Saturday, September 21, 2019

Week of September 15 - 21, 2019


We had a wonderful Sacrament Meeting at church and enjoyed another missionary speaking as he departs for his full-time mission: this one to Peru. Dad spent the afternoon making phone calls for an upcoming stake meeting to verify plans to attend and I enjoyed a good choir practice and some new Christmas music.

Dad attended a session at the temple on Tuesday evening.

Scouts was a fiasco as usual. It is just so difficult working with our special needs scout. He was laying on the other boy in attendance...and his dad was just out in the hallway. We did get to complete the paper airplanes and they had fun shooting them in the airplane shooter dad made me years ago. Dad's first meeting as a member of the Stake Sunday School presidency went well. They received counsel from a member of the stake presidency and then did a training with ward Sunday School leadership.

I continue to listen to a General Conference talk and read the Book of Mormon every day.

I have indexed 17364 and reviewed 43233 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is doing well and is busy with work and school.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan stopped by to visit us on Tuesday evening after a very brief business trip to Phoenix. Nathan and family ended up coming by and it was great for all to see him.

Dad headed out to Georgia early Friday morning to visit for a few days.

They went fishing on Saturday and then had dinner with Aimee and Emileigh.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber's new house is well under way.

Morgan and Aimee are doing well and enjoying Emileigh being able to visit on Fall break.
Some pics from Saturday's dinner

Kayty had a good work week. She recently took her car for oil change and maintenance.

One minor save this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
I was able to visit on Tuesday while Jessica and Emma went to an appointment. We had such fun playing with toys, reading books, and then playing a great game of Hide and Seek. They came by to visit with Ethan as they borrowed some icing tips for Anna's birthday cake.

 Happy 4th Birthday to Anna on Wednesday. Nathan took off work and they went to the zoo and then family and a friend came to celebrate her birthday later that night.
 Nathan created an awesome birthday cake with a wishing tree on top.

Dad's Garden
Dad used the rest of his chicken manure and got one garden bed prepared on Monday evening. 

Other highlights
Monday was spent putting curtains up in the playroom while doing my regular chores.

I spent Monday evening deconstructing the climbing area of the playground. The wood is rotted and I am so glad no one got hurt before. Got the wood hauled to the pile on Tuesday evening.

Thursday morning, I took Nano to the pharmacy, shopping for toiletries, to the bank and to drive by her old house. 

Saturday morning I walked briefly and actually felt chilled! Cooler weather is finally on the way. 

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