Monday, November 25, 2019

Week of November 17 - 23, 2019


We had a good Sunday. Church was wonderful and we were blessed to hear great talks and have great lessons. The choir sang during the meeting and it went well.

Dad attended sessions at the temple on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I was able to attend with Dad on Friday and perform sealing ordinances. It was a special time for me, as I was able to sit as a witness of sealings performed.

I continue to read my Book of Mormon and listen to General Conference talks daily.

I have indexed 20677 records and reviewed 59388 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Another very busy week for the Wilkins family. The temple reopened and now Allison keeps that most sacred building taken care of while people use it. She shared about the alterations made as they prepare for the St. George Temple (the busiest in the whole church) to close for repairs and upgrades.
They are holding their own. Adam is doing well. Grace now sports red and green rubber bands on her braces and continues to work on her Young Womanhood Recognition Award. She also was able to check out Adam's school as a shadow student and she absolutely loved it!  She earned second place in her class spelling bee. Josh was placed in the school gifted program and also won his class spelling bee. Sam just loves school and is reading and writing skills are flourishing. He loves to draw and write all the time. Their poor little cat, Elle, has had a recent tail injury, but, in true tough cat fashion, she chewed off the wounded part and is doing well. They now refer to her as "Stumpy". They had a great moment when, on the first day the temple reopened, their youth went to the temple to perform baptismal ordinances. Grace was able to be a witness and Adam was able to perform the baptismal ordinance.

The Ethan Rice Family
Kaylee had a great school week. Here's what happened on Thursday
"We are so proud of this girl right here. All of the first graders at Kaylee’s school are enrolled in the Accelerated Reader Program. They have until 12/13 to reach the set goal, and Kaylee has officially crushed this goal as of today. Her reading has improved so much this school year. She used to dislike reading, and now she reads a book a day with no problem. We love seeing her growth and watching her succeed. Reach for the stars baby girl. Mommy & Daddy love you."

They left Friday night and drove 27 hours straight to arrive here in Phoenix. They came by late Saturday night for a visit and a test of the swingset.

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber finally have all their belongings on their property, and now comes the difficult task of putting it all away. Amber hurt her knee during the move, so she is hobbling a bit now. Kelsie and Kooper love their new home.

Morgan arrived Friday night and is helping Doran and Amber get things settled. The next step is to get a job.

Kayty had a good week and made lots of cookies to take for her party at work.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and the girls stopped by on Sunday evening and were able to test out the swingset for us. They seemed to like it.

They had a good week, though Jessica and Ellie struggled with a bit of a cold. Nathan was off Friday as well as all of Thanksgiving Week, so he already has many plans in store, including car repairs that were successfully completed on Saturday. 

Dad's Garden
Four Inches of rain throughout the week has really perked up the garden and all the plants and trees in the yard. He harvested his date crop and is enjoying that now. Key limes are coming on, a bit at a time. 

Other highlights
We worked on the swingset all week. It has now got everything we ordered, plus wet sand! What a treat!

Rainbow was a beautiful blessing after four inches of rain. 

Nano's last doctor's appointment for a few months went okay. It was pouring rain and so driving to her house was difficult due to flooding of streets. She didn't do well at the neurologist, but it was to be expected due to her disease progression. It was another four hours from leaving my house to arrive back, but all were safe and that's what was important.

Dad has completed his training as a Field Quality Engineer and will be assigned suppliers on Monday.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Week of November 10 - 16, 2019


We attended the Children's Primary Program in Campo Bello Ward and watched Annalee speak and sing. She did so well singing and knew every word to the songs! We totally enjoyed being with Nathan, Jessica, and the girls and soaked up hugs and kisses and "I love you, Grammy" from Ellie and smiles from Emma! I attended a wonderful choir practice. It was not easy, but I love working hard on something.

Dad attended a session at the temple on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

I continue daily listening to a General Conference talk and reading the Book of Mormon.

