Saturday, March 7, 2020

Week of March 1 - 7, 2020


Today was the first Fast and Testimony Meeting with brethren and sisters of all ages pre selected prayerfully by the bishopric and asked to bear testimony. It was such a spiritual meeting. We heard from children, youth, a new father, parents of a newly baptized daughter recently sealed in the temple, and other members that we rarely hear from. What a spiritual meeting it was, and when time ran out, the four remaining will be the first ones at our next testimony meeting. Sunday School was a great lesson. I was also able to sit by and visit with one sister I minister to, and help another sister I minister to set up her primary room before church. Choir practice was great as we have so many who have moved into the ward with amazing singing voices. Choir is full and fun.

I attended a temple session Tuesday morning and Dad attended on Wednesday night.

I completed listening to General Conference talks in the morning for the sixth time and began my seventh. I did my Come Follow Me studies as well as other Book of Mormon reading after my jogs every day this week.

I have indexed 4070 records and reviewed 24713 records so far this year.


The Wilkins Family
On Facebook, Allison shared

"Because I am so super on top of things lately, we are (finally) organizing LAST school year's stuff. I keep everything in a box in my closet. At the end of the year, we file the stuff they want to keep in their own file box and throw away the rest. They only get one file box each, so they have to really only keep what they want. Big projects can have a pic taken of them.
It is so fun to look over it all and reminisce (without the clutter). And I keep a box, too, for the cuteness they give me."

No other news from this family this week.

The Ethan Rice Family
Ethan, Cameo, Kaylee and Wade completed the wonderful new beds for the kids. Wade had already slept in his and Kaylee was looking forward to comfy nights in her room. 

Kaylee's school celebrated Read Across America Week with some special dress up days.

Their regular first Saturday activity at Home Depot was canceled due to the Corona Virus scare, but they could pick up the kit. They ended up working hard and planting their garden. We had a great FaceTime call Saturday evening.

The Doran Rice Family
Monday was a new school first day for Kelsie and Kooper. Amber and Doran had concerns it would go well. Amber texted Kelsie and received this news.

They came by for a visit and to eat some spaghetti on Friday night.

School went so well. Kelsie eats lunch with friends from the ward and even enjoyed a field trip. Kooper's week was good and he seemed to like riding the bus. Amber has already been contacted about his IEP so he is ready to make some progress. Doran did a ton of driving for work this week, including drives to Safford and Flagstaff. They spent Saturday getting more landscaping done for their house, including planting a lilac tree.

No news from Morgan this week.

Kayty had a good week at work and got a good annual review. She also enjoyed watching hockey games and baked a cake.
Two saves this week. 

The Nathan Rice Family
No news from Nathan and Jessica this week. 

Dad's Garden
Tomato plants are getting bigger. I picked a ton of snow peas. Dad got a few carrots and lots of citrus.
We need to harvest and dry the cilantro that volunteered in the garden.

Other highlights
We continue spending at least an hour every evening cleaning out Dad's shed. It is dirty work but it is looking so much better in there. Saturday was a big haul off to Deseret Industries as well as getting stuff up for sale on Craigslist. We also cleaned out some shelves in the garage, cleaned out the tent trailer, and worked for hours getting more things tossed, sorted and put on the correct shelves.

We had a bit of rain on Monday, which was nice, though rain means more weeds. Dad and I spend so much time weeding!

Tuesday we went out to New River and get another barrel cactus. This time I had a charged phone with me. Dad planted it on Wednesday. We got another one on Thursday. Dad is creating a more desert landscaped area on the West side yard now that the car parts are gone.

Nano has been having some really rough times the past few weeks. She is hallucinating and calls me full of anger that Scott did not come (no arrangements were ever even discussed) or that someone stole money (all is safe in the bank). The doctor was able to come on Wednesday and I went down Thursday to visit, to take her to pick up her new meds and to visit with her and the other ladies there. It was so difficult to try to explain to her. It was a very very difficult week. Scott was a superhero and visited her as well, and Sharynn helped me with her medical and mental issues.

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