Saturday, February 1, 2020

Week of January 26 - February 1, 2020


Sunday was Ward Conference and we were blessed to be taught by our bishop, our stake president, and our stake relief society president in talks for both Sacrament Meeting and in a joint adult meeting. I learned so much as we went through the scriptures, and had answers to concerns I had previously had. We were given counsel to attend the temple weekly and to set aside a day and time especially if we desire to serve as temple workers someday. Dad and I had discussed this earlier and this alleviated my fears and gave me a goal to work toward. So Tuesday morning is temple day.

I did attend an endowment session in the temple on Tuesday morning and Dad attended Wednesday and Thursday nights.

I continue reading the Book of Mormon daily through both Come Follow Me daily study and then when that is complete I read where I left off last year. I also continue to listen to a General Conference Talk daily, plus I completed my February Ensign magazine reading.

I have indexed 1764 records and reviewed 14358 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
No news from this family this week.

The Ethan Rice Family
We spoke to Ethan on FaceTime Sunday night. He has been working on bunk beds he is making and is doing a great job. They look wonderful! He got the pattern and instructions off Anna White. com. Lower bunk will be full size and upper will be single. 

The Doran Rice Family
Doran located a possible retrieval and Dad and a more experienced bee hobbyist went to attempt retrieval. It ended up that there was no queen bee, though the 200 or so bees were trying to make a queen, and she ended up suffering a traumatic crushing injury, so the bees are here in Dad's friend's hives. Doran is enjoying work and is doing well. Dad was going to stop by for a brief visit but Amber was ill so he came on home.

Morgan spoke with Dad on Monday night while helping hang a ceiling fan at Doran's. He is doing well and getting plenty of work. He spent time Wednesday evening working with Kooper on some homework.

Kayty was back to regular work hours this week, and then was blessed with overtime on Saturday morning. She went to see the Chicago Blackhawks play hockey on Saturday night and had a great time. 

The Nathan Rice Family
No news from this family this week. 

Dad's Garden
I picked the first snow peas this week. Dad and I continue to weed the volunteer carrots. Citrus is still plentiful. Tomato plants are doing well by my hut. Others are struggling a bit but if they make it through the cold of next week, they should be able to endure.

Family History
Dad spoke with his cousin, Harry Rhodes. He said that we were related to the Hatfield and McCoy’s.

Anna Eliza Morgan who is my great grandmother's aunt married Ephraim Hatfield. The head of the Hatfield Family

I also found out from Harry that the Rhodes left Nauvoo and went to California then to Utah where Brigham Young sent him to make friends with the Indians. They told him of a gold mine that was just filled with gold. Legend has he rode into SLC with stuffed saddlebags which gold nuggets fell out of.

Other highlights
I am enjoying the one final Christmas tree in the neighborhood still up and lit. They have it boldly in their front window and it is absolutely a joy!

I got my new planner prepped and ready for use. I had ordered it and it finally came last week. With the talk from our stake president on Sunday, I have dedicated Tuesday as Temple Tuesday. I was ready and there on time and enjoyed the dedicated time.

I visited Nano on Wednesday, payed her monthly fees and took her to get her hair trimmed, and then to the bank and by her old house. I sat and visited with her and her friends who live with her, Zelda Turley and Dorothy Bennett, and then headed grocery shopping and home.

One of my goals was to update photos around the house. My first tackle was the big collage pic in the laundry/sewing room. It was a ton of work the last time I did it, which was right after Wade was born. Different size pics, group pics, etc make it really a challenge and I had quite a paper (that I found recently) to keep it equal to everyone. As I looked at my pics, I realized I did not have sufficient good pics of everyone individually or as a group (hence the lack of a Christmas card this year), so I just took it all down and put all that I had in a special box in my closet. I got some curtains that keep the heat and cold out and it looks good. I still need to try to update pics in the hall and living room and that will be a good task to look forward to.

With a new year also came from the younger generation that I need to take time for self-care. That was not something I even thought about or had time for, but I have learned from younger women that self-care is important and strengthening, so I started Self Care Thursday and will put any projects I want to try out on that day. This week, self-care included a trip to Hobby Lobby.

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