quickly responded. “We are in the presence of God” Brothers and Sisters in the temple not only are we standing in Holy Places but we are also standing in the Presence of God.
God’s will, is that we his children receive all He has. God has a plan for us to have all he has. It is our choice to make. I am happy to see that God has provided a way for all that believe in Him and desire to do His will can stand in Holy Places.
By prayer, scriptures study, living the gospel, and by obedience, we can all stand in the temple and perform the work for ourselves and our kindred dead. We can live in the world and reject the world and accept Eternal Life.

Bear my testimony

Not so highlights

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