We attended a wonderful session of Stake Conference. Every single talk was so uplifting and had such meaning. I especially learned much from the talks given by President and Sister Watkins of the Phoenix Temple. They are so familiar as we see them as we enter a temple session (or a member of the Presidency). What blessings we receive from serving in the temple. What a blessing it is to have near our home.
I attended a wonderful Endowment session at the temple on Tuesday morning. Dad performed endowment ordinances on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
I held my final Wolf Den meeting on Wednesday. Dad had to help again since the leader from the other ward was ill. We accomplished most of an adventure for Landon and then we celebrated with these.
I came home and started tossing every single thing I had saved over the four years. It was a LOT of stuff!! I was kind of sad that my ward's boys were so pooly behaving that we couldn't do many of the extra things this year, but it is what it is. Two more pack meetings and I am done.
I completed my sixth time through the General Conference talks on Thursday morning. I am so thankful I began this little morning habit. I have been touched so many times by messages at the perfect time. I also read my Book of Mormon every day.
I have indexed 18013 records and reviewed 47647 records so far this year.
I attended a wonderful Endowment session at the temple on Tuesday morning. Dad performed endowment ordinances on Wednesday and Thursday nights.
I held my final Wolf Den meeting on Wednesday. Dad had to help again since the leader from the other ward was ill. We accomplished most of an adventure for Landon and then we celebrated with these.
I came home and started tossing every single thing I had saved over the four years. It was a LOT of stuff!! I was kind of sad that my ward's boys were so pooly behaving that we couldn't do many of the extra things this year, but it is what it is. Two more pack meetings and I am done.
I completed my sixth time through the General Conference talks on Thursday morning. I am so thankful I began this little morning habit. I have been touched so many times by messages at the perfect time. I also read my Book of Mormon every day.
I have indexed 18013 records and reviewed 47647 records so far this year.
The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins Family is very busy and doing well.
The Ethan Rice Family
The Doran Rice Family
Doran, Amber, Kelsie, and Kooper are surviving trailer life. Kids are doing well and began Fall Break on Friday. Doran helped get the climbing part of the playground taken down on Saturday night.
Two mild lows this week.
The Nathan Rice Family
Sickness hit Nathan and Jessica's house this week. It began with stomach troubles for Nathan and Jessica and then fevers and coughs hit Anna and Ellie. So far, Emma is untouched.
Dad's Garden
Snow peas were planted this week.
Other highlights
My inmate sister, Jessica, was abruptly and without notice moved to another prison in another state. That means that I am the only one here she can contact. After weeks of waiting, she contacted me.
I sent her a letter last week and this week, mostly based on a scripture since that is all she is able to do. She is supposed to be released to a halfway house in late November. I hope she stays strong and makes it to that time.
I sent her a letter last week and this week, mostly based on a scripture since that is all she is able to do. She is supposed to be released to a halfway house in late November. I hope she stays strong and makes it to that time.
Monday morning jog was clear and cool. The stars were beautiful! Dad started his last week as a Supplier Development Engineer, which meant turning over all his files on Monday, and getting information early Tuesday morning while at home about approvals and training.
Monday ended up including a crazy morning with problems with Nano causing her caregiver to call as well as difficulties with my cub scout den. My co-leader from the other ward is also ill so Dad and I will take over this week. I informed the other ward primary leader of the end of our den meetings and gave information about Landon, a sweet scout from their ward. Piano tuner also came.
I almost grabbed a hoodie on Tuesday morning when I left to jog. It was cooler than it had been in so long!
Halloween decorations went up this week. While Dad talked to Kaylee and Wade via FaceTime, they got to see a few things. Wade was not so sure about my thistle spiders.
On Wednesday, I got my work done, headed to the grocery store, and then went to Nano's to pay her monthly fees and visit. While there, Brother Robert Turley came and told us that things had changed significantly at the temple just earlier that morning. He performs sealing ordinances and said the new policy will make the work so much easier.
Dear Brothers and
Witnessing Ordinances
Early in this dispensation, the Lord instructed that "in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" (Doctrine and Covenants 6:28). Consistent with this direction, members of the Church serve as witnesses when sacred ordinances of salvation and exaltation are performed.
We are pleased to announce procedural adjustments for the two individuals who serve as witnesses to baptisms and sealing ordinances. These adjustments are effective immediately in all temples and in all Church units. As invited by presiding authorities:
Witnessing Ordinances
Early in this dispensation, the Lord instructed that "in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" (Doctrine and Covenants 6:28). Consistent with this direction, members of the Church serve as witnesses when sacred ordinances of salvation and exaltation are performed.
We are pleased to announce procedural adjustments for the two individuals who serve as witnesses to baptisms and sealing ordinances. These adjustments are effective immediately in all temples and in all Church units. As invited by presiding authorities:
- Any
member holding a current temple recommend, including a limited-use
recommend, may serve as a witness to a proxy baptism.
- Any
endowed member with a current temple recommend may serve as a witness to a
living or proxy sealing.
- Any
baptized member of the Church, including children and youth, may serve as
a witness to the baptism of a living person.
We trust that you, as individuals and families, will
find great joy in your service as you help provide saving ordinances to
Heavenly Father's children.
Saw a cool Halloween house when I was walking in the evening. So fun!
Dad cleaned out his stuff at work on Friday. He received a call from his new boss and he will meet him on Monday. This is such a different circumstance from what has been happening all this year. Even this last week, his now-former boss had to mock and belittle him. So glad for the blessing of a new position and adventure.
October 2019 General Conference brought more changes. We so enjoyed and learned from the morning and afternoon talks.
Saturday evening, Jessica, Amber, Kelsie and I went to church to listen to the Women's Session of General Conference together. It was a wonderful session with so many great talks. The new young women's theme was introduced and the new Young Women's program was further explained.

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