Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week of January 19 - 25, 2020


Sunday was great. Sacrament Meeting talks were shared by John and Wendy Berghian, who spoke about the prison ministry, addiction recovery, and temple service. Dad attended the teacher development training as part of his stake Sunday school calling and I enjoyed our lesson on Come Follow Me in Sunday School class.

Dad attended the temple to perform ordinances on Wednesday and Thursday evenings and I went Thursday morning. I am blessed with inspiration and comfort as I serve my family there.

I continue studying the Book of Mormon daily with the Come Follow Me lessons and personal reading and listening to other included talks and General Conference talks.


The Wilkins Family
I spoke via Marco Polo on Sunday with Allison, Adam, Grace, Josh, and Sam. Sam is doing very well and had a great birthday! He loved being able to each cafeteria lunch with Mom and Dad. He loved his birthday gifts and had an awesome Reese's Birthday cake that Allison created. Josh is doing well and loves school and being able to participate in PE class. Grace auditioned on Saturday, January 25th for LVA and hopes to be accepted for high school.

 She is doing very well. Adam is looking great and is still working at school plus keeping up with classes. They went on a hike to Red Rock on Monday for the day off school and had a good time.

The Ethan Rice Family
We spoke with Ethan via Facetime on Sunday. They are doing well and Kaylee had attended an LOL Birthday party that day and came home with lots of great treats. Wade was zonked unusual occurrence...from a very long and fun day. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran and Amber had a good and busy week. Kelsie was busy with a school project on Saturday and Doran may have found Dad some bees to get. He will check again on Monday.

No news from Morgan this week.

No work Monday for Kayty and then overtime Tuesday through Friday. A quiet weekend at home taking care of her pets.

One major low this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
No news from Nathan and family this week. 

Dad's Garden
Warmer weather brings more growth. Tomato plants are looking awesome. Citrus are still plentiful. Spinach is booming. Snow peas are near putting on peas and are covered with blossoms. Dad spends time daily getting weeds around the yard. Saturday, we both spent time getting more dead leaves with the blower and then the rake. 

Other highlights
Mom's antibiotic for an infection is causing the teary eyes (Sharynn looked up the meds to let me know what was going on). Scott and Jenny took her out to lunch on Sunday and she had a good time. We just spend lots of time on the phone with her calming and consoling her until her infection is gone. Elizabeth and I had a long conversation on Tuesday morning about mom's hallucinations, paranoia, and depression and had called the doctor to come and visit and they were visiting later that week. She seemed better each day after that and made an appointment on Saturday for me to come and take her for a haircut next Wednesday morning. 

A surprise rain on Tuesday and fog on Wednesday morning made for a great weather week.

Dad finished his final assignment (though it was dumped on him rather than being his actual assignment) for his former supervisor. He assessed, completed the report, and sent it off. The assignment actually was given by a supervisor that wanted to just get back at him for leaving the department, but he was blessed to get things done right. He is so very, very thankful for his new position and the work he does and the people he works with. 

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