I have indexed 20,312 records and reviewed 57,596 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
Grace was presented with her Young Womanhood Recognition award and necklace. She did a great job and was very happy. Josh is doing well...only a hint of sickness. Adam was having a few lung issues that might need some medical assistance. Sam was sick all of last week. He missed every day of school with stomach and intestinal troubles, fever, aches, and the whole mess. Allison his working over 50 hours a week. Mike is still searching for work but we all know it will work out.

Happy Birthday, Allison, on Tuesday! We hope you had a very special day!!

The Ethan Rice Family
We spoke with them on Sunday night. They are doing well. Kaylee has another loose tooth. She was readying for school on Monday. Wade earned a new yellow "slug bug" car, which he named Bumblebee...all because he went poopoo! They had a good week and Wade has already begun packing 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber finally signed the papers on their new home Tuesday morning and then spent the rest of the week moving in. They LOVE their new home and keep remarking how big it is...especially compared to their former trailer life.

Morgan is doing well and preparing for a move to Phoenix.

Kayty had a good week at work and spent a ton of time making sugar cookies. She plans on selling them so has them baked all ready to freeze and decorate later. 

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica, Anna, Ellie, and Emma had a good week. Work for Nathan is going well and Jessica is amazing at pre-schooling the girls. They had the idea for a big yard sale to benefit Allison and Mike, organized, made signs and held it at their house. It was a very good and kind idea and they did a lot of work. 

Other highlights
I forgot to share last week that I had good teeth cleaning and dental checkup.

I ground and packaged nearly 15 pounds of chicken breast early Monday morning. 

Thanksgiving preparations are underway and I am keeping up with my daily goals.

I saw something amazing on Saturday morning. I was out on my jog and had read about the Leonid Meteor Shower occurring during this time of year. When I ran by one house that I knew was vacant and for sale, I heard numerous noises, and thus determined I was not going to run back by that house, so I took a bit different route. All of a sudden, in the clouds, was a huge green glowing object slowly streaking across the sky. I watched in awe as it went across until it disappeared. I was so thankful for such a beautiful sight on my morning run. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week of November 3 - 9, 2019


We enjoyed a very uplifting fast and testimony meeting at church. It was difficult to get a chair in Sunday school so we ended up going home and studying earlier than normal. I attended choir practice.

I did some Initiatory Work at the temple on Tuesday morning. Dad attended the temple with Kelsie and her ward youth and assisted in baptisms on Tuesday night. He ended up getting very ill during the evening and I ended up getting Kelsie home after ice cream. His illness lasted all week so no temple attendance for him.

I completed reading the October General Conference talks and continue to read the Book of Mormon daily. I also listen to at least one General Conference talk every morning.

I have indexed 20113 records and reviewed 55858 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is surviving as Mike seeks a new career and he and Allison work hard to keep the family afloat. Sam become ill this week and needed so extra loving.

Allison shared this on Friday:
"Almost 13 years ago, I sat in a car entertaining a little Adam and a baby Grace while Mike went on job interviews in Las Vegas because we felt like it was where Heavenly Father wanted us to be.

Today, I sat in our car entertaining a sick Sam while Mike was at a job interview because our other car is broken (of course) and I have got to pick up my other kiddos soon.

13 years ago, I was filled with worry and stress and fear. And this time I have peace. Because the last time this happened, it brought me to this city where I have met the greatest people and grew so much and laughed and cried and made the best memories. And I am so thankful.

Unemployment is stinking hard. But with these guys and Heavenly Father, it will be okay."

The Ethan Rice Family
This family had a good week. Kaylee spent some time making up her Christmas list from a catalog that arrived. Oh what memories when I was a kid and we would fight over the Sears Toy Catalog!

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber spent the week walking through their new home to note any repairs needed...which were MANY. They also had to work out a ton of financing stuff which could have been done a long time ago. Oh those bankers!!!! Hopeful to move in next week. Kelsie enjoyed her time at the temple Tuesday and getting ice cream with friends in her ward.

We saw Morgan as we spoke with Ethan on Wednesday evening. He is doing well. Wade has been putting him in "jail" a lot, but Morgan always escapes.

Kayty had a good work week. Normally, one can pay a dollar and wear jeans on Monday or Friday. In November, she can pay $16 and get to wear jeans every day, plus December is jeans month. She is beyond excited.

The Nathan Rice Family
Nathan, Jessica and family had a good week and took time for some camping and fishing on the weekend. 

Dad's Garden
He is now focused on catching and relocating rabbits, who eat everything including seedlings, plants, citrus leaves, and dates on the tree. 

Other highlights
On my Wednesday Trash Can Out Jog, there was thunder and lightning...and once I got home a little rain. Quite a very nice surprise!

Took Nano for lab work early Thursday morning. Dad had repaired her "traveling" walker so she was very happy about that. Sharynn was on the phone with me Friday, figuring out a better insurance situation for Nano next year. 

My Bulk Trash haul out:
Yes, all the wood from the playground tear down plus an ocotillo cactus, plus rakings from the front yard.

Not so highlights
Dad's stomach/intestinal virus lasted Tuesday night,  all of Wednesday and Thursday and most of Friday. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Week of October 27 - November 2, 2019


We had a good Sunday. We enjoyed a very spiritual and wonderful talk by Andrew Sheppard, who is leaving for the Alabama Birmingham Mission early in November.

Dad attended a session at the temple on Wednesday night.

I completed my first time through listening to General Conference talks and began again. My Book of Mormon reading continues every morning and I am still reading General Conference talks.

I have indexed 19841  records and reviewed 54246 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
The Wilkins family is strong and is enduring this present job challenge with faith. Mike has applied for many jobs and will works nights for Amazon loading and then job hunt during the day.  Allison continues to work both for Caption Call and at the temple. They have made great strides to live with the budget they have set and are doing well. The kids are busy at school and doing well.

The Ethan Rice Family
Pictures from their fun week and weekend of Halloween Activities including County and School Fall Festivals and church Trunk or Treat.

Kaylee got to dress in costume for Monday's dancing lessons.

It was Red Ribbon Week at school. On Tuesday, the theme was: "We Are Too Smart To Start"
She got to wear pajamas on Friday.

On Saturday, they attended a birthday party for their friend, Mason. 

The Doran Rice Family
The week started with sickness for Kelsie this time. Doran had to take time off work without pay, so he came and helped on the stone walkway between the lawn and tetherball here. He also had to work on things at the trailer.

They had a great time trick or treating in Arrowhead Lakes on Thursday evening.

Doran and Kooper came by on Friday and ended up helping Dad fix the jeep. So thankful they were here to transport to the auto parts store. Yard sales on Saturday helped them get a couch, love seat and chair. Next week is moving prep.

Morgan is doing well and enjoying spending time with Ethan and family.

Kayty had a good work week and celebrated Halloween as Rapunzel.

and one with the tiara she had forgotten

The Nathan Rice Family
This family had a good week. We tagged along for their trick or treating.

Emma is getting bigger and bigger...and cuter and cuter!

Dad's Garden
Rabbits ravaged the snow peas. Dad replanted and is now hunting.

Other highlights
Dad is working hard training for his new position as a Field Quality Engineer. He has studied for hours and hours and passed one test this week. He also went into the field with two other FQE's and got some experience.

Trailer, after two weeks of unsuccessful searches and people selling the wrong things to Doran and Dad, the trailer is repaired and the new wheel works.

Dad started working on the rock path. He wanted to facilitate my wheelbarrow passage from my hut to the house, but without it being complete, I cannot get my wheelbarrow to the house, so I have to individually haul tubs back and forth. We collected more rocks and dad put them in on Saturday.

Took down Halloween decor on Thursday and put up Thanksgiving on Friday.

I also started Christmas in the living room by cleaning and then putting up nativities. 

Mom began her string of weekly doctor appointments, this week it was the cardiologist. She is doing well, but I was gone nearly four hours by the time I returned home.

I made dinner in a pumpkin...without the pumpkin...for dinner on Halloween.